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No Metal spikes on the mounds at Mount Tabor Park. We have been notified from the park that concessions will NOT be available for today (Saturday). Outside food and drinks will be welcome to be brought into the park. Full concessions will be available for Sunday.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
13u Sandlot Sluggers
2 Connor Copp 58 6 USA Prime Georgia 13u 3/26/2022
5 Blake Gordon 24 8 Team Elite 13U Prospects 3/27/2022
98 Wilson Lillard 33 5 USA Prime Georgia 13u 3/26/2022
4 3 Team Elite 13U Prospects 3/27/2022
Total 37 8
15 Leo Lindberg 20 3 Team Elite 13U Prospects 3/27/2022
13 Ford Massey 38 4 USA Prime Georgia 13u 3/26/2022
45 Emmett Reeves 95 16 East Cobb Braves 3/26/2022
17 Cole Spencer 8 3 Service Baseball-Marine Raiders 13u 3/27/2022
19 Connor Torres 32 8 Team Elite 13U Prospects 3/27/2022
67 15 Service Baseball-Marine Raiders 13u 3/27/2022
Total 99 23
5 Star Atlanta 13U King
0 Bronson Andrews 42 9 Georgia Jackets 13u - Sims 3/27/2022
29 9 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 3/27/2022
Total 71 18
Gavin Bray 16 3 East Cobb Cardinals 13u Red 3/26/2022
6 Tyler Mull 38 8 Service Baseball-Marine Raiders 13u 3/26/2022
Adrian Palacios 44 9 East Cobb Cardinals 13u Red 3/26/2022
46 9 Georgia Jackets 13u - Sims 3/27/2022
Total 90 18
4 Will Parham 32 7 Service Baseball-Marine Raiders 13u 3/26/2022
32 6 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 3/27/2022
Total 64 13
Blake Thomas 33 6 East Cobb Cardinals 13u Red 3/26/2022
Kyler Worsham 29 6 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 3/27/2022
643 Dp Panthers 13u Adams
22 Rocco Baxter 58 15 Dc Baseball 13u - Chastain 3/27/2022
2 Thomas Byrne 25 2 East Side Aces - Brady 3/26/2022
24 5 Creekview Grizzlies 3/27/2022
Total 49 7
17 Noah Ellis 26 2 East Side Aces - Brady 3/26/2022
3 Andrew Herrington 67 12 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/27/2022
11 Samuel Kirk 45 5 Creekview Grizzlies 3/27/2022
13 Chandler Mathis 36 6 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/27/2022
19 Kendrick Seever 34 9 TG DBacks-Ocee 3/26/2022
61 11 Creekview Grizzlies 3/27/2022
Total 95 20
27 Cameron Spicer 57 12 TG DBacks-Ocee 3/26/2022
55 Owen Tarentino 60 7 East Side Aces - Brady 3/26/2022
Brookwood Layson 13u
27 Alex Evans 19 3 Team Elite 13U Steel 3/26/2022
51 6 East Cobb Braves 3/27/2022
Total 70 9
25 Cody Hill 21 3 Team Elite 13U Steel 3/26/2022
13 Jason "Lincoln" Ingemanson 16 3 Georgia Jackets 13u - Sims 3/27/2022
9 Maddox Layson 19 6 Creekview Grizzlies 3/26/2022
50 8 Georgia Jackets 13u - Sims 3/27/2022
Total 69 14
11 Logan Mixon 17 3 Creekview Grizzlies 3/26/2022
20 Davis Robinson 48 9 Creekview Grizzlies 3/26/2022
60 10 Georgia Jackets 13u - Sims 3/27/2022
Total 108 19
17 Hayden Strickland 23 6 Team Elite 13U Steel 3/26/2022
49 12 East Cobb Braves 3/27/2022
Total 72 18
16 Madison "Roe" Williams 16 3 Team Elite 13U Steel 3/26/2022
Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Black
34 Cortland Carter 0 0 East Side Aces - Helms 3/26/2022
16 0 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 3/27/2022
Total 16 0
0 Jacob Krivanek 11 3 Southeast Barons 3/26/2022
28 1 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 3/27/2022
Total 39 4
1 Fenner Melton 42 8 East Side Aces - Helms 3/26/2022
12 1 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 3/27/2022
Total 54 9
13 Caeden Schmidt 32 6 East Side Aces - Helms 3/26/2022
0 0 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 3/27/2022
Total 32 6
31 Beau Tibbitts 44 9 Southeast Barons 3/26/2022
53 8 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 3/27/2022
Total 97 17
10 Brody Tibbitts 47 9 Southeast Barons 3/26/2022
99 Barrett Tubiak 18 4 East Side Aces - Helms 3/26/2022
0 0 Southeast Barons 3/26/2022
Total 18 4
Cherokee Warriors
11 Brooks Blanton 22 6 Team Elite 13U Prospects 3/26/2022
42 Nick D'Aquino 52 8 East Side Aces - Helms 3/27/2022
24 Levi Lathem 30 2 Dc Baseball 13u - Chastain 3/26/2022
2 Maddox Pitts 39 6 Dc Baseball 13u - Chastain 3/26/2022
39 6 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 3/27/2022
Total 78 12
17 Conner Smith 46 6 Team Elite 13U Prospects 3/26/2022
22 Kale Tompkins 21 3 Team Elite 13U Prospects 3/26/2022
9 Dylan Walls 24 6 Dc Baseball 13u - Chastain 3/26/2022
40 6 East Side Aces - Helms 3/27/2022
Total 64 12
76 14 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 3/27/2022
Total 140 26
25 Asher Webb 51 6 Dc Baseball 13u - Chastain 3/26/2022
20 4 East Side Aces - Helms 3/27/2022
Total 71 10
Creekview Grizzlies
99 Devin Ballard 59 9 Team Elite 13U Steel 3/26/2022
27 Cooper Boling 17 3 Team Elite 13U Steel 3/26/2022
34 Braxton Carnes 29 5 Team Elite 13U Steel 3/26/2022
15 James Dugger 24 6 Brookwood Layson 13u 3/26/2022
12 Everett Grubbs 22 3 Team Elite 13U Steel 3/26/2022
74 17 TG DBacks-Ocee 3/27/2022
Total 96 20
1 0 643 Dp Panthers 13u Adams 3/27/2022
Total 97 20
2 Truitt Grubbs 16 4 TG DBacks-Ocee 3/27/2022
23 Hayden Hansen 31 9 Brookwood Layson 13u 3/26/2022
46 9 643 Dp Panthers 13u Adams 3/27/2022
Total 77 18
17 Christopher Reece 52 11 Titans Baseball 13u Orange 3/27/2022
41 12 643 Dp Panthers 13u Adams 3/27/2022
Total 93 23
10 Thomas Walker 19 3 Brookwood Layson 13u 3/26/2022
Dc Baseball 13u - Chastain
3 Copeland Ayers 18 2 Cherokee Warriors 3/26/2022
40 4 643 Dp Panthers 13u Adams 3/27/2022
Total 58 6
16 Grayson Brown 37 9 Cherokee Warriors 3/26/2022
47 11 643 Dp Panthers 13u Adams 3/27/2022
Total 84 20
6 Tucker Hullender 13 0 643 Dp Panthers 13u Adams 3/27/2022
11 Davis Parker 61 9 Cherokee Warriors 3/26/2022
22 Mason Peek 65 6 Team Elite 13U Prospects 3/26/2022
21 Collin Watson 83 12 Team Elite 13U Steel 3/27/2022
44 Christopher Williams 45 7 Team Elite 13U Prospects 3/26/2022
East Cobb Braves
24 Hayden Alley 67 9 13u Sandlot Sluggers 3/26/2022
77 Eli Beam 100 16 East Side Aces - Brady 3/27/2022
9 Chase Greenwood 56 9 Gwinnett Stripers 13U 3/26/2022
43 6 Brookwood Layson 13u 3/27/2022
Total 99 15
21 Xavier Howard 40 9 13u Sandlot Sluggers 3/26/2022
57 9 Brookwood Layson 13u 3/27/2022
Total 97 18
2 1 East Side Aces - Brady 3/27/2022
Total 99 19
19 Max Maher 52 9 Gwinnett Stripers 13U 3/26/2022
East Cobb Cardinals 13u Red
44 Colton Burkhalter 77 11 5 Star Atlanta 13U King 3/26/2022
2 Holden Campbell 14 3 Service Baseball-Marine Raiders 13u 3/26/2022
17 4 5 Star Atlanta 13U King 3/26/2022
Total 31 7
16 3 Southeast Barons 3/27/2022
Total 47 10
17 Will Chastain 80 18 Southeast Barons 3/27/2022
6 Evan Greenwood 28 0 5 Star Atlanta 13U King 3/26/2022
40 Dylan Ivkovich 48 6 Service Baseball-Marine Raiders 13u 3/26/2022
43 Ryan Marrinson 15 3 East Cobb Stallions 3/27/2022
1 Max Martineau 13 3 Service Baseball-Marine Raiders 13u 3/26/2022
98 Alec Seaman 33 9 East Cobb Stallions 3/27/2022
41 6 Service Baseball-Marine Raiders 13u 3/27/2022
Total 74 15
9 Quinn Smith 46 6 Service Baseball-Marine Raiders 13u 3/26/2022
0 0 Southeast Barons 3/27/2022
Total 46 6
23 Caleb White 50 9 Service Baseball-Marine Raiders 13u 3/27/2022
East Cobb Stallions
0 Casen Bailey 56 6 Georgia Jackets 13u - Sims 3/26/2022
12 Collin Couch 24 0 Georgia Jackets 13u - Sims 3/26/2022
24 Nicholas Joy 23 3 Titans Baseball 13u Orange 3/26/2022
47 5 East Cobb Cardinals 13u Red 3/27/2022
Total 70 8
8 Templar Mack 76 15 Titans Baseball 13u Orange 3/26/2022
47 4 East Cobb Cardinals 13u Red 3/27/2022
Total 123 19
34 Nick Wright 29 2 Titans Baseball 13u Orange 3/26/2022
7 Noah Wright 46 4 Georgia Jackets 13u - Sims 3/26/2022
East Side Aces - Brady
20 Halen Bennett 14 3 TG DBacks-Ocee 3/26/2022
60 9 East Cobb Braves 3/27/2022
Total 74 12
6 Luke Darsey 73 12 TG DBacks-Ocee 3/26/2022
3 Aryan Desai 13 1 643 Dp Panthers 13u Adams 3/26/2022
33 6 TG DBacks-Ocee 3/26/2022
Total 46 7
28 Jacob Saboura 30 6 East Cobb Braves 3/27/2022
52 JC Slavis 90 11 643 Dp Panthers 13u Adams 3/26/2022
East Side Aces - Helms
24 Joshua Alequin 28 6 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Black 3/26/2022
59 17 Georgia Jackets 13u - Sims 3/27/2022
Total 87 23
16 Colton Brown 12 3 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Black 3/26/2022
41 6 Cherokee Warriors 3/27/2022
Total 53 9
21 Cayden Moran 16 2 Southeast Barons 3/26/2022
2 Jensen Morneau 24 6 Southeast Barons 3/26/2022
71 12 Cherokee Warriors 3/27/2022
Total 95 18
15 Christian Pearson 31 6 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Black 3/26/2022
50 14 Gwinnett Stripers 13U 3/27/2022
Total 81 20
10 Jaiden Tse 35 6 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Black 3/26/2022
10 3 Cherokee Warriors 3/27/2022
Total 45 9
14 3 Georgia Jackets 13u - Sims 3/27/2022
Total 59 12
26 Henry Zaring 25 6 Southeast Barons 3/26/2022
East Side Broncos
22 Lennon Baker 21 1 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/26/2022
50 8 Service Baseball-Marine Raiders 13u 3/27/2022
Total 71 9
24 Graham Cawthon 53 11 Georgia Bombers 13u Victus 3/26/2022
0 0 Service Baseball-Marine Raiders 13u 3/27/2022
Total 53 11
10 Jude Green 45 3 Service Baseball-Marine Raiders 13u 3/27/2022
Taylor Hart 6 1 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/26/2022
87 Colin McKeone 44 5 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/26/2022
3 Josh Murphy 39 2 Georgia Bombers 13u Victus 3/26/2022
25 2 Service Baseball-Marine Raiders 13u 3/27/2022
Total 64 4
14 Noah Rayburn 41 7 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/26/2022
East Side Chargers
3 Jackson Bredeson 61 10 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 3/26/2022
0 Justin Caron 38 6 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 3/26/2022
68 Ellis Couch 64 14 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 3/26/2022
17 Dylan Cox 60 9 Southeast Barons 3/27/2022
0 Shawn Jasrotia 18 4 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 3/26/2022
7 Zach Nagle 81 12 Southeast Barons 3/27/2022
Georgia Bombers 13u Victus
8 Ashton Baer 21 6 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/26/2022
10 Brody Broach 27 1 East Side Broncos 3/26/2022
7 Colt Feutral 11 2 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/26/2022
35 5 Gwinnett Stripers 13U 3/27/2022
Total 46 7
44 Brady Flock 25 5 East Side Broncos 3/26/2022
1 Brayde Harris 38 5 East Side Broncos 3/26/2022
21 6 Gwinnett Stripers 13U 3/27/2022
Total 59 11
27 Nolan Newsham 8 3 East Side Broncos 3/26/2022
25 Sebastian Rojas 28 6 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/26/2022
34 3 Gwinnett Stripers 13U 3/27/2022
Total 62 9
97 Oliver Stark 28 3 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/26/2022
Georgia Jackets 13u - Sims
50 Eli Ampel 61 8 East Cobb Stallions 3/26/2022
13 Andrew Garrison 3 1 East Side Aces - Helms 3/27/2022
38 7 5 Star Atlanta 13U King 3/27/2022
Total 41 8
18 Justin Gillham 50 9 Brookwood Layson 13u 3/27/2022
23 5 5 Star Atlanta 13U King 3/27/2022
Total 73 14
7 William “Tate” Golden 49 7 Titans Baseball 13u Orange 3/26/2022
4 Nicholas Mapp 35 7 Titans Baseball 13u Orange 3/26/2022
53 12 Brookwood Layson 13u 3/27/2022
Total 88 19
2 Beau Selby 22 4 East Cobb Stallions 3/26/2022
42 9 5 Star Atlanta 13U King 3/27/2022
Total 64 13
5 Connor Ymbras 70 17 East Side Aces - Helms 3/27/2022
Gwinnett Stripers 13U
3 Jace Beaulieu 8 2 East Side Aces - Helms 3/27/2022
12 Andrew Brech 48 15 Georgia Bombers 13u Victus 3/27/2022
4 Reid Dzikowski 85 10 East Side Aces - Helms 3/27/2022
14 Davis McMillan 53 6 USA Prime Georgia 13u 3/26/2022
9 Brody Miller 45 9 East Cobb Braves 3/26/2022
11 Aaden Phanmanee 75 8 USA Prime Georgia 13u 3/26/2022
15 Graydon Sellers 41 9 East Cobb Braves 3/26/2022
Service Baseball-Marine Raiders 13u
8 Landon Clark 19 4 East Cobb Cardinals 13u Red 3/27/2022
17 Case Gravitt 50 8 East Cobb Cardinals 13u Red 3/26/2022
31 6 East Side Broncos 3/27/2022
Total 81 14
54 Owen Helms 21 0 5 Star Atlanta 13U King 3/26/2022
5 Deacon Hensley 33 8 5 Star Atlanta 13U King 3/26/2022
21 7 13u Sandlot Sluggers 3/27/2022
Total 54 15
11 Andrew Hite 17 3 East Cobb Cardinals 13u Red 3/26/2022
57 5 East Cobb Cardinals 13u Red 3/27/2022
Total 74 8
2 Easton Holmes 29 6 East Cobb Cardinals 13u Red 3/26/2022
67 14 13u Sandlot Sluggers 3/27/2022
Total 96 20
12 Wesley Seifert 46 6 5 Star Atlanta 13U King 3/26/2022
42 9 East Side Broncos 3/27/2022
Total 88 15
3 Braden Walters 44 6 East Cobb Cardinals 13u Red 3/27/2022
Southeast Barons
11 Jack Blaszczak 93 18 East Cobb Cardinals 13u Red 3/27/2022
2 Dylan Cunningham 54 9 East Side Aces - Helms 3/26/2022
13 Kooper Hennessy 16 1 East Side Chargers 3/27/2022
5 Ryan Keating 93 14 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Black 3/26/2022
7 Tyler Matheson 58 6 East Side Aces - Helms 3/26/2022
34 Jack Mikels 22 6 East Side Chargers 3/27/2022
99 Jack Pierce 82 12 East Side Chargers 3/27/2022
4 Niko Stojic 15 4 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Black 3/26/2022
11 1 East Side Chargers 3/27/2022
Total 26 5
Talkin Baseball Blue Sox
17 Aidan Caldwell 24 6 Cherokee Warriors 3/27/2022
99 Brody Craig 50 12 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Black 3/27/2022
13 Caden Evans 23 2 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 3/26/2022
74 11 Cherokee Warriors 3/27/2022
Total 97 13
27 Caleb Holcombe 74 16 East Side Chargers 3/26/2022
5 Drew Jackson 26 4 East Side Chargers 3/26/2022
3 Jake James 55 14 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 3/26/2022
14 1 East Side Chargers 3/26/2022
Total 69 15
6 Thomas (Tj) Studer 20 3 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 3/26/2022
Team Elite 13U Prospects
Scotton Manton 49 5 Dc Baseball 13u - Chastain 3/26/2022
Owen Mauney 55 8 Cherokee Warriors 3/26/2022
Will Morris 45 9 13u Sandlot Sluggers 3/27/2022
Jj Sims 62 9 Dc Baseball 13u - Chastain 3/26/2022
Mookie Smolin 34 3 Cherokee Warriors 3/26/2022
Brody Tanner 49 9 13u Sandlot Sluggers 3/27/2022
Team Elite 13U Steel
Sean Cooper 0 0 Brookwood Layson 13u 3/26/2022
53 4 Dc Baseball 13u - Chastain 3/27/2022
Total 53 4
Colton Gowing 33 3 Dc Baseball 13u - Chastain 3/27/2022
Grady Hansen 31 8 Brookwood Layson 13u 3/26/2022
Reed Jackson 0 0 Brookwood Layson 13u 3/26/2022
54 15 Creekview Grizzlies 3/26/2022
Total 54 15
Cade Miller 25 4 Creekview Grizzlies 3/26/2022
Cole Shuler 22 2 Creekview Grizzlies 3/26/2022
David Wagner 35 3 Brookwood Layson 13u 3/26/2022
TG DBacks-Ocee
17 Matthew Bronitt 60 12 East Side Aces - Brady 3/26/2022
10 Andy Lafon 46 8 USA Prime Georgia 13u 3/27/2022
18 Evan Lucas 42 8 643 Dp Panthers 13u Adams 3/26/2022
34 Ben McSweeney 52 7 643 Dp Panthers 13u Adams 3/26/2022
42 Bryce Nolan 52 9 East Side Aces - Brady 3/26/2022
5 Tilden Reams 41 6 USA Prime Georgia 13u 3/27/2022
19 Addie Spak 64 18 Creekview Grizzlies 3/27/2022
15 Rhys Williams 9 3 643 Dp Panthers 13u Adams 3/26/2022
Titans Baseball 13u Blue
23 Asher Black 71 9 Georgia Bombers 13u Victus 3/26/2022
21 Justin Boronat 30 4 643 Dp Panthers 13u Adams 3/27/2022
5 Montavious Fowler 56 8 East Side Broncos 3/26/2022
22 Daniel Head 78 9 Georgia Bombers 13u Victus 3/26/2022
24 Patrick Honeyman 17 3 East Side Broncos 3/26/2022
12 3 643 Dp Panthers 13u Adams 3/27/2022
Total 29 6
13 Colton Ingram 19 1 East Side Broncos 3/26/2022
14 Jackson Nesmith 8 1 East Side Broncos 3/26/2022
7 Jackson Nunn 63 8 643 Dp Panthers 13u Adams 3/27/2022
Titans Baseball 13u Orange
20 Robert Adair 11 0 Georgia Jackets 13u - Sims 3/26/2022
9 0 Creekview Grizzlies 3/27/2022
Total 20 0
17 Scott Chace 25 2 East Cobb Stallions 3/26/2022
44 Matthew Contos 48 5 Georgia Jackets 13u - Sims 3/26/2022
99 Nirven Dalal 21 3 Georgia Jackets 13u - Sims 3/26/2022
24 3 Creekview Grizzlies 3/27/2022
Total 45 6
18 Ryder Hood 34 5 East Cobb Stallions 3/26/2022
11 Brendan Hurst 35 7 East Cobb Stallions 3/26/2022
17 0 Creekview Grizzlies 3/27/2022
Total 52 7
10 Andrew Kelley 32 6 Georgia Jackets 13u - Sims 3/26/2022
38 6 Creekview Grizzlies 3/27/2022
Total 70 12
3 Max Lilly 20 6 East Cobb Stallions 3/26/2022
18 3 Creekview Grizzlies 3/27/2022
Total 38 9
USA Prime Georgia 13u
22 Anthony Boone 18 3 13u Sandlot Sluggers 3/26/2022
2 Luke Dickerson 51 7 Gwinnett Stripers 13U 3/26/2022
8 Ronan Malally 70 11 13u Sandlot Sluggers 3/26/2022
10 Mason Morningstar 76 12 TG DBacks-Ocee 3/27/2022
3 Carson Roberts 7 3 TG DBacks-Ocee 3/27/2022
7 Quentin Smith 32 3 Gwinnett Stripers 13U 3/26/2022
5 Carter Spears 30 2 Gwinnett Stripers 13U 3/26/2022
30 Austin Taylor 19 3 Gwinnett Stripers 13U 3/26/2022
13 Kaiden Thomas 1 0 TG DBacks-Ocee 3/27/2022
Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker
17 Trevor Baker 17 6 East Side Chargers 3/26/2022
61 4 5 Star Atlanta 13U King 3/27/2022
Total 78 10
5 Jude Blessington 26 6 East Side Chargers 3/26/2022
8 Aaron Childress 42 6 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 3/26/2022
4 Lawson Ferguson 27 6 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 3/26/2022
62 14 5 Star Atlanta 13U King 3/27/2022
Total 89 20
2 Parker Hope 21 6 East Side Chargers 3/26/2022
9 3 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 3/26/2022
Total 30 9
10 James Manring 16 1 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 3/26/2022
42 Colin McAllister 16 6 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 3/26/2022