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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
319 Baseball
3 Jeremiah Deal 0 9 Georgia Academy Athletics 6/23/2022
16 Zayden Gallegos 0 6 Oklahoma Outaws 6/22/2022
8 Asher Johnson 0 2 Oklahoma Outaws 6/22/2022
15 Chris Luna 0 1 Oklahoma Outaws 6/22/2022
0 1 Knoxviile Stars 6/24/2022
Total 0 2
2 Noah Ortega 0 9 Wildcatters - Leyja 6/22/2022
0 6 Knoxviile Stars 6/24/2022
Total 0 15
21 Jason Renteria 0 6 Banditos 9u Gray 6/23/2022
14 Noah Reyna 0 3 Georgia Academy Athletics 6/23/2022
3n2 Hitz Elite
10 Bryson Billings 0 9 West Georgia Bombers-Byers 6/23/2022
35 Mayson Coleman 0 7 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/22/2022
0 6 LA Xtreme 6/22/2022
Total 0 13
0 9 Knox Select 6/24/2022
Total 0 22
8 Brady Hughes 0 3 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/22/2022
0 1 Texas Alpha Baseball 6/23/2022
Total 0 4
15 Jackson McMahon 0 2 LA Xtreme 6/22/2022
32 Nathan Roose 0 4 LA Xtreme 6/22/2022
0 12 West Georgia Bombers-Byers 6/24/2022
Total 0 16
20 Knox Weishaupt 0 2 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/22/2022
0 3 West Georgia Bombers-Byers 6/23/2022
Total 0 5
1 Caleb Williams 0 9 Texas Alpha Baseball 6/23/2022
0 2 West Georgia Bombers-Byers 6/24/2022
Total 0 11
Baldwin Bandits 9u
9 Landen Ashley 0 3 Carrollton Red 9u 6/23/2022
0 1 Gulf Coast Patriots 9U 6/24/2022
Total 0 4
17 Liam Blocker 0 3 M2 Baseball 9u 6/23/2022
0 1 Gulf Coast Patriots 9U 6/24/2022
Total 0 4
4 Bryson Clayton 0 3 M2 Baseball 9u 6/23/2022
0 3 Oklahoma Outaws 6/24/2022
Total 0 6
23 Adan Gaytan 0 3 Louisiana Kings 9u 6/22/2022
0 3 Carrollton Red 9u 6/23/2022
Total 0 6
0 1 Oklahoma Outaws 6/24/2022
Total 0 7
25 Gavin Kamka 0 3 Louisiana Kings 9u 6/22/2022
0 3 Carrollton Red 9u 6/23/2022
Total 0 6
21 Ryder Ousley 0 3 Knoxviile Stars 6/22/2022
0 8 Oklahoma Outaws 6/24/2022
Total 0 11
12 Bryant Pfeiffer 0 3 M2 Baseball 9u 6/23/2022
0 3 Gulf Coast Patriots 9U 6/24/2022
Total 0 6
8 Grayson Sellers 0 6 Louisiana Kings 9u 6/22/2022
0 2 M2 Baseball 9u 6/23/2022
Total 0 8
0 2 Gulf Coast Patriots 9U 6/24/2022
Total 0 10
Banditos 9u Gray
6 Parker Cornell 0 2 319 Baseball 6/23/2022
21 Giansisco Galvan 0 6 New Orleans Spice 9U Red 6/22/2022
0 2 319 Baseball 6/23/2022
Total 0 8
0 4 West Georgia Bombers-Byers 6/24/2022
Total 0 12
11 Julian Galvan 0 4 Georgia Academy Athletics 6/22/2022
5 Julian Guzman 0 8 Georgia Academy Athletics 6/22/2022
0 8 Oklahoma Outaws 6/23/2022
Total 0 16
4 Colton Lankford 0 1 New Orleans Spice 9U Red 6/22/2022
23 Arian Martinez 0 2 319 Baseball 6/23/2022
0 6 Georgia Jackets 9u - Jain 6/25/2022
Total 0 8
23 Kaelan Martinez 0 2 New Orleans Spice 9U Red 6/22/2022
14 Adrian Orduna 0 1 Oklahoma Outaws 6/23/2022
0 6 Georgia Jackets 9u - Jain 6/25/2022
Total 0 7
27 Rylan Swenson 0 8 West Georgia Bombers-Byers 6/24/2022
Carrollton Red 9u
26 Samuel Africk 0 6 River City Rage 6/22/2022
8 Graham Bacigalupi 0 3 M2 Baseball 9u 6/22/2022
9 William Bonifacic 0 5 Knoxviile Stars 6/23/2022
4 Wills Brewster 0 1 Knoxviile Stars 6/23/2022
0 15 Louisiana Kings 9u 6/24/2022
Total 0 16
43 Wesley Brown 0 6 M2 Baseball 9u 6/22/2022
0 10 Georgia Academy Athletics 6/24/2022
Total 0 16
13 Xavier Facundus 0 3 River City Rage 6/22/2022
0 2 Georgia Academy Athletics 6/24/2022
Total 0 5
5 Sebastian Fernandez 0 6 Baldwin Bandits 9u 6/23/2022
2 Chase Rossi 0 3 River City Rage 6/22/2022
28 Joshua Rouse 0 6 Baldwin Bandits 9u 6/23/2022
Georgia Academy Athletics
41 Carson Bearden 0 4 319 Baseball 6/23/2022
8 Nolan Carlson 0 3 Banditos 9u Gray 6/22/2022
0 6 New Orleans Spice 9U Red 6/24/2022
Total 0 9
13 Wyatt Fretwell 0 3 Banditos 9u Gray 6/22/2022
0 10 Carrollton Red 9u 6/24/2022
Total 0 13
44 Gavin Gebhardt 0 3 Wildcatters - Leyja 6/23/2022
9 Luke Gregones 0 6 New Orleans Spice 9U Red 6/22/2022
0 2 Carrollton Red 9u 6/24/2022
Total 0 8
0 3 M2 Baseball 9u 6/24/2022
Total 0 11
20 Caleb Hettler 0 1 Wildcatters - Leyja 6/23/2022
2 Eli McLeroy 0 5 319 Baseball 6/23/2022
0 2 Wildcatters - Leyja 6/23/2022
Total 0 7
23 Ryne Scheetz 0 3 319 Baseball 6/23/2022
3 Cam Toney 0 6 New Orleans Spice 9U Red 6/22/2022
0 6 M2 Baseball 9u 6/24/2022
Total 0 12
40 Declan Wilson 0 3 Banditos 9u Gray 6/22/2022
0 6 New Orleans Spice 9U Red 6/24/2022
Total 0 9
Georgia Jackets 9u - Jain
11 Erik Dinda 0 3 Gulf Coast Patriots 9U 6/23/2022
21 Liam Henderson 0 2 Knox Select 6/24/2022
15 Grant Hohman 0 1 Twins 6/22/2022
0 3 Hitmen-Sweatt 6/23/2022
Total 0 4
7 Holden Jain 0 5 Twins 6/22/2022
6 William Klotz 0 3 Gulf Coast Patriots 9U 6/23/2022
0 7 Knox Select 6/24/2022
Total 0 10
5 Jace Krumwiede 0 2 Knox Select 6/22/2022
23 Grant Larkin 0 3 Twins 6/22/2022
10 Damian Lundy 0 5 Hitmen-Sweatt 6/23/2022
8 Jack Oliver 0 10 Knox Select 6/22/2022
44 Brady Portra 0 2 Hitmen-Sweatt 6/23/2022
0 3 Knox Select 6/24/2022
Total 0 5
Gulf Coast Patriots 9U
99 Levi Assink 0 3 Saints Nettles 6/22/2022
0 3 Saints Nettles 6/25/2022
Total 0 6
4 Tate Campbell 0 3 Twins 6/23/2022
30 Blaine Hitt 0 1 Hitmen-Sweatt 6/22/2022
0 2 Georgia Jackets 9u - Jain 6/23/2022
Total 0 3
12 Jonah Lacey 0 4 Georgia Jackets 9u - Jain 6/23/2022
13 Braiden Rainey 0 6 Saints Nettles 6/22/2022
0 9 Baldwin Bandits 9u 6/24/2022
Total 0 15
0 9 Saints Nettles 6/25/2022
Total 0 24
2 Quest Tanner 0 1 Hitmen-Sweatt 6/22/2022
0 9 LA Xtreme 6/24/2022
Total 0 10
1 Cecil Weaver 0 1 Hitmen-Sweatt 6/22/2022
9 Lawson Detamore 0 3 Georgia Jackets 9u - Jain 6/23/2022
0 2 Knox Select 6/23/2022
Total 0 5
0 10 Texas Alpha Baseball 6/24/2022
Total 0 15
7 Ryan Donoghue 0 2 Georgia Jackets 9u - Jain 6/23/2022
13 Brooks Douglas 0 3 Twins 6/24/2022
0 5 Texas Alpha Baseball 6/24/2022
Total 0 8
5 Bailey Falkner 0 3 Gulf Coast Patriots 9U 6/22/2022
0 6 Twins 6/24/2022
Total 0 9
23 Tucker Gregson 0 2 Georgia Jackets 9u - Jain 6/23/2022
1 Mills Hattox 0 7 Knox Select 6/23/2022
8 Charlie Leggio 0 2 Georgia Jackets 9u - Jain 6/23/2022
0 6 Twins 6/24/2022
Total 0 8
0 Jackson Robinson 0 4 Saints Nettles 6/22/2022
18 Hunt Sweatt 0 12 River City Rage 6/25/2022
11 Tuck Sweatt 0 5 Saints Nettles 6/22/2022
Hopewell Hawks 8U Elite
25 Collin Campbell 0 5 LA Xtreme 6/23/2022
1 Wes Clark 0 2 Texas Alpha Baseball 6/22/2022
0 5 Twins 6/24/2022
Total 0 7
10 Austin Collins 0 7 LA Xtreme 6/23/2022
89 Jaxon Cramer 0 6 Pace Misfits 6/22/2022
0 1 Twins 6/24/2022
Total 0 7
23 Camden Degala 0 6 Pace Misfits 6/22/2022
99 Brooks Hillman 0 6 West Georgia Bombers-Byers 6/23/2022
0 5 Texas Alpha Baseball 6/25/2022
Total 0 11
21 Caden Ragans 0 5 Texas Alpha Baseball 6/22/2022
0 4 Texas Alpha Baseball 6/25/2022
Total 0 9
20 Ewan Robertson 0 3 West Georgia Bombers-Byers 6/23/2022
0 3 Twins 6/24/2022
Total 0 6
Knights Knation Gulf Coast
13 Jace Bailey 0 1 Texas Alpha Baseball 6/23/2022
99 Tanner Corley 0 4 Pace Misfits 6/23/2022
23 Tucker Corley 0 5 Pace Misfits 6/23/2022
0 2 West Georgia Bombers-Byers 6/24/2022
Total 0 7
16 Jax Ladner 0 2 Texas Alpha Baseball 6/23/2022
0 3 Pace Misfits 6/23/2022
Total 0 5
18 John Arends Neumann 0 1 West Georgia Bombers-Byers 6/22/2022
0 1 West Georgia Bombers-Byers 6/24/2022
Total 0 2
28 Pierce Rhodes 0 9 3n2 Hitz Elite 6/22/2022
0 12 West Georgia Bombers-Byers 6/24/2022
Total 0 21
11 Braxton Sherwood 0 6 West Georgia Bombers-Byers 6/22/2022
14 Cresson Van Cleave 0 9 Texas Alpha Baseball 6/23/2022
9 William Wise 0 2 West Georgia Bombers-Byers 6/22/2022
0 6 3n2 Hitz Elite 6/22/2022
Total 0 8
Knox Select
16 Gavin Brooks 0 1 Twins 6/22/2022
0 8 Hitmen-Sweatt 6/23/2022
Total 0 9
0 2 3n2 Hitz Elite 6/24/2022
Total 0 11
24 Dayson Gaston 0 1 Twins 6/22/2022
15 Riley Hall 0 9 Georgia Jackets 9u - Jain 6/22/2022
0 4 3n2 Hitz Elite 6/24/2022
Total 0 13
0 3 Georgia Jackets 9u - Jain 6/24/2022
Total 0 16
0 7 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/25/2022
Total 0 23
33 Halden Mehaffey 0 4 Twins 6/22/2022
13 Greyson Metcalf 0 6 Georgia Jackets 9u - Jain 6/22/2022
0 6 Saints Nettles 6/23/2022
Total 0 12
0 9 Georgia Jackets 9u - Jain 6/24/2022
Total 0 21
0 4 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/25/2022
Total 0 25
3 Blaine Ruth 0 1 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/25/2022
99 Hudson York 0 6 Saints Nettles 6/23/2022
0 2 3n2 Hitz Elite 6/24/2022
Total 0 8
Knoxviile Stars
8 Jase Bailey 0 6 Wildcatters - Leyja 6/24/2022
13 Rylan Boshears 0 3 River City Rage 6/23/2022
22 Colton Clear 0 3 River City Rage 6/23/2022
27 Beau Huffaker 0 3 River City Rage 6/23/2022
0 9 Wildcatters - Leyja 6/24/2022
Total 0 12
7 Oliver Ison 0 6 Louisiana Kings 9u 6/22/2022
2 Grant Kingery 0 3 Baldwin Bandits 9u 6/22/2022
12 Reese Scarbro 0 3 319 Baseball 6/24/2022
3 Brogen Smith 0 3 Carrollton Red 9u 6/23/2022
0 6 319 Baseball 6/24/2022
Total 0 9
17 Bryce Turner 0 3 Carrollton Red 9u 6/23/2022
0 15 Texas Alpha Baseball 6/25/2022
Total 0 18
LA Xtreme
21 Reed Comeaux 0 3 Texas Alpha Baseball 6/22/2022
0 5 Pace Misfits 6/23/2022
Total 0 8
0 9 Gulf Coast Patriots 9U 6/24/2022
Total 0 17
7 Tripp Guidry 0 2 3n2 Hitz Elite 6/22/2022
0 4 Pace Misfits 6/23/2022
Total 0 6
11 Kolston Landry 0 3 3n2 Hitz Elite 6/22/2022
0 1 Hopewell Hawks 8U Elite 6/23/2022
Total 0 4
0 9 Saints Nettles 6/24/2022
Total 0 13
0 Rj Menard 0 3 Texas Alpha Baseball 6/22/2022
0 2 Hopewell Hawks 8U Elite 6/23/2022
Total 0 5
0 3 Saints Nettles 6/24/2022
Total 0 8
2 Ethan Porter 0 7 3n2 Hitz Elite 6/22/2022
9 Che Thibodeaux 0 6 Hopewell Hawks 8U Elite 6/23/2022
12 Cye Thibodeaux 0 3 Hopewell Hawks 8U Elite 6/23/2022
Louisiana Kings 9u
9 Anders Antley 0 6 Baldwin Bandits 9u 6/22/2022
0 9 Pace Misfits 6/24/2022
Total 0 15
0 9 Pace Misfits 6/25/2022
Total 0 24
17 Sawyer Bolding 0 2 M2 Baseball 9u 6/23/2022
15 Westin Davis 0 2 M2 Baseball 9u 6/23/2022
0 3 Pace Misfits 6/24/2022
Total 0 5
7 Hudson Guthrie 0 5 Knoxviile Stars 6/22/2022
0 3 River City Rage 6/23/2022
Total 0 8
0 1 Carrollton Red 9u 6/24/2022
Total 0 9
0 3 Pace Misfits 6/25/2022
Total 0 12
27 Evan Habbit 0 3 Baldwin Bandits 9u 6/22/2022
0 2 M2 Baseball 9u 6/23/2022
Total 0 5
0 9 Carrollton Red 9u 6/24/2022
Total 0 14
0 3 Pace Misfits 6/25/2022
Total 0 17
14 Tripp McKay 0 1 Knoxviile Stars 6/22/2022
0 3 Carrollton Red 9u 6/24/2022
Total 0 4
11 Jude Mouton 0 3 Baldwin Bandits 9u 6/22/2022
0 12 New Orleans Spice 9U Red 6/25/2022
Total 0 15
4 Isaac Potier 0 2 M2 Baseball 9u 6/23/2022
8 William Roberts 0 6 River City Rage 6/23/2022
M2 Baseball 9u
2 Ashton Bourland 0 6 Baldwin Bandits 9u 6/23/2022
23 Maximiliano Flores 0 3 Carrollton Red 9u 6/22/2022
0 1 Georgia Academy Athletics 6/24/2022
Total 0 4
22 Cooper "CJ" Frank 0 3 Baldwin Bandits 9u 6/23/2022
0 4 Georgia Academy Athletics 6/24/2022
Total 0 7
34 Luke Hancock 0 3 Baldwin Bandits 9u 6/23/2022
3 Greyson Harris 0 9 River City Rage 6/22/2022
0 2 Georgia Academy Athletics 6/24/2022
Total 0 11
5 Klein Kristynik 0 6 River City Rage 6/22/2022
0 1 Louisiana Kings 9u 6/23/2022
Total 0 7
0 2 Georgia Academy Athletics 6/24/2022
Total 0 9
12 Brady Moore 0 2 Carrollton Red 9u 6/22/2022
42 Jake Peper 0 1 Louisiana Kings 9u 6/23/2022
11 Crosby Pluckhahn 0 3 Louisiana Kings 9u 6/23/2022
51 Connor Smith 0 4 Louisiana Kings 9u 6/23/2022
1 Krosby Smith 0 4 Carrollton Red 9u 6/22/2022
New Orleans Spice 9U Red
22 Jack Calogero 0 5 Banditos 9u Gray 6/22/2022
0 6 Oklahoma Outaws 6/23/2022
Total 0 11
12 Ryan Carriere 0 1 Banditos 9u Gray 6/22/2022
0 1 Georgia Academy Athletics 6/22/2022
Total 0 2
0 4 Georgia Academy Athletics 6/24/2022
Total 0 6
15 Miller Leblanc 0 6 Georgia Academy Athletics 6/22/2022
0 1 Banditos 9u Gray 6/22/2022
Total 0 7
0 6 Georgia Academy Athletics 6/24/2022
Total 0 13
34 Urban Mitchell 0 2 Banditos 9u Gray 6/22/2022
17 Ben Muller 0 3 Georgia Academy Athletics 6/22/2022
0 3 Oklahoma Outaws 6/23/2022
Total 0 6
5 Everett Scelfo 0 3 Wildcatters - Leyja 6/23/2022
28 Bryce Siles 0 3 Wildcatters - Leyja 6/23/2022
Oklahoma Outaws
12 Noah Coberly 0 2 319 Baseball 6/22/2022
0 6 Baldwin Bandits 9u 6/24/2022
Total 0 8
4 Jake Jonas 0 1 319 Baseball 6/22/2022
0 4 New Orleans Spice 9U Red 6/23/2022
Total 0 5
22 Boyd Purser 0 3 Banditos 9u Gray 6/23/2022
24 Colton Rakestraw 0 3 Banditos 9u Gray 6/23/2022
11 Kendall Stinnett II 0 3 319 Baseball 6/22/2022
0 5 New Orleans Spice 9U Red 6/23/2022
Total 0 8
0 2 Baldwin Bandits 9u 6/24/2022
Total 0 10
2 Nash Walker 0 3 Wildcatters - Leyja 6/22/2022
0 3 Baldwin Bandits 9u 6/24/2022
Total 0 6
Pace Misfits
Tucker Banks 0 6 West Georgia Bombers-Byers 6/22/2022
0 3 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/23/2022
Total 0 9
5 Henry Brady 0 6 LA Xtreme 6/23/2022
0 12 M2 Baseball 9u 6/25/2022
Total 0 18
8 Caleb Cantrell 0 2 Hopewell Hawks 8U Elite 6/22/2022
0 2 Louisiana Kings 9u 6/24/2022
Total 0 4
Carter Grimes 0 2 Hopewell Hawks 8U Elite 6/22/2022
27 Roman McDonald 0 2 Hopewell Hawks 8U Elite 6/22/2022
Tanner Rakestraw 0 3 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/23/2022
0 3 Louisiana Kings 9u 6/24/2022
Total 0 6
Braxton Reid 0 1 LA Xtreme 6/23/2022
0 3 M2 Baseball 9u 6/25/2022
Total 0 4
6 Kyson Robinson 0 3 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/23/2022
0 6 Louisiana Kings 9u 6/24/2022
Total 0 9
River City Rage
16 Andrew Bedsole 0 3 Carrollton Red 9u 6/22/2022
24 Uriah Ben 0 6 Louisiana Kings 9u 6/23/2022
10 Brayson Bolden 0 3 Carrollton Red 9u 6/22/2022
78 Sawyer Carter 0 2 Knoxviile Stars 6/23/2022
19 Bentley Clark-Garner 0 4 Knoxviile Stars 6/23/2022
4 Pierce Edmonds 0 1 Knoxviile Stars 6/23/2022
33 Stokes Hewitt 0 6 Louisiana Kings 9u 6/23/2022
11 Riley Moorehead 0 6 Carrollton Red 9u 6/22/2022
0 4 Wildcatters - Leyja 6/24/2022
Total 0 10
14 Lane Powell 0 6 M2 Baseball 9u 6/22/2022
0 15 319 Baseball 6/25/2022
Total 0 21
13 Jayce Rich(Day) 0 3 M2 Baseball 9u 6/22/2022
0 1 Wildcatters - Leyja 6/24/2022
Total 0 4
5 Jax Stanley 0 6 M2 Baseball 9u 6/22/2022
Saints Nettles
13 Connor Campbell 0 4 Hitmen-Sweatt 6/22/2022
0 2 Knox Select 6/23/2022
Total 0 6
0 9 LA Xtreme 6/24/2022
Total 0 15
0 9 Baldwin Bandits 9u 6/25/2022
Total 0 24
23 Kaleb Coulon 0 6 Gulf Coast Patriots 9U 6/22/2022
0 4 Knox Select 6/23/2022
Total 0 10
0 2 LA Xtreme 6/24/2022
Total 0 12
9 Benjamin Desselle 0 3 Knox Select 6/23/2022
0 3 Twins 6/23/2022
Total 0 6
0 3 Baldwin Bandits 9u 6/25/2022
Total 0 9
0 4 Oklahoma Outaws 6/25/2022
Total 0 13
10 Thomas Folks 0 1 Gulf Coast Patriots 9U 6/22/2022
0 3 Twins 6/23/2022
Total 0 4
33 Tucker Henry 0 2 Gulf Coast Patriots 9U 6/22/2022
8 Rhett Nettles 0 3 Twins 6/23/2022
2 Hunter Stevens 0 3 Hitmen-Sweatt 6/22/2022
0 8 Oklahoma Outaws 6/25/2022
Total 0 11
Texas Alpha Baseball
7 Lucas Gonzales 0 3 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/23/2022
0 Luke Hingson 0 3 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/23/2022
0 1 3n2 Hitz Elite 6/23/2022
Total 0 4
10 Hunter Holford 0 7 Hopewell Hawks 8U Elite 6/22/2022
0 8 Hitmen-Sweatt 6/24/2022
Total 0 15
3 Jaymin Johnson 0 6 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/23/2022
39 Beckham Kielblock 0 5 LA Xtreme 6/22/2022
2 Joe Mason 0 1 LA Xtreme 6/22/2022
16 Camden McGee 0 2 Hopewell Hawks 8U Elite 6/22/2022
0 8 3n2 Hitz Elite 6/23/2022
Total 0 10
0 1 Hopewell Hawks 8U Elite 6/25/2022
Total 0 11
13 Keaton Nibert 0 3 LA Xtreme 6/22/2022
0 3 3n2 Hitz Elite 6/23/2022
Total 0 6
0 7 Hitmen-Sweatt 6/24/2022
Total 0 13
0 11 Hopewell Hawks 8U Elite 6/25/2022
Total 0 24
27 Stefano Adame 0 3 Saints Nettles 6/23/2022
0 18 Hitmen-Sweatt 6/24/2022
Total 0 21
23 Kason Brantley 0 3 Saints Nettles 6/23/2022
0 3 Hopewell Hawks 8U Elite 6/24/2022
Total 0 6
0 Keegan Detweiler 0 3 Gulf Coast Patriots 9U 6/23/2022
4 John McIlwain 0 3 Gulf Coast Patriots 9U 6/23/2022
11 Kooper Olsen 0 2 Georgia Jackets 9u - Jain 6/22/2022
0 3 Saints Nettles 6/23/2022
Total 0 5
21 Sergio Sanchez 0 6 Knox Select 6/22/2022
0 9 Hopewell Hawks 8U Elite 6/24/2022
Total 0 15
5 Lennox Williams 0 10 Georgia Jackets 9u - Jain 6/22/2022
West Georgia Bombers-Byers
13 Lincoln Calhoun 0 9 Pace Misfits 6/22/2022
0 13 3n2 Hitz Elite 6/24/2022
Total 0 22
5 Armando Gimenez 0 3 Pace Misfits 6/22/2022
0 8 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/24/2022
Total 0 11
0 1 Banditos 9u Gray 6/24/2022
Total 0 12
22 Rylan Luttrell 0 1 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/22/2022
0 9 Hopewell Hawks 8U Elite 6/23/2022
Total 0 10
0 11 Banditos 9u Gray 6/24/2022
Total 0 21
99 Mason Reagin 0 9 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/22/2022
0 1 3n2 Hitz Elite 6/24/2022
Total 0 10
0 3 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/24/2022
Total 0 13
8 Mattox Ruffin 0 2 3n2 Hitz Elite 6/23/2022
3 Braydon Stamps 0 2 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/22/2022
0 10 3n2 Hitz Elite 6/23/2022
Total 0 12
0 6 Knights Knation Gulf Coast 6/24/2022
Total 0 18
Wildcatters - Leyja
1 Drew Anderson 0 6 Oklahoma Outaws 6/22/2022
7 Andrew Bustos 0 9 Knoxviile Stars 6/24/2022
11 Jaxon Casper 0 6 319 Baseball 6/22/2022
0 6 River City Rage 6/24/2022
Total 0 12
2 Cayden Cushing 0 9 New Orleans Spice 9U Red 6/23/2022
8 Beckett Mitchell 0 6 319 Baseball 6/22/2022
0 6 Knoxviile Stars 6/24/2022
Total 0 12
13 Liam Sprinkle 0 6 Georgia Academy Athletics 6/23/2022