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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
13u Bambinos
Cristian Hollaway 16 4 LBC North - Cummings 11/5/2022
Aiden Hurst 31 3 LBC North - Cummings 11/5/2022
Travis Moore 32 6 Tejas Baseball Red 11/5/2022
Colton Parker 40 8 LBC North - Cummings 11/5/2022
Jacob Rutledge 44 6 Tejas Baseball Red 11/5/2022
13u Wings Red
1 Wyatt Falcomata 37 6 Rr Vipers 11/5/2022
16 2 LBC North - Cummings 11/6/2022
Total 53 8
1 Jake Gramling 15 3 Phenom Ctx 13u 11/5/2022
5 1 Phenom Ctx 13u 11/6/2022
Total 20 4
40 Jaxon Hadlock 29 3 Phenom Ctx 13u 11/5/2022
30 4 Phenom Ctx 13u 11/6/2022
Total 59 7
2 Owen Johnson 20 2 Phenom Ctx 13u 11/5/2022
28 7 LBC North - Cummings 11/6/2022
Total 48 9
29 Asher Laiming 8 2 Phenom Ctx 13u 11/5/2022
56 Christian Marone 17 0 Rr Vipers 11/5/2022
0 3 LBC North - Cummings 11/6/2022
Total 17 3
9 Mason White 3 1 Phenom Ctx 13u 11/5/2022
49 4 Phenom Ctx 13u 11/6/2022
Total 52 5
Canes Southwest - Doyle
Jayden Flores 23 1 LBC Central Harrison 11/5/2022
37 6 Marucci Elite CTX - Nye 11/5/2022
Total 60 7
40 6 Marucci Elite CTX - Nye 11/6/2022
Total 100 13
Dominic Guzman 7 1 LBC Central Harrison 11/5/2022
31 8 Marucci Elite CTX - Nye 11/5/2022
Total 38 9
43 6 Marucci Elite CTX - Nye 11/6/2022
Total 81 15
Oziel Rostro 3 1 Marucci Elite CTX - Nye 11/5/2022
35 Richard Saldana 321 1 LBC Central Harrison 11/5/2022
Kody Wright 21 9 LBC Central Harrison 11/5/2022
Ds Tigers 13u
6 Miles Kenton 52 9 LBC North - Cummings 11/5/2022
5 Trent Krippel 69 9 THZ Baseball - Futures 11/5/2022
21 Sawyer McLeroy 17 3 LBC North - Cummings 11/5/2022
Hooks North 13u Demny
10 Gavan Brummett 32 1 THZ Baseball - Blue 11/5/2022
42 6 Canes Southwest - Doyle 11/6/2022
Total 74 7
1 Remigio Castillo 10 3 13u Wings Red 11/6/2022
0 Branson Charanza 71 15 THZ Baseball - Futures 11/6/2022
7 Blake DeShazo 43 9 Canes Southwest - Doyle 11/6/2022
35 Jack Gheen 45 12 Lbc North - Moench 11/5/2022
12 Frank Gonzales 65 9 13u Wings Red 11/6/2022
4 Gabe Hernandez 72 11 THZ Baseball - Blue 11/5/2022
LBC Central Harrison
13 James Cobb III 42 65 Canes Southwest - Doyle 11/5/2022
12 Bode Dillard 29 1 THZ Baseball - Black 11/5/2022
31 Jack Fidje 48 8 THZ Baseball - Black 11/5/2022
28 Ryan Gamblin 49 2 Canes Southwest - Doyle 11/5/2022
19 Robert Smith 4 0 Canes Southwest - Doyle 11/5/2022
7 Sam Stewart 28 3 THZ Baseball - Black 11/5/2022
LBC North - Cummings
Charlie Candelaria 18 5 LBC Central Harrison 11/6/2022
Tyler Hiserote 38 2 LBC Central Harrison 11/6/2022
Jack Jenkins 24 3 Ds Tigers 13u 11/5/2022
Bear Johnston 15 0 Ds Tigers 13u 11/5/2022
Jacob Mahan 34 6 Ds Tigers 13u 11/5/2022
Landon Patterson 53 15 13u Bambinos 11/5/2022
Gray Robison 31 2 LBC Central Harrison 11/6/2022
Lbc North - Moench
Chance Allen 42 6 Tejas Baseball Red 11/6/2022
Liam Bankhead 24 1 THZ Baseball - Black 11/6/2022
18 3 Tejas Baseball Red 11/6/2022
Total 42 4
Kipton Field 41 7 Hooks North 13u Demny 11/5/2022
18 2 THZ Baseball - Black 11/6/2022
Total 59 9
26 5 Tejas Baseball Red 11/6/2022
Total 85 14
Hayden Gembol 45 6 THZ Baseball - Blue 11/5/2022
Landon Hall 10 1 THZ Baseball - Black 11/6/2022
Max Johnson 16 3 THZ Baseball - Black 11/6/2022
Evan Mansfield 27 3 THZ Baseball - Blue 11/5/2022
20 3 Tejas Baseball Red 11/6/2022
Total 47 6
Isaiah Martinez 51 5 Hooks North 13u Demny 11/5/2022
30 5 THZ Baseball - Black 11/6/2022
Total 81 10
Jack Walchak 22 3 THZ Baseball - Blue 11/5/2022
Marucci Elite CTX - Nye
9 Brennan Holton 55 6 Tejas Baseball Navy 11/5/2022
29 Madden Huskerson 82 14 Canes Southwest - Doyle 11/5/2022
1 Charlie Villanueva 29 6 Tejas Baseball Navy 11/5/2022
Phenom Ctx 13u
2 Cullen Leenher 79 9 Tejas Baseball Navy 11/6/2022
25 Jaiden Marshall 66 9 13u Wings Red 11/5/2022
9 Emmett McCaw 29 3 13u Wings Red 11/5/2022
28 Connor O'Dea 60 6 Ds Tigers 13u 11/6/2022
21 Gavin Reyna 36 6 Ds Tigers 13u 11/6/2022
76 Rory Stewart 78 15 Rr Vipers 11/5/2022
Rr Vipers
7 Colby Johnson 63 9 13u Wings Red 11/5/2022
34 DAVID MARTINEZ 39 6 Phenom Ctx 13u 11/5/2022
23 0 13u Wings Red 11/5/2022
Total 62 6
8 Owen Quick 35 6 Phenom Ctx 13u 11/5/2022
Tejas Baseball Navy
54 Trent Johnston 33 2 Marucci Elite CTX - Nye 11/5/2022
4 Hunter McRae 45 6 Marucci Elite CTX - Nye 11/5/2022
33 Landon Sadler 42 4 THZ Baseball - Black 11/5/2022
3 Travis Vaquera JR. 54 8 THZ Baseball - Black 11/5/2022
Tejas Baseball Red
88 Zander Mauricio 72 6 THZ Baseball - Futures 11/5/2022
66 Mason Rodriguez 38 3 THZ Baseball - Futures 11/5/2022
11 Sam Scheumann 59 9 13u Bambinos 11/5/2022
THZ Baseball - Black
19 Baron Bauer 29 2 LBC Central Harrison 11/5/2022
54 12 Rr Vipers 11/6/2022
Total 83 14
7 Nathan Ferro 55 10 Tejas Baseball Navy 11/5/2022
13 Hector Garza 58 9 LBC Central Harrison 11/5/2022
1 Justin Gonzales 14 3 Rr Vipers 11/6/2022
40 Eli Lardner 14 0 Tejas Baseball Navy 11/5/2022
THZ Baseball - Blue
16 Hudson Lohman 49 9 Lbc North - Moench 11/5/2022
11 Ty Rivera 62 9 Hooks North 13u Demny 11/5/2022
1 Collier Thompson 24 1 Hooks North 13u Demny 11/5/2022
41 Connor Voth 23 6 Lbc North - Moench 11/5/2022
14 Dax Wilson 85 15 13u Bambinos 11/6/2022
THZ Baseball - Futures
24 Drew Davis 69 8 THZ Baseball - Blue 11/6/2022
42 Joaquin Gaytan 8 1 Ds Tigers 13u 11/5/2022
23 Peyton Gilbert 40 9 Tejas Baseball Red 11/5/2022
22 Caleb Leese 28 3 Tejas Baseball Red 11/5/2022
29 Trevor Meredeith 61 11 Ds Tigers 13u 11/5/2022
27 Colton Mott 39 4 THZ Baseball - Blue 11/6/2022