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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star National 11U Wilson
99 Derek Blesie 16 2 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 4/10/2022
88 Landen Davis 27 6 Blueclaws 4/9/2022
56 9 Jax Beach Barracudas 11u 4/10/2022
Total 83 15
9 Nicolas Farrugia 3 0 Jax Beach Barracudas 11u 4/10/2022
43 Karson Kettles 25 5 Jax Beach Barracudas 11u 4/10/2022
23 Jake McFarlin 12 3 Florida Fuel 4/9/2022
78 15 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 4/10/2022
Total 90 18
25 Cole McMurry 38 5 Florida Fuel 4/9/2022
13 Ryan Shawl 32 6 Blueclaws 4/9/2022
15 Davis Acree 33 3 5 Star National 11U Wilson 4/9/2022
14 Benjamin Coltvet 20 3 5 Star National 11U Wilson 4/9/2022
22 Cole Hartfield 32 6 Ponte Vedra Thunder Kritter/Bone 4/9/2022
42 Carson Kelley 32 3 5 Star National 11U Wilson 4/9/2022
29 2 FL Dodgers Scout Team 11U 4/10/2022
Total 61 5
8 Mac Lumpkin 11 3 5 Star National 11U Wilson 4/9/2022
23 Jake Phillips 52 6 Ponte Vedra Thunder Kritter/Bone 4/9/2022
50 9 FL Dodgers Scout Team 11U 4/10/2022
Total 102 15
10 Levi Pontarelli 18 0 Ponte Vedra Thunder Kritter/Bone 4/9/2022
Canes Florida - Wildcats
12 Parker Bridges 27 3 Diamond Kings Elite 4/9/2022
8 Caleb Cooper 55 12 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 4/10/2022
34 Juan Duque Crespo 7 3 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 4/10/2022
11 Massimo Mena 47 9 Diamond Kings Elite 4/9/2022
6 Carter Swain 26 3 Jax Beach Barracudas 11u 4/9/2022
0 Jack Torresson 31 5 Jax Beach Barracudas 11u 4/9/2022
17 3 Diamond Kings Elite 4/9/2022
Total 48 8
9 Zeke Varela 38 9 Jax Beach Barracudas 11u 4/9/2022
15 3 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 4/10/2022
Total 53 12
Diamond Kings Elite
8 Alexander Camus 46 9 Canes Florida - Wildcats 4/9/2022
5 3 FL Dodgers Scout Team 11U 4/10/2022
Total 51 12
30 Banks Chew 42 9 FL Dodgers Scout Team 11U 4/9/2022
47 7 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 4/10/2022
Total 89 16
6 Dylan Froloff 66 15 FL Dodgers Scout Team 11U 4/10/2022
17 Braxton Hickman 51 5 Canes Florida - Wildcats 4/9/2022
22 3 Florida Hardballers 4/10/2022
Total 73 8
13 Emerson Jones 16 3 FL Dodgers Scout Team 11U 4/9/2022
42 10 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 4/10/2022
Total 58 13
0 0 Florida Hardballers 4/10/2022
Total 58 13
24 Silas Magdalein 77 10 Florida Hardballers 4/10/2022
21 Benjamin Norton 3 1 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 4/10/2022
FL Dodgers Scout Team 11U
7 Whit Clark 47 5 Diamond Kings Elite 4/9/2022
98 Nixon Edenfield 49 6 Diamond Kings Elite 4/9/2022
1 Landon Furukawa 56 4 Florida Hardballers 4/9/2022
20 Mason Mitchell 60 9 Ponte Vedra Thunder Kritter/Bone 4/10/2022
39 Kace Myers 42 6 Florida Hardballers 4/9/2022
24 Koda Myers 11 1 Florida Hardballers 4/9/2022
63 8 Diamond Kings Elite 4/10/2022
Total 74 9
2 Wyatt Rapoza 52 9 Ponte Vedra Thunder Kritter/Bone 4/10/2022
35 Jonathan Riley 21 1 Florida Hardballers 4/9/2022
99 Justin Sadler 55 12 Blueclaws 4/10/2022
23 Elijah Sevilla 21 7 Diamond Kings Elite 4/10/2022
Florida Fuel
3 Jonah Altman 35 4 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 4/9/2022
20 Kylan Carroll 53 3 5 Star National 11U Wilson 4/9/2022
24 Thomas Dolan 21 3 Jax Beach Barracudas 11u 4/10/2022
17 Jowell Foglia 14 1 5 Star National 11U Wilson 4/9/2022
11 Brady Gregg 30 3 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 4/9/2022
12 Greyson Harris 12 0 5 Star National 11U Wilson 4/9/2022
16 Brooks Hubbard 62 6 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 4/9/2022
99 Damon Rodriguez 15 3 5 Star National 11U Wilson 4/9/2022
10 Ford Storm 75 11 Jax Beach Barracudas 11u 4/10/2022
Florida Hardballers
10 Jalen Brannon 40 6 FL Dodgers Scout Team 11U 4/9/2022
22 Cameron Burford 19 3 Diamond Kings Elite 4/10/2022
3 Noah Grogan 33 6 FL Dodgers Scout Team 11U 4/9/2022
8 Lincoln Jones 39 6 Jax Beach Barracudas 11u 4/9/2022
51 8 Diamond Kings Elite 4/10/2022
Total 90 14
44 Riley Mulligan 13 6 Jax Beach Barracudas 11u 4/9/2022
37 3 Diamond Kings Elite 4/10/2022
Total 50 9
27 Gabe Puentes 43 6 Jax Beach Barracudas 11u 4/9/2022
Jax Beach Barracudas 11u
4 Austin Harth 13 3 Canes Florida - Wildcats 4/9/2022
34 2 5 Star National 11U Wilson 4/10/2022
Total 47 5
18 Alexander Hernandez 69 12 5 Star National 11U Wilson 4/10/2022
66 Hays Jackson 28 6 Florida Fuel 4/10/2022
99 Toby Jackson 0 0 5 Star National 11U Wilson 4/10/2022
50 12 Florida Fuel 4/10/2022
Total 50 12
23 Lincoln McBride 24 2 Florida Hardballers 4/9/2022
20 Sam Neel 57 6 Canes Florida - Wildcats 4/9/2022
9 Miles Proly 40 9 Canes Florida - Wildcats 4/9/2022
36 9 Florida Hardballers 4/9/2022
Total 76 18
2 Colton Sambito 65 5 Florida Hardballers 4/9/2022
48 Brooks Vaughan 0 0 Florida Hardballers 4/9/2022
Ponte Vedra Thunder Kritter/Bone
17 Nate Bestic 49 6 Blueclaws 4/9/2022
21 Tyler Cauley 41 9 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 4/9/2022
24 3 FL Dodgers Scout Team 11U 4/10/2022
Total 65 12
23 Evan Sproull 11 4 FL Dodgers Scout Team 11U 4/10/2022
8 Ryan Wade 22 3 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 4/9/2022
64 10 FL Dodgers Scout Team 11U 4/10/2022
Total 86 13
13 Tommy Weiss 42 6 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 4/9/2022
13 2 FL Dodgers Scout Team 11U 4/10/2022
Total 55 8
5 Preston West 19 2 Blueclaws 4/9/2022
2 Braden Wright 14 6 Blueclaws 4/9/2022
Team Florida Ruff Ryders
17 Xavier Andrade 72 15 Diamond Kings Elite 4/10/2022
26 Brady Douglas 18 1 Ponte Vedra Thunder Kritter/Bone 4/9/2022
9 Eduardo Matheus 66 16 5 Star National 11U Wilson 4/10/2022
27 Santiago Montero 22 6 Florida Fuel 4/9/2022
99 Adrian Perez 36 9 Florida Fuel 4/9/2022
39 Jackson Sestokas 30 5 Ponte Vedra Thunder Kritter/Bone 4/9/2022
15 3 Diamond Kings Elite 4/10/2022
Total 45 8
13 2 5 Star National 11U Wilson 4/10/2022
Total 58 10
12 Fabricio Solorzano 41 11 Ponte Vedra Thunder Kritter/Bone 4/9/2022
11 Jayden Taylor 62 18 Canes Florida - Wildcats 4/10/2022