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All games are on as scheduled for tomorrow (6/12). If anything is to change, emails will continue to be sent to coaches as well as having live updates under the "weather update".
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Canes Tennessee Scout
1 Brady Azarigian 17 3 Franklin Battle 6/10/2023
2 Christopher Brandwein 22 3 Liberty County Heat 6/9/2023
24 Ty Jenkins 21 3 Thunder 6/9/2023
9 Asher Mallard 23 3 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/11/2023
8 Mason McWhirter 34 6 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/12/2023
7 1 Slammers Bombers 6/13/2023
Total 41 7
12 Luis Ortiz 31 6 Thunder 6/9/2023
99 14 Slammers Bombers 6/13/2023
Total 130 20
22 Justin Roach 16 3 Liberty County Heat 6/9/2023
28 1 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/12/2023
Total 44 4
35 Will Sloane 48 8 Franklin Battle 6/10/2023
23 5 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/12/2023
Total 71 13
23 Cole Wethington 40 8 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/11/2023
17 Braxton Williams 19 3 Liberty County Heat 6/9/2023
76 15 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/13/2023
Total 95 18
Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u
44 Miles Bessenbach 50 9 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/10/2023
49 4 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/13/2023
Total 99 13
19 Charlie Eiben 68 17 Hendersonville Rangers 6/11/2023
2 Grant Fyffe 33 6 Nashville Select 13u 6/9/2023
90 18 Franklin Battle 6/12/2023
Total 123 24
22 Maddox Hughes 51 9 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/9/2023
5 Jay Lackmeyer 19 4 Hendersonville Rangers 6/11/2023
23 Jack McGhee 19 2 Nashville Select 13u 6/9/2023
8 Griffin Murray 15 3 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/10/2023
31 2 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/13/2023
Total 46 5
9 Jonathan Sommers 38 6 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/10/2023
27 Sebastian Tavernelli 56 9 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/9/2023
30 3 Franklin Battle 6/12/2023
Total 86 12
28 2 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/13/2023
Total 114 14
Farm System Prospects 13u Grey
0 Parker Adams 27 3 Franklin Battle 6/9/2023
89 14 Slammers Bombers 6/12/2023
Total 116 17
24 Maddox Breaux 75 12 Liberty County Heat 6/11/2023
8 Tye Cunningham 31 0 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/11/2023
0 Jackson Degruise 59 8 Thunder 6/10/2023
0 Brayden Gaudet 19 6 Thunder 6/10/2023
23 Gavin Kading 55 9 Franklin Battle 6/9/2023
41 6 Slammers Bombers 6/12/2023
Total 96 15
6 Maxx Landry 17 2 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/11/2023
34 Jace Sevin 4 1 Franklin Battle 6/9/2023
38 7 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/11/2023
Total 42 8
3 Landon Waguespack 39 3 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/11/2023
Franklin Battle
6 Cooper Calhoun 13 0 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/9/2023
93 13 Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u 6/12/2023
Total 106 13
11 Peyton Deese 67 12 Thunder 6/11/2023
20 Wyatt Haskins 44 6 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/9/2023
32 5 Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u 6/12/2023
Total 76 11
17 Luke Holmes 13 3 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/9/2023
54 3 Liberty County Heat 6/10/2023
Total 67 6
3 Will Ledgerwood 33 5 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/9/2023
5 Austin Lenerville 8 1 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/10/2023
9 Levi Moore 0 0 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/9/2023
60 4 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/10/2023
Total 60 4
64 11 Thunder 6/12/2023
Total 124 15
12 Taylor Tucker 62 10 Liberty County Heat 6/10/2023
16 Seth Venable 8 0 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/9/2023
18 3 Thunder 6/12/2023
Total 26 3
28 Ethan Vincent 48 5 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/10/2023
32 Evan Wilson 8 1 Liberty County Heat 6/10/2023
Hendersonville Rangers
7 Talan Berthiaume 19 0 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/9/2023
41 7 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/10/2023
Total 60 7
17 Brock Brown 63 10 Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u 6/11/2023
3 Cooper Epley 4 1 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/9/2023
30 0 Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u 6/11/2023
Total 34 1
17 1 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/12/2023
Total 51 2
81 Wesley Glover 44 6 Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u 6/11/2023
6 Tyler Graham 38 5 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/9/2023
35 1 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/10/2023
Total 73 6
25 5 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/12/2023
Total 98 11
10 Ryder Gregg 26 1 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/9/2023
11 3 Thunder 6/13/2023
Total 37 4
22 Joseph Mosley 5 2 Slammers Bombers 6/10/2023
71 9 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/10/2023
Total 76 11
29 Harlen Perry 95 19 Slammers Bombers 6/10/2023
8 Tripp Warrington 9 0 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/10/2023
9 Isaac Weeks 55 7 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/9/2023
4 1 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/10/2023
Total 59 8
67 12 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/12/2023
Total 126 20
2 Eli Williams 45 1 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/9/2023
56 9 Thunder 6/13/2023
Total 101 10
Liberty County Heat
45 Kolten Bishop 33 4 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/9/2023
5 0 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/11/2023
Total 38 4
1 Tyler Butler 10 3 Thunder 6/10/2023
30 1 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/11/2023
Total 40 4
2 Jovanni Castillo 15 4 Thunder 6/10/2023
50 5 Nashville Select 13u 6/12/2023
Total 65 9
0 Ski Friedrich 41 9 Franklin Battle 6/10/2023
17 Brody Kelley 25 6 Franklin Battle 6/10/2023
13 2 Nashville Select 13u 6/12/2023
Total 38 8
51 Cameron Moon 38 4 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/11/2023
27 Aiden Quintanilla 42 8 Thunder 6/10/2023
56 9 Nashville Select 13u 6/12/2023
Total 98 17
85 Albert Connor Schultz 40 2 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/9/2023
24 Alexis Stuart 32 3 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/9/2023
33 4 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/11/2023
Total 65 7
Mavericks 13u - Maher
22 Reid Bostic 92 13 Hendersonville Rangers 6/12/2023
13 Sam Brewer 49 5 Slammers Bombers 6/9/2023
85 10 Nashville Select 13u 6/11/2023
Total 134 15
12 Kanan Haney 74 9 Hendersonville Rangers 6/10/2023
20 3 Hendersonville Rangers 6/12/2023
Total 94 12
1 Grant Kinnett Jr. 14 2 Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u 6/9/2023
42 7 Nashville Select 13u 6/11/2023
Total 56 9
31 Myers Malone 49 4 Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u 6/9/2023
10 2 Hendersonville Rangers 6/12/2023
Total 59 6
26 3 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/12/2023
Total 85 9
4 Brodie Peace 43 3 Slammers Bombers 6/9/2023
8 Dominic Shrake 39 6 Hendersonville Rangers 6/10/2023
23 3 Hendersonville Rangers 6/12/2023
Total 62 9
18 Tyler Tedesco 15 3 Slammers Bombers 6/9/2023
11 Dylan Terry 19 2 Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u 6/9/2023
31 3 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/12/2023
Total 50 5
25 Easton Webster 29 4 Slammers Bombers 6/9/2023
13 3 Hendersonville Rangers 6/10/2023
Total 42 7
2 Walter Wilson 56 7 Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u 6/9/2023
75 3 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/12/2023
Total 131 10
Nashville Select 13u
11 Whit Alexander 35 2 Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u 6/9/2023
13 3 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/11/2023
Total 48 5
46 4 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/12/2023
Total 94 9
33 Landon Bracey 53 8 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/11/2023
45 7 Liberty County Heat 6/12/2023
Total 98 15
10 Owen Felts 48 6 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/10/2023
73 10 Liberty County Heat 6/12/2023
Total 121 16
17 Riley Ferrell 37 3 Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u 6/9/2023
48 6 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/11/2023
Total 85 9
56 Hudson Geary 13 3 Slammers Bombers 6/11/2023
1 Aiden Holland 28 3 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/10/2023
49 3 Slammers Bombers 6/11/2023
Total 77 6
17 0 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/12/2023
Total 94 6
2 Van Kelley 12 1 Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u 6/9/2023
22 3 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/10/2023
Total 34 4
20 2 Slammers Bombers 6/11/2023
Total 54 6
9 3 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/12/2023
Total 63 9
7 Knox Little 8 2 Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u 6/9/2023
20 2 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/12/2023
Total 28 4
42 Bracyn Rose 22 0 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/10/2023
47 3 Slammers Bombers 6/11/2023
Total 69 3
10 0 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/12/2023
Total 79 3
Slammers Bombers
1 Austin Bittner 39 5 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/9/2023
78 10 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/12/2023
Total 117 15
10 Austin Huffman 20 2 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/9/2023
12 3 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/11/2023
Total 32 5
30 4 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/13/2023
Total 62 9
Max Jones 30 5 Nashville Select 13u 6/11/2023
50 4 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/13/2023
Total 80 9
34 Eaven Kohlmeyer 64 5 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/11/2023
2 Brycen Maron 30 6 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/9/2023
60 10 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/12/2023
Total 90 16
13 Devon Martinez 25 1 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/11/2023
25 Quinn O'Brien 63 11 Hendersonville Rangers 6/10/2023
16 1 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/13/2023
Total 79 12
7 Jake Orvis 45 5 Tennessee Baseball Academy 6/11/2023
5 Evan Ostheimer 50 9 Hendersonville Rangers 6/10/2023
27 2 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/13/2023
Total 77 11
19 Jake Watts 21 1 Mavericks 13u - Maher 6/9/2023
33 6 Nashville Select 13u 6/11/2023
Total 54 7
4 1 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/12/2023
Total 58 8
Tennessee Baseball Academy
4 Brody Burton 59 12 Hendersonville Rangers 6/9/2023
33 Duncan Forbes 41 5 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/13/2023
2 Connor Hickey 22 6 Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u 6/10/2023
31 0 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/13/2023
Total 53 6
88 Nolan Horvath 75 15 Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u 6/10/2023
11 Cruz Jones 47 6 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/13/2023
31 Caz Logue 17 3 Nashville Select 13u 6/10/2023
51 5 Slammers Bombers 6/11/2023
Total 68 8
10 Kaden McCarty 8 3 Hendersonville Rangers 6/9/2023
67 12 Cincinnati Riverbats Christin 13u 6/13/2023
Total 75 15
8 Ryder Murphy 77 12 Nashville Select 13u 6/10/2023
9 William Satinoff 41 3 Slammers Bombers 6/11/2023
17 Rocco Stark 44 12 Nashville Select 13u 6/12/2023
12 Turner Beauchamp 3 0 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/9/2023
24 Miller Bowen 31 1 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/9/2023
10 Hudson Confer 40 6 Canes Tennessee Scout 6/9/2023
64 7 Franklin Battle 6/11/2023
Total 104 13
21 Jude Delozier 44 3 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/10/2023
29 3 Franklin Battle 6/11/2023
Total 73 6
8 Daniel Garner 60 9 Farm System Prospects 13u Grey 6/10/2023
82 5 Hendersonville Rangers 6/13/2023
Total 142 14
23 Matthew Morse 35 3 Liberty County Heat 6/10/2023
19 6 Franklin Battle 6/12/2023
Total 54 9
14 Luke Tickle 61 8 Liberty County Heat 6/10/2023
7 Peter Weber 71 6 Franklin Battle 6/12/2023
35 4 Hendersonville Rangers 6/13/2023
Total 106 10
22 Harry Williams 21 2 Liberty County Heat 6/10/2023