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Umpire Fee $50 per game
DK $10 per game

11     9U Closed Bases

Time Limit 1:40
In the 9U Closed Bases Division runner may not lead off the base. They may not leave the base until the ball is hit or crosses the plate.Penalty: Defense has option of taking the result of play or the play is void – the runner is out and NO play, NO pitch.

In the 9U Closed Bases Division the steal of home, squeeze play or bunting or attempted/fake bunt with a runner on third (3rd) base in not permitted. Butcher Boy (batter faking a bunt then swinging at the pitch) may not be used at any time in any division. Penalty: The first time it happens in a game, the play is null and void unless the defense elects to take the result of the play, and the manager is warned. The next time it happens in the game, the runner is out, and the manager is ejected from the game.

Runners may advance on pass balls, wild pitches and on the catchers throw attempt to retire a runner. However, Runners shall not advance from third (3rd) base to home unless the runner is batted home or forced by a base on balls or hit batsman. Example – Runner steals 2nd and the catcher’s throw goes into the outfield the runner may advance to 3rd base but may not score (Must Stop at 3rd). Runners shall not advance from third (3rd) base to home on passed balls, wild pitches or dropped /missed third (3rd) strikes by the catcher. Runners may not advance on the catcher’s throw back to the pitcher. The defense has the option of taking the result of the play.

In the 9U Closed Bases Division runners may not advance once the ball is thrown to the pitcher. This includes errant throws to the pitcher. Runner may advance on pass balls and wild pitches.

In the 9U Closed Bases Division there is NO Infield Fly Rule.

In the 9U Closed Bases Division there are NO Balks. Balk is No Play/No Pitch, however, the Offense may opt to take the result of the play.

In the 9U Closed Bases Division the batter is automatically out on dropped 3rd Strikes.

In the 9U Closed Bases Division you may only use nine (9) players on defense.


The Tournament Format will be the following, depending upon the number of teams in the Division.
Two game pool play format, with qualifying teams seeded and advancing to the Bracket round.
We Reserve the right to change the Tournament format due to weather or other conditions


Please Refer to PERFECT GAME RULES – Diamond KAST will automatically Seed Teams
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Youth Age Restrictions
Perfect Game and Perfect Game Baseball Affiliate (PGBA) tournaments and events will adhere to the following Youth Grad Year and Age Restrictions for the Fall 2024- Spring/Summer 2025.

In order to change date of birth, please send documentation (photo copy of ID, birth certificate, passport) with request to eligibility@perfectgame.org.

Graduation year can be changed by authorized accounts only within 2 weeks of player creation. To change graduation year outside of this window, please send documentation (transcript from most recent academic semester) with request to eligibility@perfectgame.org.

Please note that future plans such as repeating a grade academically, preparing for a "gap" year or post graduate year following graduation does not justify changing current graduation year.

14U-18U Divisions

18U       Fall: 2025 grads or younger are eligible.
             Spring: Players born on/after May 1, 2006, or 2025 grads or younger are eligible.

17U       Players born on/after May 1, 2007, or 2026 grads or younger are eligible.

16U       Players born on/after May 1, 2008, or 2027 grads or younger are eligible.

15U       Players born on/after May 1, 2009, or 2028 grads or younger are eligible.

14U       Players born on/after May 1, 2010, or 2029 grads or younger are eligible.

13U Division
Players born on/after May 1, 2011
 are eligible.  ONLY TWO school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 7th grade who turn 14 years old before May 1st, 2024. However, those players must be born on/after January 1, 2011 to be eligible.

12U Division
Players born on/after May 1, 2012 are eligible.  ONLY TWO school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 6th grade who turn 13 years old before May 1st, 2024. However, those players must be born on/after January 1, 2012 to be eligible.

11U Division
Players born on/after May 1, 2013 are eligible.  ONLY TWO school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 5th grade who turn 12 years old before May 1st, 2024. However, those players must be born on/after January 1, 2013 to be eligible.

10U Division
Players born on/after May 1, 2014 are eligible.  ONLY TWO school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 4th grade who turn 11 years old before May 1st, 2024.  However, those players must be born on/after January 1, 2014 to be eligible.

9U Division
Players born on/after May 1, 2015 are eligible.  ONLY TWO school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 3rd grade who turn 10 years old before May 1st, 2024. However, those players must be born on/after January 1, 2015 to be eligible.

8U Division
Players born on/after May 1, 2016 are eligible.  ONLY TWO school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 2nd grade who turn 9 years old before May 1st, 2024. However, those players must be born on/after January 1, 2016 to be eligible.

7U Division
Players born on/after May 1, 2017 are eligible.  ONLY TWO school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 1st grade who turn 8 years old before May 1st, 2024. However, those players must be born on/after January 1, 2017 to be eligible.

6U Division
Players born on/after May 1, 2018 are eligible.  ONLY TWO school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in Kindergarten who turn 7 years old before May 1st, 2024. However, those players must be born on/after January 1, 2018 to be eligible.