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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star West GA 10U Black
0 Emmanuel Baldwin 26 3 Prime Baseball 11/2/2024
16 1 Hotbox 10u Tpk 11/3/2024
Total 42 4
17 5 Gulf Coast Crush 10u 11/3/2024
Total 59 9
3 Blaze Faulk 44 9 Prime Baseball 11/2/2024
40 7 Hotbox 10u Tpk 11/3/2024
Total 84 16
Logan Morgan 35 9 Gulf Coast Crush 10u 11/2/2024
27 2 Hotbox 10u Tpk 11/3/2024
Total 62 11
4 1 Wave 11/3/2024
Total 66 12
13 Seth Posey 77 17 Gulf Coast Crush 10u 11/3/2024
Eli Sims 38 4 Gulf Coast Crush 10u 11/2/2024
48 7 Wave 11/3/2024
Total 86 11
2 Mason Watts 6 3 Prime Baseball 11/2/2024
22 1 Wave 11/3/2024
Total 28 4
7 0 Hotbox 10u Tpk 11/3/2024
Total 35 4
Beastmode 10u White
999 Brendan Burton 8 0 Devine Baseball 11/3/2024
10 2 Hitmen 10u 11/3/2024
Total 18 2
999 Jeremiah Butler 0 7 Stealth Baseball Academy Sliders 11/2/2024
10 2 Devine Baseball 11/3/2024
Total 10 9
Ezra Ivery 0 0 Tallahassee Heat 11/2/2024
999 Gavin Lowe 48 6 Tallahassee Heat 11/2/2024
70 10 Devine Baseball 11/3/2024
Total 118 16
999 Josh Nesbitt 0 2 Stealth Baseball Academy Sliders 11/2/2024
72 13 Hitmen 10u 11/3/2024
Total 72 15
0 Peyton Smith 12 3 Tallahassee Heat 11/2/2024
0 Conrad Wynter 0 0 Tallahassee Heat 11/2/2024
Canes Fl Panhandle
Cannon Bennum 30 7 Hitmen 10u 11/2/2024
19 5 Hotbox 10u Tpk 11/3/2024
Total 49 12
Will Bergfeld 73 6 Hotbox 10u Tpk 11/3/2024
Caleb Brewington 10 1 Devine Baseball 11/2/2024
Parker Deville 37 5 Hitmen 10u 11/2/2024
56 12 Stealth Baseball Academy Sliders 11/3/2024
Total 93 17
Luke Harmon 26 1 Devine Baseball 11/2/2024
Bryson Hynes 24 4 Devine Baseball 11/2/2024
Devine Baseball
12 Jacob Brooks 7 2 Canes Fl Panhandle 11/2/2024
99 Dominic Fasano 49 7 Canes Fl Panhandle 11/2/2024
7 1 Dksa Elite 10u 11/2/2024
Total 56 8
3 1 Hotbox 10u Tpk 11/3/2024
Total 59 9
24 Jayce Flowers 26 0 Dksa Elite 10u 11/2/2024
35 6 Tallahassee Heat 11/3/2024
Total 61 6
44 Kyron Harris 61 11 Beastmode 10u White 11/3/2024
25 Aiden Hurt 31 2 Dksa Elite 10u 11/2/2024
62 7 Hotbox 10u Tpk 11/3/2024
Total 93 9
9 Alejandro Ruiz 37 9 Dksa Elite 10u 11/2/2024
53 8 Hotbox 10u Tpk 11/3/2024
Total 90 17
Dksa Elite 10u
8 Matthew Allen 31 4 Hitmen 10u 11/2/2024
47 7 Hitmen 10u 11/3/2024
Total 78 11
11 Calvin Beall 33 4 Devine Baseball 11/2/2024
4 Haven Butler 25 2 Hitmen 10u 11/2/2024
3 Trey Davis 27 5 Devine Baseball 11/2/2024
10 2 Hitmen 10u 11/3/2024
Total 37 7
10 Nolan Killough 23 3 Devine Baseball 11/2/2024
45 Henry Lancaster 20 0 Hitmen 10u 11/2/2024
42 3 Hitmen 10u 11/3/2024
Total 62 3
23 Jagger Palmer 2 1 Hitmen 10u 11/2/2024
99 Hagan Turk 18 2 Hitmen 10u 11/2/2024
Gulf Coast Crush 10u
23 Eli Curtis 27 3 5 Star West GA 10U Black 11/2/2024
7 Alek Fouraker 39 4 Wave 11/2/2024
24 Trenton Garner 44 10 5 Star West GA 10U Black 11/3/2024
Riley Griewisch 20 1 Wave 11/2/2024
66 Aidan Milton 30 5 5 Star West GA 10U Black 11/2/2024
70 10 5 Star West GA 10U Black 11/3/2024
Total 100 15
30 Ruthvik Shivakiran 28 7 5 Star West GA 10U Black 11/2/2024
42 Skyler Wells 13 3 Wave 11/2/2024
Hitmen 10u
42 Jeremiah Bailey 30 4 Canes Fl Panhandle 11/2/2024
8 George Bowden 33 2 Canes Fl Panhandle 11/2/2024
75 13 Beastmode 10u White 11/3/2024
Total 108 15
7 Case Danford 13 1 Dksa Elite 10u 11/2/2024
18 William Hulsey 13 2 Dksa Elite 10u 11/2/2024
57 12 Dksa Elite 10u 11/3/2024
Total 70 14
14 Sawyer Phillips 34 2 Dksa Elite 10u 11/2/2024
9 Callen Scarlett 13 3 Canes Fl Panhandle 11/2/2024
28 Walker Simmons 32 3 Dksa Elite 10u 11/2/2024
Hotbox 10u Tpk
Wesley Danner 16 3 Stealth Baseball Academy Sliders 11/2/2024
52 9 Canes Fl Panhandle 11/3/2024
Total 68 12
Jaxon Devalk 8 3 Stealth Baseball Academy Sliders 11/2/2024
17 6 Canes Fl Panhandle 11/3/2024
Total 25 9
John Thomas Giattina 57 11 Devine Baseball 11/3/2024
Sammy Giattina 11 3 Tallahassee Heat 11/2/2024
Lee Hale III 15 3 Tallahassee Heat 11/2/2024
11 0 Devine Baseball 11/3/2024
Total 26 3
Jack Medina 10 3 Tallahassee Heat 11/2/2024
Carter Neeley 23 6 Stealth Baseball Academy Sliders 11/2/2024
Sellers Smith 14 3 Devine Baseball 11/3/2024
Micah Toomey 48 12 5 Star West GA 10U Black 11/3/2024
Prime Baseball
13 Brysen Hearndon 12 1 Wave 11/2/2024
2 Davis Lamb 31 6 Wave 11/2/2024
2 2 Tallahassee Heat 11/3/2024
Total 33 8
23 Drew Lococo 46 7 5 Star West GA 10U Black 11/2/2024
7 McRae Patterson 18 6 Wave 11/2/2024
1 Kaiden Whitfield 80 12 Tallahassee Heat 11/3/2024
22 Easton Wilson 31 7 5 Star West GA 10U Black 11/2/2024
Stealth Baseball Academy Sliders
45 Jackson Bassett 0 2 Beastmode 10u White 11/2/2024
10 Ryland Bowdoin 9 1 Hotbox 10u Tpk 11/2/2024
28 Easton Duggan 22 2 Hotbox 10u Tpk 11/2/2024
72 Ellis Frost 27 2 Hotbox 10u Tpk 11/2/2024
0 Reid Mitchell 0 3 Beastmode 10u White 11/2/2024
37 4 Canes Fl Panhandle 11/3/2024
Total 37 7
8 Jase Ridley 0 3 Beastmode 10u White 11/2/2024
5 0 Canes Fl Panhandle 11/3/2024
Total 5 3
12 Jaxson Whilden 35 6 Canes Fl Panhandle 11/3/2024
11 Kayne Wilson 36 6 Hotbox 10u Tpk 11/2/2024
Tallahassee Heat
2 Levi Bevis 26 1 Hotbox 10u Tpk 11/2/2024
21 0 Devine Baseball 11/3/2024
Total 47 1
11 Bennett Jones 46 5 Hotbox 10u Tpk 11/2/2024
15 0 Devine Baseball 11/3/2024
Total 61 5
13 Weston Kingry 11 0 Prime Baseball 11/3/2024
12 Carson Kinney 25 3 Hotbox 10u Tpk 11/2/2024
41 5 Devine Baseball 11/3/2024
Total 66 8
10 Myles Lapete 27 3 Beastmode 10u White 11/2/2024
0 0 Devine Baseball 11/3/2024
Total 27 3
9 Aiden Moore 37 3 Beastmode 10u White 11/2/2024
66 9 Prime Baseball 11/3/2024
Total 103 12
22 Miles Pulfer 16 2 Beastmode 10u White 11/2/2024
43 Bronson Turner 49 6 Prime Baseball 11/3/2024
8 Jackson Brock 20 3 Gulf Coast Crush 10u 11/2/2024
9 Marshall Coffey 6 1 Prime Baseball 11/2/2024
17 Tate Holstman 0 0 Prime Baseball 11/2/2024
16 Carter Patroni 25 1 Gulf Coast Crush 10u 11/2/2024
24 Leif Reinhold 32 4 Gulf Coast Crush 10u 11/2/2024
36 4 5 Star West GA 10U Black 11/3/2024
Total 68 8
7 Tyler Topf 7 0 Prime Baseball 11/2/2024
35 4 5 Star West GA 10U Black 11/3/2024
Total 42 4
2 Noah Zechiel 29 7 Prime Baseball 11/2/2024