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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
14U South Florida Blue Jays
Matthew Cambert 43 4 Bad News Bears Elite 8/17/2024
33 Alan Lopez 13 2 Zt Futures 8/14/2024
9 3 Bad News Bears Elite 8/17/2024
Total 22 5
1 Maximus Martinez 15 3 Miami Lakes Bandits 8/13/2024
11 0 Bad News Bears Elite 8/17/2024
Total 26 3
Benjamin Mills 26 3 Miami Lakes Bandits 8/13/2024
5 Cesar Montalvan 77 12 Bad News Bears Elite 8/17/2024
Ricardo Moros 33 3 Miami Lakes Bandits 8/13/2024
88 Adrian Rodriguez 44 8 Zt Futures 8/14/2024
Bad News Bears Elite
24 Gabriel Alvarado 80 14 14U South Florida Blue Jays 8/17/2024
13 Rodrigo Bracho-Esis 29 6 Dlc Scout 8/15/2024
26 Giovanni Diaz 32 1 Dlc Scout 8/15/2024
1 Alessandro Paspallis 16 4 14U South Florida Blue Jays 8/17/2024
20 Aljani Reyes 16 6 Dlc Scout 8/15/2024
85 17 Miami Cubs 8/18/2024
Total 101 23
Dlc Scout
0 Johan Antigua 13 1 Bad News Bears Elite 8/15/2024
23 3 Phantoms 8/16/2024
Total 36 4
0 Nash Friedman 19 2 LHB 8/17/2024
21 Christopher Reilly 55 8 Bad News Bears Elite 8/15/2024
0 Dominic Rios 38 9 Phantoms 8/16/2024
0 Manny Rivera 2 2 Bad News Bears Elite 8/15/2024
57 8 LHB 8/17/2024
Total 59 10
0 Jayden Smith 22 4 LHB 8/17/2024
22 4 LHB 8/17/2024
Total 44 8
Hollywood Heat 14U
Justin Baez 15 2 Bad News Bears Elite 8/14/2024
68 7 LHB 8/17/2024
Total 83 9
Anthony Defalle 47 3 LHB 8/13/2024
Jonathan Fuentes 21 2 LHB 8/13/2024
Gerardo Ochoa Morillo 11 0 LHB 8/13/2024
Ismael Roman 25 0 LHB 8/17/2024
Benjamin Viego 2 1 LHB 8/17/2024
10 Giancarlos Betancourt 37 6 Hollywood Heat 14U 8/13/2024
46 Alejandro De La Vega 33 3 Hollywood Heat 14U 8/13/2024
11 3 Hollywood Heat 14U 8/17/2024
Total 44 6
17 Leosvany Fernandez 32 5 Dlc Scout 8/17/2024
6 1 Miami Cubs 8/18/2024
Total 38 6
Deyvis Lobaina 76 10 Dlc Scout 8/17/2024
24 6 Hollywood Heat 14U 8/17/2024
Total 100 16
19 Justin Mesa 70 6 Miami Lakes Bandits 8/15/2024
29 Joseph Redondo 85 14 Zt Futures 8/18/2024
13 Ronnie Rodriguez 10 1 Zt Futures 8/18/2024
43 5 Miami Cubs 8/18/2024
Total 53 6
0 Marcos Veliz 86 15 Miami Cubs 8/18/2024
Miami Cubs
26 Kevin Alberteries 35 4 T.B. Elite 14U 8/14/2024
30 3 LHB 8/18/2024
Total 65 7
21 3 Bad News Bears Elite 8/18/2024
Total 86 10
12 Christian Canedo 37 5 T.B. Elite 14U 8/14/2024
71 Bryce Davidson 30 4 Rps 8/13/2024
72 12 LHB 8/18/2024
Total 102 16
3 Mael Garcia 51 7 Miami Lakes Bandits 8/17/2024
20 Raul Garcia 11 3 Rps 8/13/2024
29 6 LHB 8/18/2024
Total 40 9
7 Yosueth Henriquez 41 8 Miami Lakes Bandits 8/17/2024
5 William Lazo 14 0 Rps 8/13/2024
24 Miguel Lopez 16 2 Rps 8/13/2024
10 Christian Montalvo 29 3 Rps 8/13/2024
68 15 Bad News Bears Elite 8/18/2024
Total 97 18
Miami Lakes Bandits
9 Shane Cominsky 64 10 Rps 8/17/2024
27 Ryan Martinez 33 2 14U South Florida Blue Jays 8/13/2024
54 9 Miami Cubs 8/17/2024
Total 87 11
2 Jake McFarlin 18 1 14U South Florida Blue Jays 8/13/2024
43 3 Miami Cubs 8/17/2024
Total 61 4
4 Darien Prieto 38 4 LHB 8/15/2024
13 Alexis Rodriguez 29 3 14U South Florida Blue Jays 8/13/2024
10 5 Rps 8/17/2024
Total 39 8
23 Andrew Sainz 11 3 LHB 8/15/2024
6 Kenneth Vega 26 2 LHB 8/15/2024
0 Gus Araiza 49 9 Rps 8/17/2024
32 5 Zt Futures 8/17/2024
Total 81 14
13 Josue Avendano 14 2 T.B. Elite 14U 8/17/2024
82 11 Zt Futures 8/17/2024
Total 96 13
14 Camren Gaetan 22 2 Dlc Scout 8/16/2024
54 10 Rps 8/17/2024
Total 76 12
10 Sandy Guzman 69 9 Dlc Scout 8/16/2024
25 Rodly Torres 87 13 T.B. Elite 14U 8/17/2024
13 Gavin Bertran 36 6 Miami Lakes Bandits 8/17/2024
48 Kelvin Hoover 22 3 Miami Cubs 8/13/2024
42 8 Phantoms 8/17/2024
Total 64 11
19 Jesus Leondro 63 11 Phantoms 8/17/2024
24 Robert Suarez 46 5 Miami Cubs 8/13/2024
18 Jake Wohl 54 6 Miami Lakes Bandits 8/17/2024
T.B. Elite 14U
0 Justin Alber 45 3 Miami Cubs 8/14/2024
0 Justin Brito 31 4 Zt Futures 8/13/2024
0 Ashton Carmona 37 5 Zt Futures 8/13/2024
22 1 Miami Cubs 8/14/2024
Total 59 6
95 13 Phantoms 8/17/2024
Total 154 19
0 Miguel Jimenez 29 2 Zt Futures 8/13/2024
7 0 Phantoms 8/17/2024
Total 36 2
0 Sebastian Pomares 9 0 Zt Futures 8/13/2024
0 Jacob Quesada 25 0 Miami Cubs 8/14/2024
0 Andre Ulacia 19 3 Miami Cubs 8/14/2024
11 1 Phantoms 8/17/2024
Total 30 4
Zt Futures
21 Gabriel Colon 22 4 T.B. Elite 14U 8/13/2024
28 2 LHB 8/18/2024
Total 50 6
Matthew Gonzalez 32 6 14U South Florida Blue Jays 8/14/2024
27 6 LHB 8/18/2024
Total 59 12
47 Nicolas Hechevarria 53 7 Phantoms 8/17/2024
15 Michael Leon 23 1 T.B. Elite 14U 8/13/2024
17 Sebasthyan Montilla 33 6 14U South Florida Blue Jays 8/14/2024
Lucas Ramirez Escala 40 7 T.B. Elite 14U 8/13/2024
56 9 Phantoms 8/17/2024
Total 96 16
3 Nicholas Sandoval 25 7 LHB 8/18/2024