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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
14u Nv Gator’S
12 Easton Dove 54 9 Alta Loma Baseball Academy 4/13/2024
14 2 California Select 4/14/2024
Total 68 11
24 Colten Lewis 48 11 Nevada Bluebirds Baseball 4/13/2024
44 Dylon Murphy 87 18 California Select 4/14/2024
2 Jaiden Ramirez 61 9 Alta Loma Baseball Academy 4/13/2024
Alta Loma Baseball Academy
24 Joseph Armendariz 70 12 Nsa Select 4/14/2024
12 Brady Currier 0 0 Nsa Select 4/14/2024
5 Edward Garbo 36 4 Nsa Select 4/14/2024
10 Nathan Perez 81 21 14u Nv Gator’S 4/13/2024
35 Jacob Pimentel 89 14 Nevada Bluebirds Baseball 4/13/2024
44 Tristan Stillwagon 23 7 Nevada Bluebirds Baseball 4/13/2024
17 1 Nsa Select 4/14/2024
Total 40 8
BPA Inland Empire 13u
Ezekiel Avalos 70 15 Nevada Bluebirds Baseball 4/14/2024
Jacob Edwards 82 13 Downtown Colts 4/13/2024
Travon Jackson Jr. 42 6 Clutch Performance 4/13/2024
38 6 Nevada Bluebirds Baseball 4/14/2024
Total 80 12
Michael Mendoza 10 1 Downtown Colts 4/14/2024
Dylan Montoya 63 12 Clutch Performance 4/13/2024
Eli Rodriguez 45 4 Downtown Colts 4/13/2024
California Select
1 Adrian Damian 59 9 14u Nv Gator’S 4/14/2024
88 Ian Denney 21 2 Clutch Performance 4/14/2024
11 Daniel Gutierrez 15 0 Clutch Performance 4/14/2024
34 Ryan Kelly 21 3 Sin City Thunder 14u 4/13/2024
34 2 Clutch Performance 4/14/2024
Total 55 5
7 Josiah Lopez 26 4 Clutch Performance 4/14/2024
19 Connor Pedroza 50 5 14u Nv Gator’S 4/14/2024
14 Gilbert Rivera 46 6 Nsa Select 4/13/2024
19 4 14u Nv Gator’S 4/14/2024
Total 65 10
22 Cruz Soto 60 6 Nsa Select 4/13/2024
14 3 14u Nv Gator’S 4/14/2024
Total 74 9
21 Lux Sullivan 91 15 Sin City Thunder 14u 4/13/2024
Clutch Performance
4 Luke Abrams 9 1 BPA Inland Empire 13u 4/13/2024
3 Will Brown 48 6 Downtown Colts 4/13/2024
13 Jett Christofferson 18 6 BPA Inland Empire 13u 4/13/2024
5 Daxon Clement 38 6 Downtown Colts 4/13/2024
65 12 Golden Spikes Baseball 4/14/2024
Total 103 18
15 Gunner Cloward 26 6 BPA Inland Empire 13u 4/13/2024
17 3 Golden Spikes Baseball 4/14/2024
Total 43 9
21 Tobin Degelbeck 39 6 Downtown Colts 4/13/2024
50 9 California Select 4/14/2024
Total 89 15
27 Jace Spencer 48 5 BPA Inland Empire 13u 4/13/2024
Downtown Colts
35 Hudson Fraidenburg 44 9 BPA Inland Empire 13u 4/13/2024
22 2 Mba Green 2028 4/14/2024
Total 66 11
33 Ryland Gregorich 82 8 Mba Green 2028 4/14/2024
6 Drew Hernandez 33 4 Clutch Performance 4/13/2024
20 Cooper Martin 56 11 Clutch Performance 4/13/2024
14 Brody Ricci 38 9 BPA Inland Empire 13u 4/14/2024
0 Alex Savov 17 3 Clutch Performance 4/13/2024
13 2 Mba Green 2028 4/14/2024
Total 30 5
Golden Spikes Baseball
9 Santiago Cocon 32 6 Clutch Performance 4/14/2024
77 Jameson Day 39 3 Nsa Select 4/13/2024
34 Bryson Delprete 77 12 Sin City Thunder 14u 4/13/2024
5 Ace Erickson 72 8 Nsa Select 4/13/2024
22 Zach Portnoff 55 9 Clutch Performance 4/14/2024
17 Michael Stewart 19 3 Nsa Select 4/13/2024
35 5 Sin City Thunder 14u 4/13/2024
Total 54 8
Henderson High Heat
22 Daniel Angelo 25 6 Sin City Thunder 14u 4/14/2024
42 Gabe Becerra 32 3 Mba Green 2028 4/13/2024
Joseph Dixon 37 6 Sin City Thunder 14u 4/14/2024
4 Gavin Gottschall 21 2 IBA Meimerstorf 4/13/2024
57 Michael Masias 26 4 IBA Meimerstorf 4/13/2024
99 Brody Murray 37 9 Mba Green 2028 4/13/2024
50 Hayden Nelson 55 9 Mba Green 2028 4/13/2024
17 Jace Smith 45 3 IBA Meimerstorf 4/13/2024
IBA Meimerstorf
Zachary Andres 63 14 Mba Green 2028 4/14/2024
Caydin Jacob 25 2 Mba Green 2028 4/14/2024
Jagger Larsen 10 2 Mba Green 2028 4/14/2024
Nathan Stephensen 41 12 Henderson High Heat 4/13/2024
Angelo Ugarte 69 15 Mba Green 2028 4/13/2024
Cody Weaver 30 6 Mba Green 2028 4/13/2024
Mba Green 2028
Brady Buttars 87 17 Henderson High Heat 4/13/2024
11 3 IBA Meimerstorf 4/13/2024
Total 98 20
Jaxon Garner 10 6 Henderson High Heat 4/13/2024
29 1 Nsa Select 4/14/2024
Total 39 7
Brennon Jackson 57 6 Downtown Colts 4/14/2024
Paden Newbold 70 11 Nsa Select 4/14/2024
8 2 IBA Meimerstorf 4/14/2024
Total 78 13
Rhys Shipley 30 9 IBA Meimerstorf 4/13/2024
20 3 IBA Meimerstorf 4/14/2024
Total 50 12
Treyson Sotelo 79 12 IBA Meimerstorf 4/14/2024
Jamon Yates 59 9 IBA Meimerstorf 4/13/2024
37 5 Downtown Colts 4/14/2024
Total 96 14
Nevada Bluebirds Baseball
34 Leighton Canarelli 35 4 14u Nv Gator’S 4/13/2024
2 Lucas Coons 5 1 14u Nv Gator’S 4/13/2024
17 3 BPA Inland Empire 13u 4/14/2024
Total 22 4
4 Sebastian Diaz 24 6 BPA Inland Empire 13u 4/14/2024
3 Hudson Figles 75 20 Alta Loma Baseball Academy 4/13/2024
22 Drew Keener 24 3 BPA Inland Empire 13u 4/14/2024
Kane Krabbe 23 1 14u Nv Gator’S 4/13/2024
22 6 BPA Inland Empire 13u 4/14/2024
Total 45 7
24 Ashton Snobel 7 3 BPA Inland Empire 13u 4/14/2024
55 Andrew Villas 50 4 14u Nv Gator’S 4/13/2024
Nsa Select
29 Dylan Galvin 45 6 California Select 4/13/2024
10 2 Mba Green 2028 4/14/2024
Total 55 8
10 Daren Guzman 36 6 California Select 4/13/2024
Gavyn Kim 72 13 Mba Green 2028 4/14/2024
Noah Knudson 59 8 Golden Spikes Baseball 4/13/2024
24 Benson Ornelas 3 1 Golden Spikes Baseball 4/13/2024
22 Logan Pena 39 1 Golden Spikes Baseball 4/13/2024
Eric Phelps 34 6 Alta Loma Baseball Academy 4/14/2024
Anthony Sanchez 35 6 Golden Spikes Baseball 4/13/2024
14 3 Alta Loma Baseball Academy 4/14/2024
Total 49 9
16 Degan Soderquist 12 3 California Select 4/13/2024
18 Johnny Willard 54 9 Alta Loma Baseball Academy 4/14/2024
Sin City Thunder 14u
28 Ezequiel Benas 71 14 California Select 4/13/2024
16 Max Jacobson 4 3 Golden Spikes Baseball 4/13/2024
41 5 Henderson High Heat 4/14/2024
Total 45 8
3 Andrew Jaramillo 25 0 Golden Spikes Baseball 4/13/2024
14 Aidan Norris 97 15 Golden Spikes Baseball 4/13/2024
27 Braydon Vohs 51 6 Henderson High Heat 4/14/2024