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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Arkansas Sox Rowlett
15 Cade Chesnutt 0 3 NTXBC Dirtbags- Wright 6/14/2023
0 6 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/15/2023
Total 0 9
13 Evan Cowdrey 0 6 Evansville Razorbacks 2029 6/14/2023
18 Hayden Estes 0 4 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/13/2023
0 9 Power Athletics 12u 6/15/2023
Total 0 13
45 Wylie Gardisser 0 8 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/13/2023
0 4 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/15/2023
Total 0 12
16 Easton Huffaker 0 9 Evansville Razorbacks 2029 6/14/2023
24 Logan Hurn 0 2 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/13/2023
0 1 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/13/2023
Total 0 3
0 9 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/16/2023
Total 0 12
10 Luke "Kiptin" Kinnard 0 1 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/13/2023
0 6 NTXBC Dirtbags- Wright 6/14/2023
Total 0 7
1 Maddox Rowlett 0 1 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/13/2023
8 Eli Winant 0 7 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/13/2023
0 6 Power Athletics 12u 6/15/2023
Total 0 13
0 2 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/15/2023
Total 0 15
Ascension Giants
0 Hudson All 0 1 South Texas Hurricanes 6/13/2023
23 Vernon Bailey 0 18 Power Athletics 12u 6/14/2023
0 11 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/16/2023
Total 0 29
2 Parker Bonfanti 0 6 Texas Fire 6/13/2023
0 5 Emerald Coast Marlins 6/15/2023
Total 0 11
33 Kale Causey 0 3 Texas Fire 6/13/2023
0 9 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/15/2023
Total 0 12
0 6 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/16/2023
Total 0 18
3 Lucas Darbonne 0 7 Usa Prime 12u Stars - Cisneros 6/14/2023
0 10 Emerald Coast Marlins 6/15/2023
Total 0 17
13 Ezra Kernan 0 5 South Texas Hurricanes 6/13/2023
12 Brody Lovejoy 0 3 South Texas Hurricanes 6/13/2023
6 Michael Pickett 0 8 Usa Prime 12u Stars - Cisneros 6/14/2023
0 1 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/16/2023
Total 0 9
0 3 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/16/2023
Total 0 12
26 Drew Ponsaa 0 3 Texas Fire 6/13/2023
0 9 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/15/2023
Total 0 12
0 6 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/16/2023
Total 0 18
Dallas Tigers Fischer
3 Andrew Fite 0 2 Jordans Baseball 6/14/2023
0 6 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/15/2023
Total 0 8
80 Colson Griffin 0 3 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/13/2023
99 Jacob Klein 0 6 Mississippi Fire 6/13/2023
2 Nicholas Kupsco 0 6 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/13/2023
0 6 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/15/2023
Total 0 12
26 Wyatt Massey 0 2 Emerald Coast Marlins 6/14/2023
4 Jacob Morrell 0 4 Jordans Baseball 6/14/2023
14 Beckett Pecoraro 0 1 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/13/2023
0 4 Emerald Coast Marlins 6/14/2023
Total 0 5
9 Grayson Reynolds 0 5 Mississippi Fire 6/13/2023
29 Brody Roberts 0 6 Emerald Coast Marlins 6/14/2023
17 Dylan Ward 0 1 Mississippi Fire 6/13/2023
0 1 Jordans Baseball 6/14/2023
Total 0 2
10 Jeremiah Whitfield 0 2 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/13/2023
0 3 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/15/2023
Total 0 5
0 12 Evansville Razorbacks 2029 6/16/2023
Total 0 17
Emerald Coast Marlins
2 Jake Cameron 0 6 Dallas Tigers Fischer 6/14/2023
0 3 Evansville Razorbacks 2029 6/16/2023
Total 0 9
0 Thunder Graves 0 3 Jordans Baseball 6/13/2023
23 Walker Grimsley 0 8 Mississippi Fire 6/14/2023
0 6 Dallas Tigers Fischer 6/14/2023
Total 0 14
0 Ross Jackson 0 3 Fairhope Pirates 12u 6/13/2023
0 7 Usa Prime 12u Stars - Cisneros 6/15/2023
Total 0 10
5 Bryson Kuehl 0 3 Fairhope Pirates 12u 6/13/2023
0 3 Jordans Baseball 6/13/2023
Total 0 6
0 9 Evansville Razorbacks 2029 6/16/2023
Total 0 15
3 Rylan Lewis 0 6 Jordans Baseball 6/13/2023
0 7 Mississippi Fire 6/14/2023
Total 0 13
13 Maddox Whited 0 3 Fairhope Pirates 12u 6/13/2023
0 5 Usa Prime 12u Stars - Cisneros 6/15/2023
Total 0 8
0 12 Ascension Giants 6/15/2023
Total 0 20
Evansville Razorbacks 2029
12 Neilan Bruce 0 1 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/13/2023
10 Knoxx Buntin 0 3 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/14/2023
0 2 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/15/2023
Total 0 5
0 3 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/16/2023
Total 0 8
0 12 Emerald Coast Marlins 6/16/2023
Total 0 20
7 Will Mattingly 0 6 NTXBC Dirtbags- Wright 6/13/2023
0 6 Arkansas Sox Rowlett 6/14/2023
Total 0 12
0 3 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/16/2023
Total 0 15
15 Kylan McNeal 0 2 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/13/2023
5 Landon Moore 0 6 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/13/2023
0 6 Arkansas Sox Rowlett 6/14/2023
Total 0 12
11 Ike Murty 0 9 NTXBC Dirtbags- Wright 6/13/2023
0 3 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/14/2023
Total 0 12
0 4 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/15/2023
Total 0 16
9 Easton Vetter 0 9 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/14/2023
0 9 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/15/2023
Total 0 18
0 12 Dallas Tigers Fischer 6/16/2023
Total 0 30
Fairhope Pirates 12u
1 Cooper Brennan 0 6 Mississippi Fire 6/14/2023
0 5 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/15/2023
Total 0 11
9 Cullen Calametti 0 9 Jordans Baseball 6/13/2023
0 9 Traction Canes 12u Black 6/16/2023
Total 0 18
7 Brooks Morrison 0 3 Mississippi Fire 6/14/2023
15 Jack Myrick 0 6 Emerald Coast Marlins 6/13/2023
0 3 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/15/2023
Total 0 9
21 Jackson Strunk 0 6 Emerald Coast Marlins 6/13/2023
8 Casen Whiteside 0 12 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/14/2023
27 Evans Wilcoxon 0 7 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/15/2023
HomeRun Alley - Mulholland
24 Daniel Aridi 0 3 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/13/2023
0 3 Traction Canes 12u Black 6/14/2023
Total 0 6
22 Michael Fletcher 0 15 Ascension Giants 6/15/2023
10 Payton Ganey 0 9 Rookies 6/14/2023
13 Mason Grefaldon 0 6 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/13/2023
0 3 Rookies 6/14/2023
Total 0 9
0 4 Usa Prime 12u Stars - Cisneros 6/16/2023
Total 0 13
6 Ben Naunheim 0 13 Saints 12u - Kliebert 6/13/2023
0 5 Usa Prime 12u Stars - Cisneros 6/16/2023
Total 0 18
53 Daniel Rey 0 9 Traction Canes 12u Black 6/14/2023
Jimmy Gonzales Nationals
21 Israel Albarico 0 3 Arkansas Sox Rowlett 6/13/2023
0 10 Evansville Razorbacks 2029 6/14/2023
Total 0 13
0 1 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/16/2023
Total 0 14
0 6 Arkansas Sox Rowlett 6/16/2023
Total 0 20
7 Nicholas Chapa 0 9 NTXBC Dirtbags- Wright 6/13/2023
0 3 Arkansas Sox Rowlett 6/15/2023
Total 0 12
23 Carson Goettsch 0 12 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/14/2023
5 Ioshua Ortiz 0 9 Arkansas Sox Rowlett 6/13/2023
0 9 Woodlands Area Crush 6/16/2023
Total 0 18
0 5 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/16/2023
Total 0 23
3 Thomas Padilla 0 3 Arkansas Sox Rowlett 6/15/2023
16 Gavin Riedel 0 3 Arkansas Sox Rowlett 6/15/2023
15 William Willoughby 0 5 Evansville Razorbacks 2029 6/14/2023
Jordans Baseball
15 Gilberto Cantu 0 3 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/14/2023
0 3 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/15/2023
Total 0 6
28 Alfredo Coronado 0 3 Emerald Coast Marlins 6/13/2023
26 Andrew Encinia 0 1 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/14/2023
4 Bryan Flores 0 1 Dallas Tigers Fischer 6/14/2023
34 Christopher Ponce 0 6 Emerald Coast Marlins 6/13/2023
0 8 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/14/2023
Total 0 14
0 6 Traction Canes 12u Black 6/15/2023
Total 0 20
0 9 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/15/2023
Total 0 29
17 Johnathan Solis 0 3 Emerald Coast Marlins 6/13/2023
42 Noah Villanueva 0 7 Fairhope Pirates 12u 6/13/2023
0 9 Traction Canes 12u Black 6/15/2023
Total 0 16
0 5 Power Athletics 12u 6/16/2023
Total 0 21
10 David Alejandro Zarate Izaguirre 0 3 Fairhope Pirates 12u 6/13/2023
0 8 Dallas Tigers Fischer 6/14/2023
Total 0 11
0 1 Power Athletics 12u 6/16/2023
Total 0 12
Mississippi Fire
10 Weston Clark 0 6 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/13/2023
0 10 Texas Fire 6/16/2023
Total 0 16
24 Rhodes Develin 0 3 Dallas Tigers Fischer 6/13/2023
0 6 NTXBC Dirtbags- Wright 6/15/2023
Total 0 9
9 Sean Thomas Gray 0 3 Fairhope Pirates 12u 6/14/2023
7 Sims Gregory 0 6 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/13/2023
4 Braxton Horn 0 3 Dallas Tigers Fischer 6/13/2023
45 Chance Langford 0 6 Emerald Coast Marlins 6/14/2023
44 Ryder Weeks 0 3 Emerald Coast Marlins 6/14/2023
8 Brayden Whittington 0 3 Dallas Tigers Fischer 6/13/2023
17 Collin Winders 0 3 Fairhope Pirates 12u 6/14/2023
0 9 NTXBC Dirtbags- Wright 6/15/2023
Total 0 12
NTXBC Dirtbags- Wright
21 James Bennett 0 6 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/13/2023
0 3 Saints 12u - Kliebert 6/16/2023
Total 0 9
17 Jack Crow 0 1 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/14/2023
0 15 Mississippi Fire 6/15/2023
Total 0 16
62 Jayden Cuba 0 1 Arkansas Sox Rowlett 6/14/2023
13 Jackson Curtis 0 1 Evansville Razorbacks 2029 6/13/2023
5 Aidan Martin 0 3 Saints 12u - Kliebert 6/15/2023
10 Preston Niemann 0 8 Evansville Razorbacks 2029 6/13/2023
0 14 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/14/2023
Total 0 22
14 Campbell Ottman 0 6 Evansville Razorbacks 2029 6/13/2023
99 Payne Renner 0 2 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/13/2023
0 6 Arkansas Sox Rowlett 6/14/2023
Total 0 8
9 Eric Stumm 0 3 Mississippi Fire 6/15/2023
28 Jacob Todd 0 1 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/13/2023
0 9 Saints 12u - Kliebert 6/15/2023
Total 0 10
63 Preston Wright 0 3 Saints 12u - Kliebert 6/16/2023
Oklahoma Mojo Blue
12 Crue Breedlove 0 9 Saints 12u - Kliebert 6/13/2023
0 2 Fairhope Pirates 12u 6/15/2023
Total 0 11
6 Kooper Covey 0 6 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/13/2023
0 6 Jordans Baseball 6/15/2023
Total 0 12
7 Axl Deatherage 0 9 Fairhope Pirates 12u 6/15/2023
24 Julian Escobar 0 3 Rookies 6/14/2023
2 Evan Lockridge 0 6 Jordans Baseball 6/15/2023
16 Landon Phillips 0 6 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/13/2023
17 Grant Serfoss 0 9 Woodlands Area Crush 6/14/2023
0 3 Fairhope Pirates 12u 6/15/2023
Total 0 12
0 1 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/16/2023
Total 0 13
5 Carsten Spitler 0 6 Woodlands Area Crush 6/14/2023
0 1 Fairhope Pirates 12u 6/15/2023
Total 0 7
0 2 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/16/2023
Total 0 9
10 Tyson Stubenhofer 0 9 Rookies 6/14/2023
Performance Lab Sox Stamey
27 Harris Brown 0 6 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/14/2023
1 Owen Johnson 0 6 Evansville Razorbacks 2029 6/15/2023
0 6 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/15/2023
Total 0 12
23 Nicholas Lattrell 0 6 Evansville Razorbacks 2029 6/13/2023
0 3 NTXBC Dirtbags- Wright 6/14/2023
Total 0 9
0 3 Ascension Giants 6/16/2023
Total 0 12
0 9 Evansville Razorbacks 2029 6/16/2023
Total 0 21
1 Cy Lewis 0 6 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/14/2023
6 Tommy Medina 0 3 Arkansas Sox Rowlett 6/13/2023
0 3 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/15/2023
Total 0 6
0 9 Ascension Giants 6/16/2023
Total 0 15
22 Tanner Murphy 0 9 Evansville Razorbacks 2029 6/15/2023
16 Taylen Murphy 0 6 Pipeline Prime Gold 6/15/2023
0 6 Ascension Giants 6/16/2023
Total 0 12
9 Daxton Reed 0 6 Evansville Razorbacks 2029 6/13/2023
11 Parker Rollin 0 3 NTXBC Dirtbags- Wright 6/14/2023
18 Porter Theobald 0 9 NTXBC Dirtbags- Wright 6/14/2023
21 Josiah Thomas 0 6 Arkansas Sox Rowlett 6/13/2023
Pipeline Prime Gold
2 Jed Brady 0 1 Jordans Baseball 6/14/2023
0 6 Fairhope Pirates 12u 6/14/2023
Total 0 7
0 3 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/16/2023
Total 0 10
0 Sam Ellis 0 3 Dallas Tigers Fischer 6/15/2023
1 Joshua Gulsby 0 6 Mississippi Fire 6/13/2023
0 3 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/16/2023
Total 0 9
20 Toby Inacio 0 5 Dallas Tigers Fischer 6/13/2023
77 Josiah Mendez 0 6 Mississippi Fire 6/13/2023
0 2 Dallas Tigers Fischer 6/15/2023
Total 0 8
0 4 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/16/2023
Total 0 12
0 9 Ascension Giants 6/16/2023
Total 0 21
0 Brison Nelson 0 2 Jordans Baseball 6/14/2023
0 10 Dallas Tigers Fischer 6/15/2023
Total 0 12
13 Camrin Paul 0 3 Fairhope Pirates 12u 6/14/2023
0 3 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/16/2023
Total 0 6
11 Daniel Simpler 0 7 Dallas Tigers Fischer 6/13/2023
0 9 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/15/2023
Total 0 16
37 Gabriel Toro 0 1 Jordans Baseball 6/14/2023
0 3 Performance Lab Sox Stamey 6/15/2023
Total 0 4
Power Athletics 12u
42 Caleb Billups 0 9 Usa Prime 12u Stars - Cisneros 6/13/2023
0 9 Ascension Giants 6/14/2023
Total 0 18
3 Hudson Daniels 0 3 South Texas Hurricanes 6/14/2023
13 Nathaniel Forbus 0 3 Usa Prime 12u Stars - Cisneros 6/13/2023
0 3 Texas Fire 6/13/2023
Total 0 6
0 9 Woodlands Area Crush 6/15/2023
Total 0 15
0 9 Jordans Baseball 6/16/2023
Total 0 24
62 Charlie Parent 0 9 Ascension Giants 6/14/2023
0 5 Arkansas Sox Rowlett 6/15/2023
Total 0 14
54 Caden Sasser 0 3 South Texas Hurricanes 6/14/2023
0 10 Arkansas Sox Rowlett 6/15/2023
Total 0 13
2 Bennett Schorfhaar 0 9 Texas Fire 6/13/2023
0 9 Woodlands Area Crush 6/15/2023
Total 0 18
2 Cooper Burgett 0 1 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/14/2023
0 5 Texas Fire 6/15/2023
Total 0 6
4 Drayton Cisneros 0 2 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/14/2023
21 Evan Devore 0 3 Woodlands Area Crush 6/13/2023
0 3 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/14/2023
Total 0 6
0 6 Saints 12u - Kliebert 6/15/2023
Total 0 12
12 Seth Frankenfield 0 3 Traction Canes 12u Black 6/13/2023
0 9 South Texas Hurricanes 6/15/2023
Total 0 12
3 Wilson Hays 0 3 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/14/2023
9 Sam Scott 0 6 Woodlands Area Crush 6/13/2023
0 3 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/14/2023
Total 0 9
0 3 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/14/2023
Total 0 12
0 10 Texas Fire 6/15/2023
Total 0 22
17 Kili Spencer 0 3 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/14/2023
6 Huson Walz 0 9 Traction Canes 12u Black 6/13/2023
0 3 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/14/2023
Total 0 12
0 6 Saints 12u - Kliebert 6/15/2023
Total 0 18
1 Ryder Wolcott 0 3 Traction Canes 12u Black 6/13/2023
Saints 12u - Kliebert
7 Grayson Atol 0 3 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/13/2023
0 4 Rookies 6/15/2023
Total 0 7
14 Kaleb Barbier 0 6 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/13/2023
0 15 NTXBC Dirtbags- Wright 6/15/2023
Total 0 21
9 Talen Boudreaux 0 3 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/13/2023
99 Graham Brouillette 0 10 Woodlands Area Crush 6/14/2023
8 Jaxon Holder 0 3 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/13/2023
0 7 Rookies 6/15/2023
Total 0 10
55 Max Lamberth 0 6 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/13/2023
0 9 NTXBC Dirtbags- Wright 6/16/2023
Total 0 15
1 Brogan Stewart 0 7 Traction Canes 12u Black 6/14/2023
0 Collin Turnipseed 0 2 Traction Canes 12u Black 6/14/2023
0 5 Woodlands Area Crush 6/14/2023
Total 0 7
0 1 Rookies 6/15/2023
Total 0 8
South Texas Hurricanes
99 Kyle Benke 0 6 Usa Prime 12u Stars - Cisneros 6/13/2023
7 Colton Dann 0 1 Ascension Giants 6/13/2023
0 2 Power Athletics 12u 6/14/2023
Total 0 3
0 4 Texas Fire 6/14/2023
Total 0 7
0 7 Rookies 6/15/2023
Total 0 14
9 Jack Fox 0 5 Ascension Giants 6/13/2023
0 2 Texas Fire 6/14/2023
Total 0 7
0 1 Rookies 6/15/2023
Total 0 8
42 Ashton McKnight 0 3 Usa Prime 12u Stars - Cisneros 6/13/2023
0 1 Power Athletics 12u 6/14/2023
Total 0 4
10 Brendan Noyes 0 4 Ascension Giants 6/13/2023
0 3 Texas Fire 6/14/2023
Total 0 7
Texas Fire
12 Ethan Bailey 0 9 Ascension Giants 6/13/2023
0 9 Rookies 6/15/2023
Total 0 18
21 Brayden Harris 0 3 Power Athletics 12u 6/13/2023
0 9 South Texas Hurricanes 6/14/2023
Total 0 12
44 Logan Jones 0 3 Ascension Giants 6/13/2023
0 1 Usa Prime 12u Stars - Cisneros 6/14/2023
Total 0 4
6 Niko Martinez 0 7 Usa Prime 12u Stars - Cisneros 6/14/2023
0 2 Rookies 6/15/2023
Total 0 9
99 Hunter McCracken 0 3 Power Athletics 12u 6/13/2023
0 3 South Texas Hurricanes 6/14/2023
Total 0 6
0 11 Mississippi Fire 6/16/2023
Total 0 17
9 Isaiah Nieto 0 6 Power Athletics 12u 6/13/2023
0 4 Rookies 6/15/2023
Total 0 10
Traction Canes 12u Black
4 Maddox Bercegeay 0 10 Saints 12u - Kliebert 6/14/2023
50 Brandon Gawlik 0 3 Rookies 6/13/2023
1 Cooper Hess 0 12 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/14/2023
30 Cruz Jones 0 6 Rookies 6/13/2023
0 6 Jordans Baseball 6/15/2023
Total 0 12
42 Josh Kantrow 0 5 Woodlands Area Crush 6/13/2023
0 5 Fairhope Pirates 12u 6/16/2023
Total 0 10
7 Baylen Millet 0 6 Rookies 6/13/2023
0 4 Fairhope Pirates 12u 6/16/2023
Total 0 10
0 Reid Pittman 0 8 Woodlands Area Crush 6/13/2023
0 9 Jordans Baseball 6/15/2023
Total 0 17
6 Jack Sperry 0 2 Woodlands Area Crush 6/13/2023
9 Cameron Thompson 0 2 Saints 12u - Kliebert 6/14/2023
Usa Prime 12u Stars - Cisneros
27 Preston Barnhisel 0 11 Ascension Giants 6/14/2023
29 Braxton Ford 0 3 South Texas Hurricanes 6/13/2023
0 7 Emerald Coast Marlins 6/15/2023
Total 0 10
1 Brooks Ford 0 3 South Texas Hurricanes 6/13/2023
0 1 Ascension Giants 6/14/2023
Total 0 4
0 4 Emerald Coast Marlins 6/15/2023
Total 0 8
3 Holden Harrison 0 1 Power Athletics 12u 6/13/2023
0 8 Texas Fire 6/14/2023
Total 0 9
22 Justin Head 0 8 Power Athletics 12u 6/13/2023
26 Wilson Riemer 0 3 South Texas Hurricanes 6/13/2023
42 Jonah Ruestmann 0 1 Texas Fire 6/14/2023
23 Trace Wolfe 0 3 South Texas Hurricanes 6/13/2023
0 1 Emerald Coast Marlins 6/15/2023
Total 0 4
8 Zander Zangoei 0 3 Ascension Giants 6/14/2023
0 9 HomeRun Alley - Mulholland 6/16/2023
Total 0 12
Woodlands Area Crush
2 Slade Baker 0 9 Traction Canes 12u Black 6/13/2023
4 JT Cortez 0 9 Saints 12u - Kliebert 6/14/2023
7 Logan Grueneich 0 3 Rookies 6/13/2023
27 Bryce Hoffman 0 6 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/14/2023
5 Matthew Hollas 0 6 Traction Canes 12u Black 6/13/2023
0 1 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/16/2023
Total 0 7
8 Bryce Rodgers 0 3 Saints 12u - Kliebert 6/14/2023
23 Lucas Simpson 0 9 Oklahoma Mojo Blue 6/14/2023
0 5 Jimmy Gonzales Nationals 6/16/2023
Total 0 14
32 Cannon Workman 0 9 Rookies 6/13/2023
0 15 Power Athletics 12u 6/15/2023
Total 0 24