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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Batters Box White 13u
3 Carter Bariola 20 1 Swing Check Grey 4/6/2024
68 6 Collierville Dragons 13u 4/7/2024
Total 88 7
20 Carson Joyner 74 11 Swing Check Grey 4/6/2024
99 Matthew Lanoue 11 4 Rattlers 4/6/2024
15 2 Swing Check Grey 4/6/2024
Total 26 6
41 9 Dulins Dodgers 4/7/2024
Total 67 15
1 Russ Payne 31 6 Rattlers 4/6/2024
20 1 Dulins Dodgers 4/7/2024
Total 51 7
23 Ellis Rhett 23 2 Collierville Dragons 13u 4/7/2024
42 Wyatt Winchell 14 2 Swing Check Grey 4/6/2024
9 3 Collierville Dragons 13u 4/7/2024
Total 23 5
2 Houston Wissman 46 6 Rattlers 4/6/2024
44 8 Dulins Dodgers 4/7/2024
Total 90 14
Battersbox 13u Red
45 Joseph Craig IV 24 2 J-Town Scrappers 4/6/2024
5 1 Rattlers 4/7/2024
Total 29 3
13 Garrett Fewell 16 3 Rattlers 4/7/2024
23 Carter Grimm 67 9 J-Town Scrappers 4/6/2024
33 3 Rattlers 4/7/2024
Total 100 12
20 Max Hobbs 24 3 Rattlers 4/7/2024
9 Kellan Jones 36 1 Oi Cardinals 4/6/2024
10 Benjamin Lambert 30 2 Oi Cardinals 4/6/2024
27 Wyatt Morris 40 4 Oi Cardinals 4/6/2024
22 Kason Moua 4 1 J-Town Scrappers 4/6/2024
2 Cooper Wray 22 3 Rattlers 4/7/2024
Collierville Dragons 13u
6 Hamilton Burchett 17 3 Oi Cardinals 4/7/2024
18 Elijah Carpenter 87 12 Swing Check Grey 4/6/2024
27 Samson Crafton 49 5 Oi Cardinals 4/7/2024
29 Tyson Crawford 7 0 Swing Check Grey 4/6/2024
69 9 Oi Cardinals 4/7/2024
Total 76 9
22 1 Rattlers 4/7/2024
Total 98 10
3 John David Dettelbach 10 3 Dulins Dodgers 4/5/2024
14 3 Batters Box White 13u 4/7/2024
Total 24 6
19 2 Rattlers 4/7/2024
Total 43 8
11 Autry Foster 80 15 Rattlers 4/7/2024
20 Oliver Lambert 63 7 Batters Box White 13u 4/7/2024
2 Mason Witt 71 12 Dulins Dodgers 4/5/2024
Dulins Dodgers
21 Christian Clark 45 4 Collierville Dragons 13u 4/5/2024
23 Hudson Clark 29 3 Batters Box White 13u 4/7/2024
8 Lake Laughter 35 9 Rattlers 4/6/2024
22 6 Batters Box White 13u 4/7/2024
Total 57 15
7 Reed McLaughlin 43 8 Batters Box White 13u 4/7/2024
15 Matthew Miles 47 6 Rattlers 4/6/2024
10 0 Batters Box White 13u 4/7/2024
Total 57 6
10 Michael Miles 56 8 Collierville Dragons 13u 4/5/2024
J-Town Scrappers
7 Jaymason Becker 39 6 Jackson Tribe 4/6/2024
20 Talon Dobson 41 6 Jackson Tribe 4/7/2024
25 Ray Henderson 45 4 Jackson Tribe 4/7/2024
13 Abraham Jones 1 3 Jackson Tribe 4/7/2024
21 Easton McGuire 49 4 Jackson Tribe 4/7/2024
99 Jackson Morris 16 0 Jackson Tribe 4/7/2024
22 Landon Pettit 24 6 Battersbox 13u Red 4/6/2024
35 Chase Waggoner 44 6 Jackson Tribe 4/6/2024
23 Kristian Williams 41 6 Battersbox 13u Red 4/6/2024
Jackson Tribe
13 Nolan Ellet 8 0 J-Town Scrappers 4/6/2024
2 Hayden Holt 27 3 J-Town Scrappers 4/7/2024
11 Ben Johnson 56 9 J-Town Scrappers 4/6/2024
33 8 J-Town Scrappers 4/7/2024
Total 89 17
10 David Miller 14 3 J-Town Scrappers 4/6/2024
78 15 Oi Cardinals 4/7/2024
Total 92 18
4 Braydenn Newman 31 6 Oi Cardinals 4/6/2024
1 Peyton Pierce 12 2 J-Town Scrappers 4/7/2024
12 Easton Rush 15 0 J-Town Scrappers 4/7/2024
5 Maks Thebeau 51 6 Oi Cardinals 4/6/2024
10 3 Oi Cardinals 4/7/2024
Total 61 9
Oi Cardinals
9 Griffin Dugan 3 1 Collierville Dragons 13u 4/7/2024
1 Caden Evans 39 5 Battersbox 13u Red 4/6/2024
18 2 Jackson Tribe 4/7/2024
Total 57 7
46 Justice Gill 41 5 Battersbox 13u Red 4/6/2024
5 1 Swing Check Grey 4/7/2024
Total 46 6
27 Knox Mason 33 6 Jackson Tribe 4/6/2024
15 Cooper Samsil 78 13 Swing Check Grey 4/7/2024
3 Connor Simmons 22 3 Jackson Tribe 4/6/2024
69 14 Collierville Dragons 13u 4/7/2024
Total 91 17
26 Aiden Sims 15 1 Jackson Tribe 4/7/2024
21 Adam Stewart 19 3 Jackson Tribe 4/6/2024
84 18 Jackson Tribe 4/7/2024
Total 103 21
0 Gunner Clark 95 12 Dulins Dodgers 4/6/2024
7 Gauge Futrell 10 3 Batters Box White 13u 4/6/2024
32 6 Collierville Dragons 13u 4/7/2024
Total 42 9
99 Cameron McGregor 23 3 Collierville Dragons 13u 4/7/2024
Mason Medley 12 0 Collierville Dragons 13u 4/7/2024
1 Gunner Osman 45 10 Batters Box White 13u 4/6/2024
33 9 Battersbox 13u Red 4/7/2024
Total 78 19
25 Levi Stanley 43 6 Batters Box White 13u 4/6/2024
7 1 Collierville Dragons 13u 4/7/2024
Total 50 7
54 9 Battersbox 13u Red 4/7/2024
Total 104 16
Bowen Travis 43 6 Collierville Dragons 13u 4/7/2024
Swing Check Grey
17 Seven Collins 32 6 Batters Box White 13u 4/6/2024
3 Sawyer Ferrell 49 6 Oi Cardinals 4/7/2024
24 Garrett Fleming 18 3 Collierville Dragons 13u 4/6/2024
2 Kasyn Hannah 59 6 Collierville Dragons 13u 4/6/2024
11 Ethan Knight 25 6 Batters Box White 13u 4/6/2024
10 Maddox Lewis 41 6 Batters Box White 13u 4/6/2024
43 7 Oi Cardinals 4/7/2024
Total 84 13
7 Kincery Moore 17 2 Collierville Dragons 13u 4/6/2024
23 Tyson Wyatt 26 3 Collierville Dragons 13u 4/6/2024