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10U (Major) 11U (MAJOR) 12U (MAJOR) 13U (Major) (54/80) 14U (Major)
All payments need to be paid ASAP as the payment deadline is only the deadline if the tournament is not full. So if it fills before the deadline your team will be waitlisted IF NOT PAID. You are only fully in the tournament when payment is made. We cannot put any team on the schedule unless they are paid.
Game Times:

10-12u 1:40 no new

13/14u 1:45 no new
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
12u Legacy Black (Oc)
Jacob Donelson 15 2 Assault 11/9/2024
3 2 CM Sox- AK 11/9/2024
Total 18 4
Rocco Gilmore 6 3 CM Sox- AK 11/9/2024
Grant Hawkins 55 5 Downey Hustle 11/10/2024
Vincent Ibrahim 17 1 Assault 11/9/2024
Brody Kay 20 3 Assault 11/9/2024
Brody Lee 32 3 CM Sox- AK 11/9/2024
Connor Macleod 11 3 Assault 11/9/2024
Benny Morales 2 1 CM Sox- AK 11/9/2024
Magnus Seiden 29 3 CM Sox- AK 11/9/2024
Brant Shwam 19 3 Assault 11/9/2024
Zaiden Smith 21 6 CM Sox- AK 11/9/2024
8 3 Downey Hustle 11/10/2024
Total 29 9
33 Isaac Almeda 24 2 12u Legacy Black (Oc) 11/9/2024
23 Benjamin Aparicio 21 4 Tc Titans - Salsbury 11/10/2024
58 12 Canes Temecula 12u 11/10/2024
Total 79 16
45 Jordan De Marcelo 36 7 CM Sox- AK 11/9/2024
22 3 Canes Temecula 12u 11/10/2024
Total 58 10
28 1 Downey Hustle 11/10/2024
Total 86 11
35 Adrian Llamas Jr. 51 5 CM Sox- AK 11/9/2024
35 5 Tc Titans - Salsbury 11/10/2024
Total 86 10
16 4 Downey Hustle 11/10/2024
Total 102 14
16 Aidan Michel-Jasso 52 8 12u Legacy Black (Oc) 11/9/2024
46 8 Tc Titans - Salsbury 11/10/2024
Total 98 16
11 Royce Nam 13 2 12u Legacy Black (Oc) 11/9/2024
38 4 Rd2 Black 11/10/2024
Total 51 6
66 Sebastian Quezada 25 3 Canes Temecula 12u 11/10/2024
50 Jayden Serrano 23 6 CM Sox- AK 11/9/2024
45 10 Downey Hustle 11/10/2024
Total 68 16
29 6 Rd2 Black 11/10/2024
Total 97 22
Bpa White
3 Deagan Brady 33 4 Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black 11/9/2024
8 Michael Gehres 29 2 Downey Hustle 11/9/2024
24 Graeme Hamilton 16 1 Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black 11/9/2024
Tyler Johnson 23 1 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 11/10/2024
13 Braden Russell 10 1 Downey Hustle 11/9/2024
27 Brady Sargent 27 2 Downey Hustle 11/9/2024
16 Jack Smith 24 3 Downey Hustle 11/9/2024
15 Austin Wiggins 18 3 Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black 11/9/2024
49 9 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 11/10/2024
Total 67 12
23 Drake Wilson 16 3 Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black 11/9/2024
9 4 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 11/10/2024
Total 25 7
Braves Baseball Academy Gold
8 Benjamin Ezor 42 6 Tc Titans - Salsbury 11/9/2024
2 Leonardo Gonzalez 24 0 Zt Prospects Tj 12u 11/10/2024
17 2 Bpa White 11/10/2024
Total 41 2
24 Devin Moraleja 46 6 Tc Titans - Salsbury 11/9/2024
15 Leo Reyes 36 9 Zt Prospects West 11/9/2024
10 Andrew Salazar 30 1 Zt Prospects West 11/9/2024
43 6 Zt Prospects Tj 12u 11/10/2024
Total 73 7
13 Mason Wallace 73 14 Bpa White 11/10/2024
Canes Temecula 12u
24 Braedon Carattini 79 12 Rcb Elite - Humphries 11/9/2024
12 Jack Franklin 60 13 Assault 11/10/2024
18 6 Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black 11/10/2024
Total 78 19
21 Stoney Johnson 5 1 Assault 11/10/2024
8 Andrew Murillo 16 3 Rcb Elite - Humphries 11/9/2024
75 11 Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black 11/10/2024
Total 91 14
28 Luke Rodriguez 54 6 Zt Prospects Clements 11/9/2024
27 Gavin Staff 34 8 Zt Prospects Clements 11/9/2024
21 4 Assault 11/10/2024
Total 55 12
CM Sox- AK
88 Liam Chavarin 36 9 Assault 11/9/2024
10 Nick Dunham 35 9 Assault 11/9/2024
33 John Jennings 24 6 Pfa National 11/10/2024
23 Nixon Kennedy 35 5 12u Legacy Black (Oc) 11/9/2024
78 Logan O'Toole 62 13 Rcb Elite - Humphries 11/10/2024
8 Silas Oliver 38 4 Rcb Elite - Humphries 11/10/2024
2 Brandon Tu 10 4 12u Legacy Black (Oc) 11/9/2024
50 Hudson Valiente 30 9 12u Legacy Black (Oc) 11/9/2024
64 9 Pfa National 11/10/2024
Total 94 18
Downey Hustle
3 Gavin Brandon 19 3 Bpa White 11/9/2024
17 Colter Crewse 33 9 ZT Prospects 12u JC 11/9/2024
63 8 Zt Prospects West 11/10/2024
Total 96 17
2 Felix Esqueda 34 6 Bpa White 11/9/2024
7 Mateo Gonzales 68 12 Pfa National 11/10/2024
9 Noel Jaime 17 3 Pfa National 11/10/2024
1 Jayden Lopez 37 3 ZT Prospects 12u JC 11/9/2024
5 0 Zt Prospects West 11/10/2024
Total 42 3
21 9 Assault 11/10/2024
Total 63 12
99 Cruz McDonell 15 3 Zt Prospects West 11/10/2024
35 5 12u Legacy Black (Oc) 11/10/2024
Total 50 8
27 Ryan Pimentel 29 6 ZT Prospects 12u JC 11/9/2024
37 7 Zt Prospects West 11/10/2024
Total 66 13
12 Galileo Tavares 21 6 12u Legacy Black (Oc) 11/10/2024
41 10 Assault 11/10/2024
Total 62 16
Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black
11 Jakob Barnes-Aronica 24 5 Bpa White 11/9/2024
27 Decker Del Giorgio 4 1 Bpa White 11/9/2024
35 Connor Downey 65 11 Canes Temecula 12u 11/10/2024
24 Chase Hasson 13 3 ZT Prospects 12u JC 11/9/2024
21 1 Canes Temecula 12u 11/10/2024
Total 34 4
2 Jackson Menichini 14 3 Bpa White 11/9/2024
22 Will Oswald 26 3 ZT Prospects 12u JC 11/9/2024
5 Graham Pender 29 6 Bpa White 11/9/2024
14 3 Canes Temecula 12u 11/10/2024
Total 43 9
14 William Wyman 62 9 ZT Prospects 12u JC 11/9/2024
Pfa National
58 Carter Barrett 48 8 Rd2 Black 11/9/2024
0 0 Zt Prospects Tj 12u 11/9/2024
Total 48 8
50 Matthew Martinez 63 7 Downey Hustle 11/10/2024
Tucker Morrison 21 2 Rd2 Black 11/9/2024
56 12 CM Sox- AK 11/10/2024
Total 77 14
1 Bradley Phillips 53 15 Zt Prospects Tj 12u 11/9/2024
11 Cooper Solf 25 6 CM Sox- AK 11/10/2024
Easton Sousa 55 7 Downey Hustle 11/10/2024
Blain Watson 22 3 Zt Prospects Tj 12u 11/9/2024
Rcb Elite - Humphries
45 Victor Casas 63 7 Canes Temecula 12u 11/9/2024
81 Maximiliano Diaz 62 9 Zt Prospects Clements 11/9/2024
22 Bryan Fuentes 57 7 Canes Temecula 12u 11/9/2024
99 Jake Keyser 18 3 CM Sox- AK 11/10/2024
50 Ethan Mejia 13 6 Zt Prospects Clements 11/9/2024
21 Cole Morris 5 1 Canes Temecula 12u 11/9/2024
80 14 CM Sox- AK 11/10/2024
Total 85 15
Rd2 Black
Jaiden Alvarado 42 3 Assault 11/10/2024
Fox Glenn 23 3 Assault 11/10/2024
Sawyer Gutierrez 50 7 Pfa National 11/9/2024
Wyatt Harmon 44 8 Zt Prospects Tj 12u 11/9/2024
Steven Rose 21 3 Zt Prospects Tj 12u 11/9/2024
50 4 Pfa National 11/9/2024
Total 71 7
Ryder Theodore 7 3 Zt Prospects Tj 12u 11/9/2024
37 3 Assault 11/10/2024
Total 44 6
Tc Titans - Salsbury
19 Landon Hennies 20 3 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 11/9/2024
18 Kai Kusano 27 7 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 11/9/2024
48 9 Assault 11/10/2024
Total 75 16
20 Matthew Lipsky 15 3 Vault Boys 11/9/2024
8 Gunnar Phillips 7 1 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 11/9/2024
50 Ethan Ramirez 39 6 Vault Boys 11/9/2024
33 Pieran Schulte 25 1 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 11/9/2024
13 Noa Soares 32 6 Vault Boys 11/9/2024
11 Nathan Stevens 52 7 Assault 11/10/2024
Vault Boys
12 Nathan Diaz 41 6 Zt Prospects West 11/9/2024
66 Joshua Mendoza 40 5 Tc Titans - Salsbury 11/9/2024
99 Anthony Salas 64 6 Zt Prospects Clements 11/10/2024
28 Sebastian Sanchez 16 3 Zt Prospects Clements 11/10/2024
23 Luke Tavera 66 9 Zt Prospects West 11/9/2024
24 Isaiah Villaseñor 18 4 Tc Titans - Salsbury 11/9/2024
25 Dylan Wilbur 26 3 Tc Titans - Salsbury 11/9/2024
ZT Prospects 12u JC
13 Donald (DJ) Ford Jr 4 88 12 Downey Hustle 11/9/2024
9 Reese Kleist 36 9 Zt Prospects Clements 11/10/2024
Jovan Lamas 39 9 Zt Prospects Tj 12u 11/10/2024
16 Elwood Maloof 34 2 Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black 11/9/2024
5 Kevin Moran 50 9 Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black 11/9/2024
53 Matthew Negrete 29 6 Downey Hustle 11/9/2024
24 Julian Pelayo 10 4 Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black 11/9/2024
Zt Prospects Clements
Noah Carcamo 64 8 Vault Boys 11/10/2024
Jared Clinkaberry 62 9 Rcb Elite - Humphries 11/9/2024
Carlos Guerra 21 4 Canes Temecula 12u 11/9/2024
Maverik Guerrero 66 8 Canes Temecula 12u 11/9/2024
Jax Jarrard 29 3 ZT Prospects 12u JC 11/10/2024
Vincent Martinez 47 6 Rcb Elite - Humphries 11/9/2024
18 4 Vault Boys 11/10/2024
Total 65 10
Carson Tatum 46 3 ZT Prospects 12u JC 11/10/2024
Zt Prospects Tj 12u
9 Benjamin Bittner 66 8 Pfa National 11/9/2024
34 Owen Engfelt 58 9 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 11/10/2024
52 Bryant Herdina 67 7 Rd2 Black 11/9/2024
Iker Laija 33 3 Rd2 Black 11/9/2024
50 Elijah Ma 0 0 Rd2 Black 11/9/2024
5 0 ZT Prospects 12u JC 11/10/2024
Total 5 0
23 Marcus Montoya 33 3 Rd2 Black 11/9/2024
38 4 ZT Prospects 12u JC 11/10/2024
Total 71 7
10 Hudson Rodriguez 30 7 Pfa National 11/9/2024
28 1 ZT Prospects 12u JC 11/10/2024
Total 58 8
13 Landon San Nicolas 18 0 ZT Prospects 12u JC 11/10/2024
Carter Sanderson 2 0 ZT Prospects 12u JC 11/10/2024
Zt Prospects West
Noa Camacho 13 3 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 11/9/2024
Jonathan Fritz 38 6 Vault Boys 11/9/2024
Mason Gallegos 41 7 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 11/9/2024
7 Francisco Garcia 7 0 Downey Hustle 11/10/2024
Lucca Giano 61 11 Downey Hustle 11/10/2024
Aaron Kim 16 3 Vault Boys 11/9/2024
17 Blake Leal 23 4 Downey Hustle 11/10/2024
Anthony Moreno 26 1 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 11/9/2024
Joshua Ng 0 0 Vault Boys 11/9/2024
Luke Upton 41 5 Vault Boys 11/9/2024
7 1 Downey Hustle 11/10/2024
Total 48 6