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We are accepting online payments ONLY. Cash and check payments will no longer be accepted. In order to pay with ACH (Bank Account), you must submit payment at LEAST two weeks prior to the start of the event. If you submit payment less than two weeks from the event, you have to pay by Credit Card and will be charged the 3.5% technology fee.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
11u Premier Baseball (Campos)
25 Vaden Chavez 10 1 Elite19 5/28/2022
20 3 Ub Braves - Pemberton 5/30/2022
Total 30 4
12 Willard "Tre" Davis III 17 0 Houston Diamond Kings 5/29/2022
68 11 Ub Braves - Pemberton 5/30/2022
Total 85 11
27 Angel Espinoza 81 14 Sf Tomahawks 5/29/2022
3 Grayson Glidewell 75 11 Houston Diamond Kings 5/29/2022
15 Levi Heiliger 36 6 Ub Braves - Pemberton 5/30/2022
34 Peyton Marcantel 72 10 Elite Rbi 5/28/2022
21 4 Sf Tomahawks 5/29/2022
Total 93 14
17 Austin Murray 55 15 Houston Diamond Kings 5/30/2022
99 Cameron Rhodenizer 43 11 Elite19 5/28/2022
6 0 Houston Diamond Kings 5/29/2022
Total 49 11
16 2 Ub Braves - Pemberton 5/30/2022
Total 65 13
2 Macsen Tiner 55 8 Elite19 5/28/2022
29 5 Ub Braves - Pemberton 5/30/2022
Total 84 13
4 3 Houston Diamond Kings 5/30/2022
Total 88 16
Backyard Ballers Black
0 Chance Allen 26 3 Sf Tomahawks 5/28/2022
1 0 Banditos Amaro 5/28/2022
Total 27 3
0 0 Banditos Amaro 5/29/2022
Total 27 3
0 0 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 5/29/2022
Total 27 3
22 Colt Fussell 24 9 Sf Tomahawks 5/28/2022
47 11 Tier 1 Green Squadron 5/29/2022
Total 71 20
7 Ariel Gonzalez 16 3 Sf Tomahawks 5/28/2022
42 4 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/30/2022
Total 58 7
Cooper Hord 51 10 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 5/29/2022
6 Drake Leon 15 3 Banditos Amaro 5/28/2022
11 3 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/30/2022
Total 26 6
10 Wyatt Spengel 23 3 Banditos Amaro 5/28/2022
20 Tyler Stamps 3 2 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 5/29/2022
24 2 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/30/2022
Total 27 4
Ethan Torres 50 4 Banditos Amaro 5/28/2022
2 Trace Williams 83 14 Banditos Amaro 5/29/2022
12 Braden Wimberly 19 6 Tier 1 Green Squadron 5/29/2022
11 4 Banditos Amaro 5/29/2022
Total 30 10
18 3 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/30/2022
Total 48 13
Banditos Amaro
2 Colt Boyd 11 3 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/29/2022
24 Bryson Burrow 29 6 Nomads Elite- Nava 5/28/2022
14 Eli Haacke 82 11 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/29/2022
44 Raymond Lyerla 34 3 Nomads Elite- Nava 5/28/2022
23 Anderson Martin 41 6 Elite19 5/29/2022
4 Chase Matranga 28 9 Backyard Ballers Black 5/28/2022
10 0 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/29/2022
Total 38 9
25 Joe O'Neil 0 0 Nomads Elite- Nava 5/28/2022
17 3 Backyard Ballers Black 5/28/2022
Total 17 3
63 18 Backyard Ballers Black 5/29/2022
Total 80 21
18 Landon Wilson 45 5 Nomads Elite- Nava 5/28/2022
42 6 Elite19 5/29/2022
Total 87 11
Banditos Baseball-LLT6
81 Steven Adame III 10 3 Piranhas Baseball 11u Tyner 5/29/2022
71 18 Elite Rbi 5/30/2022
Total 81 21
10 Major Ciers 86 15 Wildcatters - Rusk 5/29/2022
8 Connor Cook 22 3 Ub Braves - Pemberton 5/28/2022
22 3 Piranhas Baseball 11u Tyner 5/29/2022
Total 44 6
46 12 Texas Mizuno - Autrey 5/29/2022
Total 90 18
34 Cash Ericsson 34 3 Lbc Central Villarreal 5/28/2022
20 Sebastian Figueroa 46 9 Ub Braves - Pemberton 5/28/2022
27 6 Elite Rbi 5/30/2022
Total 73 15
29 Jaxon Jensen 41 9 Ktn Athletics 5/29/2022
19 Noah Mendez 10 3 Wildcatters - Rusk 5/29/2022
81 15 Nomads Elite- Nava 5/30/2022
Total 91 18
27 Quinn Neal 56 9 Lbc Central Villarreal 5/28/2022
16 3 Elite Rbi 5/30/2022
Total 72 12
28 9 Zt Elite Jacob 5/30/2022
Total 100 21
6 Cason Taylor 20 3 Zt Elite Jacob 5/30/2022
44 9 Elite Rbi 5/30/2022
Total 64 12
11 Mason West 49 9 Piranhas Baseball 11u Tyner 5/29/2022
Elite Rbi
11 Landon Adkison 14 3 Ktn Athletics 5/29/2022
21 Jayden Beck 56 18 Elite19 5/28/2022
19 Caleb Klein 8 2 Ktn Athletics 5/29/2022
36 6 Nomads Elite- Nava 5/30/2022
Total 44 8
30 6 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/30/2022
Total 74 14
29 Cole Marquardt 6 3 ZT Twins 11U 5/29/2022
63 12 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/30/2022
Total 69 15
4 Camden Marr 62 12 11u Premier Baseball (Campos) 5/28/2022
22 Amari Maxwell 44 8 ZT Twins 11U 5/29/2022
56 12 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/30/2022
Total 100 20
44 Caden Moore 19 3 ZT Twins 11U 5/29/2022
43 9 Nomads Elite- Nava 5/30/2022
Total 62 12
1 Christopher Polanco 35 7 Ktn Athletics 5/29/2022
28 6 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/30/2022
Total 63 13
16 Mateo Acosta 11 3 Elite Rbi 5/28/2022
37 6 Banditos Amaro 5/29/2022
Total 48 9
22 Brody Bravomalo 20 3 Elite Rbi 5/28/2022
37 6 11u Premier Baseball (Campos) 5/28/2022
Total 57 9
34 7 SA Kings 11u - Martinez 5/30/2022
Total 91 16
1 Ryan Colliver 7 2 Elite Rbi 5/28/2022
32 6 11u Premier Baseball (Campos) 5/28/2022
Total 39 8
47 9 SA Kings 11u - Martinez 5/30/2022
Total 86 17
23 Landon Phillips 21 1 Elite Rbi 5/28/2022
22 6 Banditos Amaro 5/29/2022
Total 43 7
29 Randy Pistokache 15 3 Elite Rbi 5/28/2022
41 2 Banditos Amaro 5/29/2022
Total 56 5
7 Cody Schroeder 8 3 Elite Rbi 5/28/2022
18 4 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 5/29/2022
Total 26 7
15 Ellis Seideman 32 6 11u Premier Baseball (Campos) 5/28/2022
61 11 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 5/29/2022
Total 93 17
3 Ayden Smith 23 3 Elite Rbi 5/28/2022
18 2 SA Kings 11u - Martinez 5/30/2022
Total 41 5
Houston Diamond Kings
13 Korbin Armor 86 19 Throwing Leather 11U 5/29/2022
31 Jovanni Avila 14 3 Sienna Knights 5/30/2022
6 Zaybryn Barrera 42 5 SA Kings 11u - Martinez 5/28/2022
58 14 11u Premier Baseball (Campos) 5/30/2022
Total 100 19
24 Baylen Garcia 29 3 Texas Mizuno - Autrey 5/28/2022
16 4 11u Premier Baseball (Campos) 5/30/2022
Total 45 7
27 Alexander Gutierrez 73 14 Sienna Knights 5/29/2022
2 Jayston Marquez 41 6 SA Kings 11u - Martinez 5/28/2022
59 15 Sienna Knights 5/30/2022
Total 100 21
13 Lucas Martinez 3 3 Texas Mizuno - Autrey 5/28/2022
30 3 11u Premier Baseball (Campos) 5/29/2022
Total 33 6
0 Leonardo Munoz 24 4 SA Kings 11u - Martinez 5/28/2022
12 1 Sienna Knights 5/29/2022
Total 36 5
0 Victor rea 46 9 Texas Mizuno - Autrey 5/28/2022
52 8 11u Premier Baseball (Campos) 5/29/2022
Total 98 17
Houston Gamblers
14 Henry Aday 35 3 Throwing Leather 11U 5/28/2022
5 Jackson Bose 68 12 Piranhas Baseball 11u Tyner 5/29/2022
3 Camren Breaux 52 9 Tier 1 Green Squadron 5/28/2022
21 Drew Davis 26 4 Zt Elite Jacob 5/29/2022
24 6 Ktn Athletics 5/29/2022
Total 50 10
22 Evan Davis 0 0 Ktn Athletics 5/29/2022
27 Eli Georgas 7 0 Throwing Leather 11U 5/28/2022
17 3 Tier 1 Green Squadron 5/28/2022
Total 24 3
10 Beau Heard 46 9 Throwing Leather 11U 5/28/2022
99 Cooper Price 19 3 Piranhas Baseball 11u Tyner 5/29/2022
Ayden Pulfer 24 6 Ktn Athletics 5/29/2022
16 Ryan Rhoads 34 6 Zt Elite Jacob 5/29/2022
7 Zane Taylor 12 3 Throwing Leather 11U 5/28/2022
18 3 Tier 1 Green Squadron 5/28/2022
Total 30 6
7 3 Piranhas Baseball 11u Tyner 5/29/2022
Total 37 9
1 Blake Vernon 81 12 Ktn Athletics 5/29/2022
Ktn Athletics
7 Reece Abbott 45 7 Sienna Knights 5/28/2022
3 Colby Adams 24 6 Texas Aces 5/28/2022
17 3 Sienna Knights 5/28/2022
Total 41 9
17 2 Elite Rbi 5/29/2022
Total 58 11
44 Dylan Chevalier 45 9 Texas Aces 5/28/2022
34 Weston Chovanec 75 18 Houston Gamblers 5/29/2022
2 Bennett Henry 19 2 Elite Rbi 5/29/2022
0 Brody Mancuso 0 0 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/29/2022
27 Cael Perkins 20 2 Elite Rbi 5/29/2022
16 Trenton Royer 14 1 Sienna Knights 5/28/2022
13 Jose Santoyo 57 6 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/29/2022
99 Kolby Spillars 30 3 Elite Rbi 5/29/2022
Lbc Central Villarreal
13 Jack Croll 35 5 Lonestar Baseball Elite 5/28/2022
16 2 SA Kings 11u - Martinez 5/29/2022
Total 51 7
0 Grayson Henry 74 15 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/29/2022
13 Daniel Masters 85 12 SA Kings 11u - Martinez 5/29/2022
3 Cruz McBride 10 2 Lonestar Baseball Elite 5/28/2022
31 1 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/28/2022
Total 41 3
7 Caden Stark 87 18 Texas Aces 5/29/2022
23 Aiden Stober 15 0 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/29/2022
10 3 Lonestar Baseball Elite 5/29/2022
Total 25 3
16 Ripken Street 11 0 Lonestar Baseball Elite 5/28/2022
68 12 Lonestar Baseball Elite 5/29/2022
Total 79 12
24 Welles Thornton 67 11 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/28/2022
12 Nathan Whyte 49 8 Lonestar Baseball Elite 5/28/2022
Lonestar Baseball Elite
18 Luke Baker 39 6 Lbc Central Villarreal 5/28/2022
12 Matthew Canales 33 5 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 5/29/2022
57 10 Lbc Central Villarreal 5/29/2022
Total 90 15
22 Taylor Dedear 14 2 Piranhas Baseball 11u Tyner 5/28/2022
31 6 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 5/29/2022
Total 45 8
1 Carson Horne 45 4 Lbc Central Villarreal 5/29/2022
2 Gavin Molnoskey 24 3 Piranhas Baseball 11u Tyner 5/28/2022
25 Elijah Truan 58 8 Lbc Central Villarreal 5/28/2022
19 2 Piranhas Baseball 11u Tyner 5/28/2022
Total 77 10
19 4 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 5/29/2022
Total 96 14
Nomads Elite- Nava
10 Daveon Elder 32 3 Elite Rbi 5/30/2022
44 Abel Figueroa 8 5 Banditos Amaro 5/28/2022
6 2 Sf Tomahawks 5/28/2022
Total 14 7
17 Jakhi Gale 70 12 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/30/2022
88 Jakob Garcia 27 4 Texas Mizuno - Autrey 5/29/2022
37 3 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/30/2022
Total 64 7
20 Leyland Henry 24 3 Banditos Amaro 5/28/2022
99 Ayden Pulfer 49 12 Piranhas Baseball 11u Tyner 5/29/2022
11 Maxim Quintanilla 24 3 Sf Tomahawks 5/28/2022
5 Jacob Ramirez 34 4 Banditos Amaro 5/28/2022
32 7 Texas Mizuno - Autrey 5/29/2022
Total 66 11
13 Jayden Ruiz 27 3 Banditos Amaro 5/28/2022
26 3 Sf Tomahawks 5/28/2022
Total 53 6
9 Bryan Zhan 34 4 Sf Tomahawks 5/28/2022
4 1 Texas Mizuno - Autrey 5/29/2022
Total 38 5
55 10 Elite Rbi 5/30/2022
Total 93 15
Piranhas Baseball 11u Tyner
0 Kaysen Click 20 5 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/29/2022
14 Bryce Collins 21 3 Zt Elite Jacob 5/28/2022
25 Brayden Gardiner 37 9 Zt Elite Jacob 5/28/2022
27 Keaton Guidry 68 15 Houston Gamblers 5/29/2022
4 Grady Kash 37 4 Nomads Elite- Nava 5/29/2022
99 Easton Littleton 33 6 Nomads Elite- Nava 5/29/2022
22 Madden Spicer 42 9 Lonestar Baseball Elite 5/28/2022
77 Talon Sweat 79 10 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/29/2022
SA Kings 11u - Martinez
27 Brittin Aguilar 81 15 Lbc Central Villarreal 5/29/2022
10 Cooper Benavides 17 3 Texas Mizuno - Autrey 5/28/2022
4 1 Tier 1 Green Squadron 5/29/2022
Total 21 4
3 2 Elite19 5/30/2022
Total 24 6
17 Carson Goettsch 43 7 Houston Diamond Kings 5/28/2022
12 BRODY LODDE 62 7 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/30/2022
35 Ambrosio Longoria 46 8 Houston Diamond Kings 5/28/2022
51 6 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/30/2022
Total 97 14
1 Jose “Kalani” Martinez 20 2 Elite19 5/30/2022
22 Norman “Trey” Murray 88 17 Tier 1 Green Squadron 5/29/2022
32 Renner Nicolau 66 12 Texas Mizuno - Autrey 5/28/2022
2 Jayson Sapp 86 12 Elite19 5/30/2022
23 Todd Schwennesen 5 0 Elite19 5/30/2022
Sf Tomahawks
10 Colby Cashiola 41 7 Nomads Elite- Nava 5/28/2022
71 Clayton Lee 42 6 Sienna Knights 5/29/2022
2 Nicholas Orellana 12 1 11u Premier Baseball (Campos) 5/29/2022
27 Eli Saenz 61 7 Backyard Ballers Black 5/28/2022
1 Jeffrey Shipwash 43 8 Backyard Ballers Black 5/28/2022
56 9 Sienna Knights 5/29/2022
Total 99 17
12 Reece Tombrella 72 15 11u Premier Baseball (Campos) 5/29/2022
5 Trent Young 40 3 Nomads Elite- Nava 5/28/2022
11 3 Sienna Knights 5/29/2022
Total 51 6
Sienna Knights
28 Justin Garcia 42 7 Houston Diamond Kings 5/30/2022
20 Mason McCadam 17 2 Wildcatters - Rusk 5/28/2022
2 Evan Metzel 20 3 Wildcatters - Rusk 5/28/2022
1 Maddox Moorman 26 3 Ktn Athletics 5/28/2022
73 18 Sf Tomahawks 5/29/2022
Total 99 21
22 Cade Rodriguez 42 4 Wildcatters - Rusk 5/28/2022
11 Timothy Skoglund 86 18 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 5/30/2022
3 Andrew Velasquez 41 7 Ktn Athletics 5/28/2022
54 8 Houston Diamond Kings 5/30/2022
Total 95 15
9 Zalen Ware 25 1 Ktn Athletics 5/28/2022
69 12 Houston Diamond Kings 5/29/2022
Total 94 13
Texas Aces
27 Dalton Jenkins 44 6 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 5/29/2022
22 Beau Jones 47 9 Wildcatters - Rusk 5/28/2022
50 Crew Lombardo 23 9 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 5/29/2022
21 Griffin Nuckolls 41 8 Wildcatters - Rusk 5/28/2022
8 Ryan Rinn 87 14 Lbc Central Villarreal 5/29/2022
1 Colt Roberson 46 8 Ktn Athletics 5/28/2022
7 Trey Woodson 22 3 Ktn Athletics 5/28/2022
Texas Mizuno - Autrey
2 Reed Breaux 23 2 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/29/2022
27 Reid Cansler 67 10 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/29/2022
3 Tayn Edgar 13 0 SA Kings 11u - Martinez 5/28/2022
55 7 Zt Elite Jacob 5/29/2022
Total 68 7
34 Luke Gomez 43 6 SA Kings 11u - Martinez 5/28/2022
29 4 Zt Elite Jacob 5/29/2022
Total 72 10
7 Yadier Madrazo 18 3 Houston Diamond Kings 5/28/2022
30 3 Nomads Elite- Nava 5/29/2022
Total 48 6
7 Vincent Mansell 34 6 Houston Diamond Kings 5/28/2022
4 Bennett Muldrow 27 9 Houston Diamond Kings 5/28/2022
27 3 Nomads Elite- Nava 5/29/2022
Total 54 12
12 Beaux West 60 9 SA Kings 11u - Martinez 5/28/2022
14 3 Nomads Elite- Nava 5/29/2022
Total 74 12
Texas Swingman 11u Cruz
36 Gilbert Alanis 22 0 ZT Twins 11U 5/28/2022
39 5 Backyard Ballers Black 5/29/2022
Total 61 5
0 0 Texas Aces 5/29/2022
Total 61 5
4 Aiden Brantley 54 6 ZT Twins 11U 5/28/2022
3 Damien Castro 11 2 ZT Twins 11U 5/28/2022
67 12 Elite19 5/29/2022
Total 78 14
30 Kaleb Diaz 25 6 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 5/28/2022
12 4 Backyard Ballers Black 5/29/2022
Total 37 10
35 7 Texas Aces 5/29/2022
Total 72 17
10 6 Lonestar Baseball Elite 5/29/2022
Total 82 23
6 Dailon Ferguson 87 14 Lonestar Baseball Elite 5/29/2022
13 Ashton Flagan 24 0 ZT Twins 11U 5/28/2022
27 1 Elite19 5/29/2022
Total 51 1
99 Joel Garcia 21 0 ZT Twins 11U 5/28/2022
5 Karter Ross 0 0 ZT Twins 11U 5/28/2022
22 1 Backyard Ballers Black 5/29/2022
Total 22 1
23 Vladimir Urbaez 36 9 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 5/28/2022
65 9 Texas Aces 5/29/2022
Total 101 18
Texas Twelve Gold (11u)
12 Cade Abril 77 16 Tier 1 Green Squadron 5/29/2022
6 Ryan Canning 82 14 Lbc Central Villarreal 5/29/2022
2 Deegan Coker 42 6 Banditos Amaro 5/29/2022
13 0 Tier 1 Green Squadron 5/29/2022
Total 55 6
23 Charlie Holamon 12 3 Tier 1 Green Squadron 5/28/2022
53 12 Banditos Amaro 5/29/2022
Total 65 15
27 Aiden Liberto 29 9 Throwing Leather 11U 5/28/2022
24 3 SA Kings 11u - Martinez 5/30/2022
Total 53 12
5 Brooks McKee 53 9 Throwing Leather 11U 5/28/2022
16 3 Lbc Central Villarreal 5/29/2022
Total 69 12
17 Rustyn Rakowitz 56 2 Tier 1 Green Squadron 5/28/2022
7 1 SA Kings 11u - Martinez 5/30/2022
Total 63 3
8 Carter Riley 31 3 Tier 1 Green Squadron 5/28/2022
28 4 Backyard Ballers Black 5/30/2022
Total 59 7
19 Tyler Sullivan 23 4 Tier 1 Green Squadron 5/28/2022
51 8 Backyard Ballers Black 5/30/2022
Total 74 12
3 Jagger Williams 46 8 SA Kings 11u - Martinez 5/30/2022
Throwing Leather 11U
18 Francisco Chavez 51 7 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/28/2022
21 3 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 5/29/2022
Total 72 10
3 Diego Gonzalez 50 5 Houston Gamblers 5/28/2022
27 Eric Hinojosa 54 9 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 5/29/2022
8 Lucas Rodriguez 38 8 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/28/2022
6 Gael Rojas 75 18 Houston Diamond Kings 5/29/2022
23 Yadier Romo 11 0 Houston Diamond Kings 5/29/2022
14 Hector Rosas 26 4 Houston Gamblers 5/28/2022
1 Klayton Vansco 28 6 Houston Gamblers 5/28/2022
22 Landon Vansco 19 2 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 5/29/2022
Tier 1 Green Squadron
23 Jacob Bremer 24 3 Houston Gamblers 5/28/2022
37 6 Backyard Ballers Black 5/29/2022
Total 61 9
42 Brayden Cunningham 52 9 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/28/2022
36 8 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/29/2022
Total 88 17
35 Jack Gamble 64 15 SA Kings 11u - Martinez 5/29/2022
13 Hunter Heaton 58 10 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/29/2022
19 Mason Manti 36 6 Texas Twelve Gold (11u) 5/28/2022
50 Oliver Paxton 47 8 Houston Gamblers 5/28/2022
56 9 Backyard Ballers Black 5/29/2022
Total 103 17
27 Wyndsor Wilkinson 30 1 Houston Gamblers 5/28/2022
Ub Braves - Pemberton
29 Maddox Fielder 28 5 Zt Elite Jacob 5/28/2022
63 12 11u Premier Baseball (Campos) 5/30/2022
Total 91 17
3 Kingston George 33 4 Zt Elite Jacob 5/28/2022
47 6 11u Premier Baseball (Campos) 5/30/2022
Total 80 10
16 George Hall 19 0 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/28/2022
50 9 11u Premier Baseball (Campos) 5/30/2022
Total 69 9
4 Tyler Hill 88 13 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 5/29/2022
77 Daniel Hong 61 7 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/28/2022
50 Braxton Pemberton 11 2 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 5/29/2022
24 1 11u Premier Baseball (Campos) 5/30/2022
Total 35 3
Usa Prime Houston - Limonta
5 James Atkinson 67 8 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 5/28/2022
11 Christian Gonzalez 3 1 ZT Twins 11U 5/28/2022
11 3 Throwing Leather 11U 5/29/2022
Total 14 4
7 Landon Kyrish 19 2 ZT Twins 11U 5/28/2022
22 Michael Leardo 41 5 ZT Twins 11U 5/28/2022
Dalyn Martin 25 3 Sienna Knights 5/30/2022
28 Isaac Paz 28 5 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 5/28/2022
5 1 Throwing Leather 11U 5/29/2022
Total 33 6
22 Cordarral Phillips 12 3 ZT Twins 11U 5/28/2022
26 2 Throwing Leather 11U 5/29/2022
Total 38 5
33 5 Sienna Knights 5/30/2022
Total 71 10
3 Diego Romero 58 11 Ub Braves - Pemberton 5/29/2022
23 Javier Sequera 50 10 Sienna Knights 5/30/2022
16 Jake Stewart 61 9 Throwing Leather 11U 5/29/2022
Wildcatters - Rusk
16 Maddox Bryant 41 5 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/29/2022
30 Jacob Cordova 15 3 Texas Aces 5/28/2022
80 13 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/29/2022
Total 95 16
28 Juan Garza 49 12 Sienna Knights 5/28/2022
4 Nicholas Mendoza 63 8 ZT Twins 11U 5/29/2022
64 Agustin Sevilla 37 6 ZT Twins 11U 5/29/2022
0 0 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/29/2022
Total 37 6
27 Jose Vera 63 15 Texas Aces 5/28/2022
Zt Elite Jacob
9 Ryder Brian 41 9 Houston Gamblers 5/29/2022
5 1 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/30/2022
Total 46 10
5 Gage Dasbach 61 7 Texas Mizuno - Autrey 5/29/2022
44 5 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/30/2022
Total 105 12
34 Logan Fabela 29 6 Piranhas Baseball 11u Tyner 5/28/2022
60 6 Banditos Baseball-LLT6 5/30/2022
Total 89 12
56 Bryson Ford 5 1 Piranhas Baseball 11u Tyner 5/28/2022
36 7 ZT Twins 11U 5/29/2022
Total 41 8
27 3 Houston Gamblers 5/29/2022
Total 68 11
4 Logan Provazek 34 3 ZT Twins 11U 5/29/2022
24 Alex Rivera 43 8 Piranhas Baseball 11u Tyner 5/28/2022
12 2 ZT Twins 11U 5/29/2022
Total 55 10
21 Carson Rocha 22 2 Ub Braves - Pemberton 5/28/2022
26 3 Texas Mizuno - Autrey 5/29/2022
Total 48 5
50 Gavin Sumter 36 6 Ub Braves - Pemberton 5/28/2022
ZT Twins 11U
12 Angel Alvarado 12 3 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 5/28/2022
1 Ayden Bingham 47 9 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 5/28/2022
13 Lucas Borges 30 2 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 5/28/2022
6 3 Zt Elite Jacob 5/29/2022
Total 36 5
9 Ian Davis 7 2 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 5/28/2022
46 6 Elite Rbi 5/29/2022
Total 53 8
31 Maddox Evans 74 12 Wildcatters - Rusk 5/29/2022
23 Antonio Gil 8 1 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 5/28/2022
41 5 Elite Rbi 5/29/2022
Total 49 6
27 Nathaniel Johnson 17 3 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 5/28/2022
52 9 Zt Elite Jacob 5/29/2022
Total 69 12
17 3 Elite Rbi 5/29/2022
Total 86 15
3 Ethan Schindler 22 3 Wildcatters - Rusk 5/29/2022
24 Jett Wilson 17 3 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 5/28/2022