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9U (Major) 10U (Major) 11U (MAJOR) 12U (Major) 13U (Major) (60/90) 14U (Major)
All payments need to be paid ASAP as the payment deadline is only the deadline if the tournament is not full. So if it fills before the deadline your team will be waitlisted IF NOT PAID. You are only fully in the tournament when payment is made. We cannot put any team on the schedule unless they are paid.

Game Times:

9-12u 1 hour 40 minutes no new or 6 innings whichever comes first

13/14u 1 hour 45 minutes no new or 7 innings whichever comes first

Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
101 Elite 12u
6 Ashten Aguailar 65 12 66ers Baseball 4/27/2024
24 Jesse Cortez 33 3 Black Diamond Baseball 4/28/2024
34 Silas Entrekin 38 6 Black Diamond Baseball 4/28/2024
10 Adam Gonzalez 47 9 La Costa Riptide 12u Dinorscia 4/27/2024
99 Roman Gutierrez 16 3 66ers Baseball 4/27/2024
19 0 Rjba-Barraza 4/28/2024
Total 35 3
57 9 Black Diamond Baseball 4/29/2024
Total 92 12
16 Robert Hollingsworth JR 55 6 Texas Sun Devils - ATX - 12U French 4/28/2024
20 EJ Luna 9 1 Rjba-Barraza 4/28/2024
2 Jett Schoolcraft 39 9 Texas Sun Devils - ATX - 12U French 4/28/2024
9 Brandon Sweeney 78 11 Rjba-Barraza 4/28/2024
66ers Baseball
34 Nolan Austin 15 2 101 Elite 12u 4/27/2024
Christopher Bannister Jr 55 5 101 Elite 12u 4/27/2024
12 0 Birds Baseball Academy 12u 4/28/2024
Total 67 5
7 Alexander Delgadillo 43 9 Sports Academy West 4/27/2024
23 3 Valley Prime 12u Black 4/28/2024
Total 66 12
Vincent Hernandez 23 0 Sports Academy West 4/27/2024
Richard Medina 41 7 101 Elite 12u 4/27/2024
49 11 Valley Prime 12u Black 4/28/2024
Total 90 18
3 Manny Perez 41 1 101 Elite 12u 4/27/2024
58 4 Birds Baseball Academy 12u 4/28/2024
Total 99 5
Benny Rios 23 3 Sports Academy West 4/27/2024
26 1 Valley Prime 12u Black 4/28/2024
Total 49 4
Jordan Shaw 30 5 Birds Baseball Academy 12u 4/28/2024
Birds Baseball Academy 12u
15 Shane Ballard 42 9 Hawaii Elite 2G 12U National 4/27/2024
9 Milo Bugliari 60 6 Hawaii Elite 2G 12U National 4/28/2024
7 David Castillo 65 9 Irvine Colts 4/28/2024
13 Dallas Knothe 23 3 Vba Taipans 4/27/2024
1 James Kroll 34 6 Hawaii Elite 2G 12U National 4/27/2024
18 3 66ers Baseball 4/28/2024
Total 52 9
32 3 Irvine Colts 4/28/2024
Total 84 12
27 Benjamin Sermeno 15 3 Hawaii Elite 2G 12U National 4/27/2024
64 9 66ers Baseball 4/28/2024
Total 79 12
31 Jeremiah Torres 49 9 Vba Taipans 4/27/2024
52 3 Hawaii Elite 2G 12U National 4/28/2024
Total 101 12
Black Diamond Baseball
31 Jayden Mejia 45 7 101 Elite 12u 4/29/2024
24 Daniel Minnix 43 6 South Bay Sea Dogs 12u 4/27/2024
55 12 Southern Nevada Baseball 4/28/2024
Total 98 18
12 Ayden Samuelu 55 9 Zt Prospects Gordillo 4/27/2024
10 Jake Taylor 21 6 101 Elite 12u 4/29/2024
44 Gage Thomas 54 9 Let Them Play 4/28/2024
33 5 101 Elite 12u 4/28/2024
Total 87 14
34 Andrew Uriostegui 33 6 Zt Prospects Gordillo 4/27/2024
62 11 Napa Jr Storm 4/28/2024
Total 95 17
15 Jordan Valverde 8 3 South Bay Sea Dogs 12u 4/27/2024
39 6 Let Them Play 4/28/2024
Total 47 9
42 8 Napa Jr Storm 4/28/2024
Total 89 17
Braves Baseball Academy Gold
10 Raymond Banuelos 55 9 Gbg South Bay Navy 4/27/2024
20 1 So Cal Aces 4/28/2024
Total 75 10
9 Mason Ramirez 28 5 Gbg South Bay Navy 4/27/2024
33 5 So Cal Aces 4/28/2024
Total 61 10
4 Jesus Rico 32 5 Zt Prospects - Ts 4/27/2024
30 Giovanni Sanchez 15 2 Zt Prospects - Ts 4/27/2024
27 Evan Varela 34 9 Zt Prospects - Ts 4/27/2024
30 5 So Cal Aces 4/28/2024
Total 64 14
50 Boston Adamson 15 2 Southern Nevada Baseball 4/28/2024
17 Broxton Borromeo 16 0 Southern Nevada Baseball 4/28/2024
7 Bo Durkan 16 3 Top Level 12U-Elite 4/27/2024
66 Darren Esparza 4 1 Southern Nevada Baseball 4/28/2024
42 Cole Gonczar 17 3 Top Level 12U-Elite 4/27/2024
12 Aidenn Rodriguez 48 7 Mvp Hustle Prieto 12u 4/27/2024
46 6 Southern Nevada Baseball 4/28/2024
Total 94 13
1 Anthony Sanchez 45 9 Top Level 12U-Elite 4/27/2024
3 Gibson Tatsuno 31 5 Mvp Hustle Prieto 12u 4/27/2024
32 5 Southern Nevada Baseball 4/28/2024
Total 63 10
Combat Baseball National
12 Adam Brewer 40 6 Prevail 12u Bynum 4/27/2024
18 Maxx Garcia 31 9 Surf City Dawgs 12u Navarro 4/27/2024
21 3 Rjba-Barraza 4/28/2024
Total 52 12
45 Emiliano Negrete 12 3 Surf City Dawgs 12u Navarro 4/27/2024
6 Jerimiah Ortega 60 15 Zt Prospects Temecula 4/28/2024
23 Issac Regalado 36 6 Prevail 12u Bynum 4/27/2024
50 Hector Nicolas Trinidad 77 15 Rjba-Barraza 4/28/2024
3 Jayden Valdez 33 5 Surf City Dawgs 12u Navarro 4/27/2024
Cory Lidle Nationals
44 Alex Bueno 12 3 Sixers/Smith 4/27/2024
35 1 Zt Prospects - Ts 4/28/2024
Total 47 4
32 Edward De La Cruz Jr 62 12 Sports Academy-Cali National Murphy 4/28/2024
31 Mason Hopper 13 3 Sports Academy-Cali National Murphy 4/28/2024
43 Derek Johnson 28 6 Zt Prospects - Ts 4/28/2024
36 Alessandro Lozano 8 1 Zt Prospects - Ts 4/28/2024
33 Anthony Tafesh 72 12 Irvine Colts 4/27/2024
33 9 Top Level 12U-Elite 4/28/2024
Total 105 21
44 Javier Verduzco 24 6 Sixers/Smith 4/27/2024
Gbg South Bay Navy
15 Chase Cordeiro 49 9 Zt Prospects - Ts 4/27/2024
87 Anthony Harter 38 6 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 4/27/2024
44 4 Hawaii Elite 2G 12U National 4/28/2024
Total 82 10
17 Tristan Miyashiro 69 12 Hawaii Elite 2G 12U National 4/28/2024
9 Marco Olson 41 6 Zt Prospects - Ts 4/27/2024
7 Blake Sturgess 46 6 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 4/27/2024
Hawaii Elite 2G 12U National
17 Mateo Bennett 18 3 Birds Baseball Academy 12u 4/27/2024
24 Cheyson Borges 32 6 Birds Baseball Academy 12u 4/27/2024
6 Cade Butcher 12 3 Napa Jr Storm 4/27/2024
18 3 Birds Baseball Academy 12u 4/28/2024
Total 30 6
7 2 Gbg South Bay Navy 4/28/2024
Total 37 8
13 Chaystin Demello 40 3 Napa Jr Storm 4/27/2024
28 6 Birds Baseball Academy 12u 4/28/2024
Total 68 9
3 Hezekiah Fauatea 59 9 Gbg South Bay Navy 4/28/2024
88 Kona Hashimoto 14 6 Birds Baseball Academy 12u 4/27/2024
43 6 Gbg South Bay Navy 4/28/2024
Total 57 12
1 Bronx Holbron 15 3 Birds Baseball Academy 12u 4/27/2024
27 6 So Cal Royals 4/28/2024
Total 42 9
15 Josiah Lavea-Aldridge 27 3 Napa Jr Storm 4/27/2024
19 3 So Cal Royals 4/28/2024
Total 46 6
2 Iokepa Pruett 12 3 So Cal Royals 4/28/2024
22 TANNER QUINN 45 3 Napa Jr Storm 4/27/2024
Irvine Colts
13 Arjun Agarwal 52 9 Surf City Dawgs 12u Navarro 4/28/2024
10 Cooper Babcock 32 3 Sixers/Smith 4/27/2024
21 Nicholas Chapman 29 8 Surf City Dawgs 12u Navarro 4/28/2024
12 Jacob Deprima 72 4 Birds Baseball Academy 12u 4/28/2024
10 Kush Kakkar 57 6 Sixers/Smith 4/27/2024
23 Sawyer Kemp 16 1 Cory Lidle Nationals 4/27/2024
0 0 Sixers/Smith 4/27/2024
Total 16 1
11 2 Birds Baseball Academy 12u 4/28/2024
Total 27 3
27 Ben Thompson 23 1 Surf City Dawgs 12u Navarro 4/28/2024
22 Morimichi Tsuge 22 5 Birds Baseball Academy 12u 4/28/2024
53 Brent Western 39 7 Cory Lidle Nationals 4/27/2024
3 Aaron Yen 20 1 Cory Lidle Nationals 4/27/2024
La Costa Riptide 12u Dinorscia
15 Kai Agdeppa 26 1 South Bay Sea Dogs 12u 4/28/2024
6 Kellen Bieri 12 3 Sports Academy West 4/28/2024
14 3 So Cal Royals 4/28/2024
Total 26 6
3 Carter Boman 12 2 101 Elite 12u 4/27/2024
10 Wyatt Davis 23 3 101 Elite 12u 4/27/2024
14 Maxwell Dhillon 23 0 101 Elite 12u 4/27/2024
26 Jackson Dinorscia 26 3 Sports Academy West 4/27/2024
59 12 South Bay Sea Dogs 12u 4/28/2024
Total 85 15
31 Maddux Kong 57 9 So Cal Royals 4/28/2024
9 Bennett Lupica 24 3 101 Elite 12u 4/27/2024
15 1 South Bay Sea Dogs 12u 4/28/2024
Total 39 4
13 Blake Sonzogni 43 9 Sports Academy West 4/27/2024
Legacy Oc
1 Nolan Abbott 45 2 So Cal Royals 4/27/2024
24 Mateo Arellano 64 12 Zt Prospects Temecula 4/27/2024
4 Luke Degenaars 14 3 Zt Prospects Temecula 4/27/2024
52 8 Surf City Dawgs 12u Navarro 4/28/2024
Total 66 11
10 Shane Hauser 1 1 Surf City Dawgs 12u Navarro 4/28/2024
7 Cooper Jewett 41 6 Surf City Dawgs 12u Navarro 4/28/2024
27 Grant Lee 38 9 So Cal Royals 4/27/2024
Let Them Play
80 Martin Gomez 12 3 Top Level 12U-Elite 4/27/2024
46 12 So Cal Aces 4/28/2024
Total 58 15
0 0 Black Diamond Baseball 4/28/2024
Total 58 15
44 Cash Milazzo 42 6 Top Level 12U-Elite 4/27/2024
23 Jacob Miller 21 6 Mvp Hustle Prieto 12u 4/27/2024
23 3 Black Diamond Baseball 4/28/2024
Total 44 9
8 Teyo Rijo-Berger 31 6 Mvp Hustle Prieto 12u 4/27/2024
53 6 Black Diamond Baseball 4/28/2024
Total 84 12
35 Levi Wolf 20 3 Top Level 12U-Elite 4/27/2024
56 6 Black Diamond Baseball 4/28/2024
Total 76 9
Mvp Hustle Prieto 12u
12 Noah Bey 54 9 Next Level Baseball 4/28/2024
23 Orlando Brooks 43 6 Let Them Play 4/27/2024
Aaron Kim 28 5 Bulldogs 4/27/2024
1 Justin Puig 59 6 Let Them Play 4/27/2024
16 Anthony Evan Rangel 47 6 Bulldogs 4/27/2024
Luke Sanchez 33 6 Next Level Baseball 4/28/2024
Napa Jr Storm
98 Quintin Blackwell 87 17 Black Diamond Baseball 4/28/2024
3 Kellen Foged 56 9 Hawaii Elite 2G 12U National 4/27/2024
11 Colin Larnauti 19 3 Hawaii Elite 2G 12U National 4/27/2024
18 1 Black Diamond Baseball 4/28/2024
Total 37 4
7 Lincoln Radke 77 18 Vba Taipans 4/27/2024
Next Level Baseball
3 Dylan Hottle 69 12 Rjba-Barraza 4/27/2024
17 Taisei Kamiyama 28 3 Rjba-Barraza 4/27/2024
2 Kalin Miedema 62 6 Wolfpack Baseball Club Black 4/28/2024
51 Hayato Miyawaki 48 3 Valley Prime 12u Black 4/27/2024
13 Jayden Onofre 74 18 Mvp Hustle Prieto 12u 4/28/2024
22 Jakob Ramirez 10 3 Valley Prime 12u Black 4/27/2024
1 Diego Ruelas 54 6 Valley Prime 12u Black 4/27/2024
28 Luke Spielman 48 4 Wolfpack Baseball Club Black 4/28/2024
PFA IE 12U Black
Korbin Montgomery 47 6 Wolfpack Baseball Club Black 4/28/2024
Jake MORIN 92 15 ZT Prospects Avila 4/27/2024
Cain Olmos 21 1 Wolfpack Baseball Club Black 4/28/2024
Graham Orr 31 3 Texas Sun Devils - ATX - 12U French 4/27/2024
Ray Pearl 27 3 ZT Prospects Avila 4/27/2024
71 12 Sports Academy West 4/28/2024
Total 98 15
21 Derek Sanchez 17 0 Texas Sun Devils - ATX - 12U French 4/27/2024
24 5 Sports Academy West 4/28/2024
Total 41 5
Isaiah Vega 33 3 Texas Sun Devils - ATX - 12U French 4/27/2024
8 2 Wolfpack Baseball Club Black 4/28/2024
Total 41 5
Prevail 12u Bynum
Grayson Saardchit 40 7 Surf City Dawgs 12u Navarro 4/27/2024
40 7 Top Level 12U-Elite 4/28/2024
Total 80 14
Brady Sparks 40 7 Surf City Dawgs 12u Navarro 4/27/2024
53 7 Top Level 12U-Elite 4/28/2024
Total 93 14
9 Shaun Syn 5 1 Combat Baseball National 4/27/2024
24 Jaxon Wilcox 24 3 Combat Baseball National 4/27/2024
38 Kolin Yi 38 8 Combat Baseball National 4/27/2024
19 4 Top Level 12U-Elite 4/28/2024
Total 57 12
35 Nolan Banta 46 6 Next Level Baseball 4/27/2024
56 17 Combat Baseball National 4/28/2024
Total 102 23
10 Brixton Barraza 33 6 Next Level Baseball 4/27/2024
36 3 101 Elite 12u 4/28/2024
Total 69 9
10 1 Combat Baseball National 4/28/2024
Total 79 10
9 Devin Barrett 26 5 101 Elite 12u 4/28/2024
16 Tyler Hall 18 6 Valley Prime 12u Black 4/27/2024
25 3 Sixers/Smith 4/28/2024
Total 43 9
24 Sebastian Ro 33 5 Next Level Baseball 4/27/2024
62 15 Sixers/Smith 4/28/2024
Total 95 20
44 Elijah Romero 30 3 Valley Prime 12u Black 4/27/2024
29 1 101 Elite 12u 4/28/2024
Total 59 4
13 Gavin Cruz 41 6 Irvine Colts 4/27/2024
7 Preston Erickson 1 3 Cory Lidle Nationals 4/27/2024
77 Jacob Garibay 85 10 Rjba-Barraza 4/28/2024
10 Manny Hernandez 7 1 Cory Lidle Nationals 4/27/2024
21 Landon Higareda 23 6 Irvine Colts 4/27/2024
27 Francisco aka Franky Lizarraga 16 6 Cory Lidle Nationals 4/27/2024
99 Joseph Serrano 24 3 Rjba-Barraza 4/28/2024
1 Eli Vasquez 35 4 Cory Lidle Nationals 4/27/2024
So Cal Aces
19 Evan Delgadillo 42 5 Xfactor Baseball 12u Santa Barbara 4/27/2024
55 Koban Franklin 50 9 Wolfpack Baseball Club Black 4/27/2024
24 4 Let Them Play 4/28/2024
Total 74 13
34 John-Paul Galindo 42 6 Xfactor Baseball 12u Santa Barbara 4/27/2024
34 5 Let Them Play 4/28/2024
Total 76 11
11 Frankie Lorenzetti 23 3 Wolfpack Baseball Club Black 4/27/2024
91 Benjamin Nielsen 28 3 Xfactor Baseball 12u Santa Barbara 4/27/2024
25 2 Let Them Play 4/28/2024
Total 53 5
42 Michael Renteria 55 11 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 4/28/2024
So Cal Royals
16 Sergio Gallegos 29 5 Zt Prospects Temecula 4/27/2024
77 9 La Costa Riptide 12u Dinorscia 4/28/2024
Total 106 14
31 Matthew Iniguez 28 6 Zt Prospects Temecula 4/27/2024
30 Andrew Rehnert 27 6 Legacy Oc 4/27/2024
22 6 La Costa Riptide 12u Dinorscia 4/28/2024
Total 49 12
8 0 Hawaii Elite 2G 12U National 4/28/2024
Total 57 12
26 isanti ruiz 8 2 Zt Prospects Temecula 4/27/2024
5 0 La Costa Riptide 12u Dinorscia 4/28/2024
Total 13 2
7 Adrian Salazar 0 0 Legacy Oc 4/27/2024
50 Steven Salazar 56 6 Legacy Oc 4/27/2024
65 12 Hawaii Elite 2G 12U National 4/28/2024
Total 121 18
3 Robbie Tabares III 22 3 Legacy Oc 4/27/2024
South Bay Sea Dogs 12u
2 Miles Baranick 19 4 Zt Prospects Gordillo 4/27/2024
11 Cole Enfield 18 3 Zt Prospects Gordillo 4/27/2024
42 Andruw Gumbs 17 2 Zt Prospects Gordillo 4/27/2024
43 5 La Costa Riptide 12u Dinorscia 4/28/2024
Total 60 7
15 Bennett Lopes 56 10 La Costa Riptide 12u Dinorscia 4/28/2024
5 Drew Myhre 9 1 Black Diamond Baseball 4/27/2024
1 Deven Reddy 44 3 Black Diamond Baseball 4/27/2024
Caleb Smith 41 2 Black Diamond Baseball 4/27/2024
12 2 Zt Prospects Gordillo 4/27/2024
Total 53 4
Southern Nevada Baseball
9 Owen Allen 34 1 Wolfpack Baseball Club Black 4/27/2024
25 Austin Bustamante 64 15 Xfactor Baseball 12u Santa Barbara 4/27/2024
99 Maverick Camargo 23 2 Black Diamond Baseball 4/28/2024
0 Aahrion Hermosura 0 0 Xfactor Baseball 12u Santa Barbara 4/27/2024
3 Cooper Hutton 19 4 Black Diamond Baseball 4/28/2024
Carson Schoener 76 17 Wolfpack Baseball Club Black 4/27/2024
50 Nicholas Tomasino 56 15 Bulldogs 4/28/2024
Hayden Ver Linden 49 5 Black Diamond Baseball 4/28/2024
Sports Academy West
67 Elijah Baek 66 10 PFA IE 12U Black 4/28/2024
12 Jax Flores 22 3 PFA IE 12U Black 4/28/2024
35 Sean Gonzalez 15 2 PFA IE 12U Black 4/28/2024
17 Tyler Hiraiwa 50 5 66ers Baseball 4/27/2024
1 Sota Otsuka 36 5 La Costa Riptide 12u Dinorscia 4/27/2024
27 Colin Park 53 7 La Costa Riptide 12u Dinorscia 4/27/2024
33 Joshua Park 41 3 66ers Baseball 4/27/2024
23 Arnold Segura 25 3 66ers Baseball 4/27/2024
Sports Academy-Cali National Murphy
44 Hudson Houck 64 9 Cory Lidle Nationals 4/28/2024
Cole Martindale 24 4 ZT Prospects Avila 4/27/2024
22 Wyatt McKinney 9 1 Texas Sun Devils - ATX - 12U French 4/27/2024
24 5 Cory Lidle Nationals 4/28/2024
Total 33 6
6 Cristian Morales 24 5 ZT Prospects Avila 4/27/2024
8 Alex Wang 33 6 ZT Prospects Avila 4/27/2024
Brayden Wood 90 14 Texas Sun Devils - ATX - 12U French 4/27/2024
Surf City Dawgs 12u Navarro
2 Ayden Capatosto 22 3 Legacy Oc 4/28/2024
84 15 Irvine Colts 4/28/2024
Total 106 18
Caden Harvey 67 10 Prevail 12u Bynum 4/27/2024
30 Cole Kent 42 5 Prevail 12u Bynum 4/27/2024
15 Jacob Musselmann 60 15 Combat Baseball National 4/27/2024
20 2 Irvine Colts 4/28/2024
Total 80 17
10 Blake Ramirez 65 9 Legacy Oc 4/28/2024
22 Cruz Rios 17 3 Legacy Oc 4/28/2024
Texas Sun Devils - ATX - 12U French
4 Colden Adams 7 1 101 Elite 12u 4/28/2024
10 3 ZT Prospects Avila 4/28/2024
Total 17 4
5 Jaxon Anness 45 6 PFA IE 12U Black 4/27/2024
24 Cruz Lagrange 49 5 Sports Academy-Cali National Murphy 4/27/2024
13 Jackson Machaud 50 11 ZT Prospects Avila 4/28/2024
21 Caden Mitchell 24 3 PFA IE 12U Black 4/27/2024
34 Creed Peoples 29 5 Sports Academy-Cali National Murphy 4/27/2024
63 10 101 Elite 12u 4/28/2024
Total 92 15
27 Aiden Ruiz 15 5 Sports Academy-Cali National Murphy 4/27/2024
22 Luke Skarda 20 3 101 Elite 12u 4/28/2024
22 4 ZT Prospects Avila 4/28/2024
Total 42 7
Top Level 12U-Elite
5 Max Bycel 34 3 Bulldogs 4/27/2024
2 Ali Callahan 32 6 Bulldogs 4/27/2024
27 6 Prevail 12u Bynum 4/28/2024
Total 59 12
16 Jack Feil 52 9 Let Them Play 4/27/2024
13 3 Prevail 12u Bynum 4/28/2024
Total 65 12
54 Meherpal Khalsa 20 6 Bulldogs 4/27/2024
10 3 Prevail 12u Bynum 4/28/2024
Total 30 9
28 3 Cory Lidle Nationals 4/28/2024
Total 58 12
66 Myles Moss 26 2 Let Them Play 4/27/2024
19 6 Prevail 12u Bynum 4/28/2024
Total 45 8
11 Vilkas Schafer 62 5 Cory Lidle Nationals 4/28/2024
Valley Prime 12u Black
16 Madden Beyer 25 1 Next Level Baseball 4/27/2024
99 Nicholas Bonilla 30 3 66ers Baseball 4/28/2024
9 Noa Camacho 44 9 Next Level Baseball 4/27/2024
7 Aiden Cruz 12 3 Rjba-Barraza 4/27/2024
22 Keaton Dunn 27 1 Rjba-Barraza 4/27/2024
67 8 66ers Baseball 4/28/2024
Total 94 9
12 Marcus Espinosa 10 2 Next Level Baseball 4/27/2024
36 4 66ers Baseball 4/28/2024
Total 46 6
6 Jaxon Gerkin 28 4 Rjba-Barraza 4/27/2024
2 Jacoby Mosqueda 13 1 Rjba-Barraza 4/27/2024
Vba Taipans
Colin Campbell 14 3 Birds Baseball Academy 12u 4/27/2024
Cooper Dooley 21 3 Napa Jr Storm 4/27/2024
Blake Freund 51 12 Napa Jr Storm 4/27/2024
Ezekiel "Zeke" Kim 75 9 Birds Baseball Academy 12u 4/27/2024
Liam Renick 68 12 Zt Prospects - Ts 4/28/2024
Jaxon Tran 13 1 Zt Prospects - Ts 4/28/2024
Wolfpack Baseball Club Black
22 Derek Horn 11 0 Southern Nevada Baseball 4/27/2024
51 12 PFA IE 12U Black 4/28/2024
Total 62 12
23 Jeffrey Jacobson 73 7 Southern Nevada Baseball 4/27/2024
3 Brody Martyn 21 1 Southern Nevada Baseball 4/27/2024
10 Teddy Osman 46 9 Southern Nevada Baseball 4/27/2024
26 3 Next Level Baseball 4/28/2024
Total 72 12
20 Robert Reveles 40 9 So Cal Aces 4/27/2024
18 3 Next Level Baseball 4/28/2024
Total 58 12
77 Chace Shires 36 3 So Cal Aces 4/27/2024
49 6 Next Level Baseball 4/28/2024
Total 85 9
Xfactor Baseball 12u Santa Barbara
17 Bradley Brennan 36 5 Zt Prospects Gordillo 4/28/2024
50 Blake Downing 4 1 Zt Prospects Gordillo 4/28/2024
5 Hudson Lang 70 9 So Cal Aces 4/27/2024
1 Jp Lopez 18 4 So Cal Aces 4/27/2024
15 0 Zt Prospects Gordillo 4/28/2024
Total 33 4
44 Ezekiel Martin 21 5 Southern Nevada Baseball 4/27/2024
11 Kellen Merkey 44 5 Southern Nevada Baseball 4/27/2024
26 2 Zt Prospects Gordillo 4/28/2024
Total 70 7
7 Colt Minus 44 5 Southern Nevada Baseball 4/27/2024
Zt Prospects - Ts
5 Aaron Avila 9 3 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 4/27/2024
58 9 Vba Taipans 4/28/2024
Total 67 12
44 Julian Eulloqui 8 1 Gbg South Bay Navy 4/27/2024
19 1 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 4/27/2024
Total 27 2
20 6 Vba Taipans 4/28/2024
Total 47 8
25 Joseph Macias 0 0 Cory Lidle Nationals 4/28/2024
4 Khaleb Royster 30 4 Gbg South Bay Navy 4/27/2024
55 11 Zt Prospects Gordillo 4/28/2024
Total 85 15
22 Cash Tellez 26 6 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 4/27/2024
19 7 Zt Prospects Gordillo 4/28/2024
Total 45 13
58 Jack Wu 51 7 Braves Baseball Academy Gold 4/27/2024
44 4 Cory Lidle Nationals 4/28/2024
Total 95 11
8 Alexander Zamora 33 8 Gbg South Bay Navy 4/27/2024
31 7 Cory Lidle Nationals 4/29/2024
Total 64 15
ZT Prospects Avila
39 Levi Avina 36 5 Sports Academy-Cali National Murphy 4/27/2024
48 9 Texas Sun Devils - ATX - 12U French 4/28/2024
Total 84 14
21 Ruben Elias 39 6 PFA IE 12U Black 4/27/2024
Cooper Frost 30 6 PFA IE 12U Black 4/27/2024
41 6 Texas Sun Devils - ATX - 12U French 4/28/2024
Total 71 12
14 Landon Hoff 11 4 Sports Academy-Cali National Murphy 4/27/2024
Sid Innes 45 8 Sports Academy-Cali National Murphy 4/27/2024
23 3 Texas Sun Devils - ATX - 12U French 4/28/2024
Total 68 11
9 Dillon Reddy 33 3 PFA IE 12U Black 4/27/2024
10 Brody Sharp 15 3 PFA IE 12U Black 4/27/2024
Zt Prospects Gordillo
14 Cain Betancourt 85 15 Black Diamond Baseball 4/27/2024
20 James Cordero 23 7 Zt Prospects - Ts 4/28/2024
43 Zachary Dominguez 37 6 Xfactor Baseball 12u Santa Barbara 4/28/2024
10 Gavin Figueroa 50 7 South Bay Sea Dogs 12u 4/27/2024
6 Aden Gomez 56 10 Zt Prospects - Ts 4/28/2024
7 Joaquin Jorrin 49 3 South Bay Sea Dogs 12u 4/27/2024
8 Eron Villa 17 3 Xfactor Baseball 12u Santa Barbara 4/28/2024
Zt Prospects Temecula
15 Kalias Aka 40 5 Legacy Oc 4/27/2024
8 Cesar Cuevas 38 6 So Cal Royals 4/27/2024
31 6 Combat Baseball National 4/28/2024
Total 69 12
37 Noah Downey 17 6 So Cal Royals 4/27/2024
22 1 Legacy Oc 4/27/2024
Total 39 7
55 7 Combat Baseball National 4/28/2024
Total 94 14
0 Mayer Gittelman 35 6 So Cal Royals 4/27/2024
3 Bryan Santiago 0 0 So Cal Royals 4/27/2024
45 7 Legacy Oc 4/27/2024
Total 45 7