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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
11u Prime 27:17 National
15 Chaseton Brown 7 3 Bandits Baseball 11u 2/17/2023
7 0 Central Florida Suns - Kenny 2/18/2023
Total 14 3
7 Drake Bush 13 3 Bandits Baseball 11u 2/17/2023
10 1 Central Florida Suns - Kenny 2/18/2023
Total 23 4
27 Easton Croucher 31 6 Dme Academy 11u 2/19/2023
21 Caleb Grigsby 14 1 Bandits Baseball 11u 2/17/2023
40 6 Dme Academy 11u 2/19/2023
Total 54 7
99 Leo Guastello 39 5 Bandits Baseball 11u 2/17/2023
35 5 Central Florida Suns - Kenny 2/18/2023
Total 74 10
6 Cooper Kennedy 19 3 Bandits Baseball 11u 2/17/2023
56 8 Central Florida Suns - Kenny 2/18/2023
Total 75 11
17 Brooks Ryherd 16 2 Bandits Baseball 11u 2/17/2023
9 Lorin Sapp 22 4 Dme Academy 11u 2/19/2023
35 Benjamin Savaiinaea 12 3 Dme Academy 11u 2/19/2023
11 Mason Van Iten 11 3 Dme Academy 11u 2/19/2023
Jacoby Vanwinkle 35 10 Dme Academy 11u 2/19/2023
Bandits Baseball 11u
6 Jackson Adams 61 6 TBT Ballers North 2/18/2023
53 Dawsen Carll 0 0 TBT Ballers North 2/18/2023
30 4 Prime Baseball Lujan 2/19/2023
Total 30 4
34 Mason Corrao 58 6 11u Prime 27:17 National 2/17/2023
99 Jeremi Daniels 40 9 TBT Ballers North 2/18/2023
4 Logan Grove 27 2 Prime Baseball Lujan 2/19/2023
5 Samuel Ortmeier 54 11 11u Prime 27:17 National 2/17/2023
Central Florida Suns - Bono
13 Brody Bridges 68 18 Central Florida Suns - Kenny 2/19/2023
6 James Feliciano 72 12 Team Nuyork Elite 2/19/2023
9 Blake Heldreth 35 5 Lion Mode 11u 2/17/2023
47 5 Team Nuyork Elite 2/19/2023
Total 82 10
50 Kashton Poplin 67 12 Dme Academy 11u 2/18/2023
11 Joseph Saraniero 1 3 Team Nuyork Elite 2/19/2023
22 Jackson Swartz 80 10 Lion Mode 11u 2/17/2023
Central Florida Suns - Kenny
27 Sawyer Eppleman 71 17 Seal Team Baseball National 2/18/2023
60 Miguel Santana Gray 53 8 11u Prime 27:17 National 2/18/2023
2 Christian Katchur 29 9 11u Prime 27:17 National 2/18/2023
52 Hudson Lewis 6 2 Central Florida Suns - Bono 2/19/2023
13 Jesus Marchan 5 1 11u Prime 27:17 National 2/18/2023
9 Sergio Pagan Ledee 73 12 Central Florida Suns - Bono 2/19/2023
3 Trey Sampson 45 4 Central Florida Suns - Bono 2/19/2023
Dme Academy 11u
Liam Morrisey 17 2 Lion Mode 11u 2/18/2023
10 3 11u Prime 27:17 National 2/19/2023
Total 27 5
Andrew Panetta 5 1 Central Florida Suns - Bono 2/18/2023
Kade Slezak 73 12 Lion Mode 11u 2/18/2023
73 12 11u Prime 27:17 National 2/19/2023
Total 146 24
Kaiden Sullivan 19 3 11u Prime 27:17 National 2/19/2023
Brandon Worrall 78 10 Central Florida Suns - Bono 2/18/2023
Florida Blue Jays
6 Samuel Castro 29 9 Rostermatch 2/19/2023
24 Jason Fernandez 38 3 Prime Baseball Lujan 2/18/2023
21 Mathias Leal 22 3 Rostermatch 2/19/2023
2 Adrian Ordonez 48 8 X Team 11u 2/17/2023
12 Andres Perich 38 5 Prime Baseball Lujan 2/18/2023
9 Emmanuel Pina 34 6 Rostermatch 2/19/2023
7 Ethan Rivera 35 7 X Team 11u 2/17/2023
Lion Mode 11u
5 Riley Garcia 61 14 Dme Academy 11u 2/18/2023
23 Matthew Lopez 57 9 TBT Ballers North 2/19/2023
16 Jordan Mondragon 24 3 Dme Academy 11u 2/18/2023
41 6 TBT Ballers North 2/19/2023
Total 65 9
7 David Padron 66 15 Central Florida Suns - Bono 2/17/2023
Prime Baseball Lujan
0 Walter Coleman 14 3 X Team 11u 2/18/2023
40 3 Team Nuyork Elite 2/19/2023
Total 54 6
40 6 TBT Ballers North 2/19/2023
Total 94 12
88 Landen Davis 40 6 Team Nuyork Elite 2/19/2023
33 6 Bandits Baseball 11u 2/19/2023
Total 73 12
22 Will Galey 38 6 Team Nuyork Elite 2/19/2023
4 Gavin Lachance 27 3 X Team 11u 2/18/2023
8 1 TBT Ballers North 2/19/2023
Total 35 4
99 Trevor Lujan 41 9 Florida Blue Jays 2/18/2023
22 3 Bandits Baseball 11u 2/19/2023
Total 63 12
24 Easton Mauler 22 3 Team Nuyork Elite 2/19/2023
15 Liam Puerto 19 3 X Team 11u 2/18/2023
44 10 TBT Ballers North 2/19/2023
Total 63 13
Ramon Roa 19 3 X Team 11u 2/18/2023
19 Colby Gatzke 36 3 TBT Ballers South 2/18/2023
30 Leonardo Hernandez 68 5 TBT Ballers South 2/18/2023
17 Christian Holmes 6 3 Florida Blue Jays 2/19/2023
12 Brody Jones 42 9 Florida Blue Jays 2/19/2023
34 Zack Lent 39 3 Florida Blue Jays 2/19/2023
45 Colton Matthews 10 6 Florida Blue Jays 2/19/2023
10 Cannon McCaghren 10 0 Team Nuyork Elite 2/18/2023
99 PJ Tighe 34 3 Team Nuyork Elite 2/18/2023
1 Jacob Vargas 25 1 Team Nuyork Elite 2/18/2023
Seal Team Baseball National
93 Tucker Bennett 10 2 Central Florida Suns - Kenny 2/18/2023
14 Davis Crews 30 3 TBT Ballers North 2/18/2023
23 Easton Fowler 32 6 X Team 11u 2/19/2023
24 Jensen Godwin 33 4 Central Florida Suns - Kenny 2/18/2023
3 Landon Hermann 8 0 TBT Ballers North 2/18/2023
11 4 X Team 11u 2/19/2023
Total 19 4
16 Jimmy Howland 9 2 X Team 11u 2/19/2023
27 Mason Maple 11 2 Central Florida Suns - Kenny 2/18/2023
29 Robert Oliva 11 3 X Team 11u 2/19/2023
4 Branton Pickett 29 8 Central Florida Suns - Kenny 2/18/2023
13 Cale Smith 46 3 TBT Ballers North 2/18/2023
11 Austin Way 13 3 X Team 11u 2/19/2023
TBT Ballers North
27 Edilson Alvarez 69 11 Lion Mode 11u 2/19/2023
20 Jacob Blanco 42 6 Bandits Baseball 11u 2/18/2023
30 Jhunior Jose Cordero 69 15 Prime Baseball Lujan 2/19/2023
0 Fabian Febus 30 2 Bandits Baseball 11u 2/18/2023
23 Carlos Marrero 30 3 Seal Team Baseball National 2/18/2023
0 Juan Sarmiento 46 7 Bandits Baseball 11u 2/18/2023
0 Jace Singpradith 22 5 Seal Team Baseball National 2/18/2023
3 1 Prime Baseball Lujan 2/19/2023
Total 25 6
29 4 Lion Mode 11u 2/19/2023
Total 54 10
TBT Ballers South
0 Edvin Alvarez Jr. 11 3 Rostermatch 2/18/2023
0 Ruben Cabrera 46 7 Team Nuyork Elite 2/19/2023
0 Christian DePalo 21 5 Team Nuyork Elite 2/18/2023
0 Andy Herrera 40 6 Rostermatch 2/18/2023
0 Ernesto Orozco 66 7 Team Nuyork Elite 2/19/2023
0 Eduardo Riera 85 9 Team Nuyork Elite 2/18/2023
Team Nuyork Elite
5 Ian Ferguson 33 5 TBT Ballers South 2/18/2023
28 9 Central Florida Suns - Bono 2/19/2023
Total 61 14
1 Dylan Kass 70 9 Prime Baseball Lujan 2/19/2023
7 Ryan Lemm 22 1 TBT Ballers South 2/18/2023
49 9 Prime Baseball Lujan 2/19/2023
Total 71 10
77 Matias Pelaez 44 6 TBT Ballers South 2/18/2023
9 3 TBT Ballers South 2/19/2023
Total 53 9
44 9 Central Florida Suns - Bono 2/19/2023
Total 97 18
30 David Prince 27 6 Rostermatch 2/18/2023
11 Jesse Soberal Jr 85 12 TBT Ballers South 2/19/2023
X Team 11u
7 Andrew Chasser 57 11 Seal Team Baseball National 2/19/2023
34 Christian Feliz 34 3 Prime Baseball Lujan 2/18/2023
23 Peter Garcia 62 8 Florida Blue Jays 2/17/2023
2 Giovanni Grasso 24 2 Prime Baseball Lujan 2/18/2023
4 Benicio Hermoso 3 1 Florida Blue Jays 2/17/2023
30 9 Seal Team Baseball National 2/19/2023
Total 33 10
27 Pierce Midwall 25 2 Prime Baseball Lujan 2/18/2023
24 Cade Mitchell 41 6 Florida Blue Jays 2/17/2023
3 Sonny Morra 49 5 Prime Baseball Lujan 2/18/2023