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10U 12U 13U 14U 15U
No Sunflower Seeds or Gum on any turf fields!
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Kruise Atwood 21 0 Golden Spikes - Mathes 9/18/2021
4 Blake Caruthers 30 0 Mississippi 96'ers 9/18/2021
17 Miller Davis 63 9 Golden Spikes - Mathes 9/18/2021
48 Carter Deason 27 4 Mississippi 96'ers 9/18/2021
83 Cooper Jamison 18 3 Golden Spikes - Mathes 9/18/2021
19 1 Mississippi 96'ers 9/18/2021
Total 37 4
1 Russ Rowland 16 2 Mississippi 96'ers 9/18/2021
Cardinals Elite Prospects
18 Hudson Frith 41 9 Queen City Bombers 12u 9/18/2021
16 3 Mississippi 96'ers 9/19/2021
Total 57 12
1 Matthew Gibson 20 6 MS Mavericks 12u 9/18/2021
99 Brooks Peden 35 4 MS Mavericks 12u 9/18/2021
10 1 Mississippi 96'ers 9/19/2021
Total 45 5
22 Fischer Redden 11 3 Queen City Bombers 12u 9/18/2021
27 Wesley Sullivan 22 4 MS Mavericks 12u 9/18/2021
14 3 Mississippi 96'ers 9/19/2021
Total 36 7
0 Ainsley Walley 30 3 Queen City Bombers 12u 9/18/2021
2 Hayes Welch 49 6 Mississippi 96'ers 9/19/2021
Diamond Elite - Black
4 Brody Blackburn 0 0 Lucky Baseball 9/18/2021
5 Cash Dearman 26 1 Lucky Baseball 9/18/2021
16 Jake Dearman 36 3 Diamondjax 9/18/2021
13 Jacob Isaac 84 17 Zt Elite Ms 12u Simpson 9/19/2021
19 Addison Rich 46 5 Lucky Baseball 9/18/2021
23 3 Mayhem Baseball 9/19/2021
Total 69 8
99 Hutt Rushing 83 15 Mayhem Baseball 9/19/2021
11 Cody Seale 12 3 Lucky Baseball 9/18/2021
3 Tanner Spears 40 6 Diamondjax 9/18/2021
2 Micah Thompson 0 0 Lucky Baseball 9/18/2021
35 3 Diamondjax 9/18/2021
Total 35 3
10 Hampton Blanks 27 6 Diamond Elite - Black 9/18/2021
22 6 Lucky Baseball 9/19/2021
Total 49 12
7 Drew Butler 21 3 Diamond Elite - Black 9/18/2021
0 0 Lucky Baseball 9/19/2021
Total 21 3
25 2 Golden Spikes - Mathes 9/19/2021
Total 46 5
27 Cade Hunt 16 2 MS Mavericks 12u 9/19/2021
15 Jack Kelly 41 11 Lucky Baseball 9/19/2021
7 0 Golden Spikes - Mathes 9/19/2021
Total 48 11
2 Luke Moberley 21 3 Diamond Elite - Black 9/18/2021
5 Eli Murphy 11 3 Zt Elite Ms 12u Simpson 9/18/2021
34 6 MS Mavericks 12u 9/19/2021
Total 45 9
0 0 Golden Spikes - Mathes 9/19/2021
Total 45 9
50 Joshua Parker 25 6 Zt Elite Ms 12u Simpson 9/18/2021
61 10 Golden Spikes - Mathes 9/19/2021
Total 86 16
9 Jed Rodden 20 4 Golden Spikes - Mathes 9/19/2021
Golden Spikes - Mathes
15 Logan Albright 31 6 AMBUSH 9/18/2021
10 6 Mayhem Baseball 9/18/2021
Total 41 12
3 Luke Bates 27 3 AMBUSH 9/18/2021
27 Logan Flowers 12 0 Mayhem Baseball 9/18/2021
99 Haygan Floyd 26 3 AMBUSH 9/18/2021
69 10 Diamondjax 9/19/2021
Total 95 13
23 Rylan Hoben 19 6 Mayhem Baseball 9/18/2021
14 Caiden L Willis 26 6 Mayhem Baseball 9/18/2021
31 4 Diamondjax 9/19/2021
Total 57 10
Knights Knation Parks
Gunner Bunch 76 14 Mayhem Baseball 9/19/2021
Pearson Greer 19 5 Queen City Bombers 12u 9/18/2021
7 3 Mayhem Baseball 9/19/2021
Total 26 8
Anderson Lay 31 2 Lucky Baseball 9/18/2021
Foster Smitherman 54 10 Queen City Bombers 12u 9/18/2021
Gavin Watkins 80 14 Lucky Baseball 9/18/2021
Knights Knation Roberson
9 Jackson Avalon 4 1 Zt Elite Ms 12u Simpson 9/18/2021
6 Easton Channell 29 5 Zt Elite Ms 12u Simpson 9/18/2021
15 Kaden Griffin 43 6 MS Mavericks 12u 9/18/2021
18 Vaughn Harris 5 1 Zt Elite Ms 12u Simpson 9/18/2021
12 Tyler Latham 32 6 MS Mavericks 12u 9/18/2021
11 Hayes Marsh 7 0 MS Mavericks 12u 9/18/2021
1 Wynn Roberson 11 6 Zt Elite Ms 12u Simpson 9/18/2021
14 John Douglas Westfall 21 7 Zt Elite Ms 12u Simpson 9/18/2021
24 Blaise Winstead 14 3 MS Mavericks 12u 9/18/2021
Lucky Baseball
3 Braxton Baldwin 50 9 Diamond Elite - Black 9/18/2021
43 12 Mississippi 96'ers 9/19/2021
Total 93 21
34 Garrison Carrell 10 3 Knights Knation Parks 9/18/2021
6 Will Duckworth 5 3 Diamondjax 9/19/2021
2 Wyndham Dunn 46 8 Knights Knation Parks 9/18/2021
46 9 Diamondjax 9/19/2021
Total 92 17
27 Holder McAlpin 47 5 Diamond Elite - Black 9/18/2021
26 3 Diamondjax 9/19/2021
Total 73 8
24 6 Mississippi 96'ers 9/19/2021
Total 97 14
4 Kolt Walker 21 6 Knights Knation Parks 9/18/2021
Mayhem Baseball
23 Slater Arender 17 1 Mississippi 96'ers 9/18/2021
8 Austin Collins 68 11 Diamond Elite - Black 9/19/2021
14 Hayes Cooley 35 6 Mississippi 96'ers 9/18/2021
99 Cohen Graham 31 6 Golden Spikes - Mathes 9/18/2021
33 Braxtyn Jensen 54 15 Knights Knation Parks 9/19/2021
2 Cass Reid 28 3 Knights Knation Parks 9/19/2021
37 Landry Stringfellow 51 9 Golden Spikes - Mathes 9/18/2021
13 Carson Williamson 37 5 Mississippi 96'ers 9/18/2021
19 4 Diamond Elite - Black 9/19/2021
Total 56 9
Mississippi 96'ers
2 Dawson Lewis 15 3 Mayhem Baseball 9/18/2021
68 12 Cardinals Elite Prospects 9/19/2021
Total 83 15
34 Blake Maldonado 31 6 Mayhem Baseball 9/18/2021
8 Alex Rosamond 52 9 AMBUSH 9/18/2021
15 Ken Shelton lll 14 3 Cardinals Elite Prospects 9/19/2021
9 Tucker Sturdivant 27 3 Mayhem Baseball 9/18/2021
87 18 Lucky Baseball 9/19/2021
Total 114 21
MS Mavericks 12u
16 Weston Ammons 26 3 Cardinals Elite Prospects 9/18/2021
24 Lyric Atkinson 42 7 Knights Knation Roberson 9/18/2021
0 Banks Boyer 76 6 Diamondjax 9/19/2021
11 Braden Campbell 22 5 Cardinals Elite Prospects 9/18/2021
17 Caleb Rut 26 4 Knights Knation Roberson 9/18/2021
38 7 Cardinals Elite Prospects 9/18/2021
Total 64 11
6 Memphis Singletary 2 3 Knights Knation Roberson 9/18/2021
Queen City Bombers 12u
17 Jackson Letkiewicz 85 15 Knights Knation Parks 9/18/2021
0 0 Cardinals Elite Prospects 9/18/2021
Total 85 15
20 Walker Mims 39 4 Cardinals Elite Prospects 9/18/2021
8 Preston Perrett 16 3 Knights Knation Parks 9/18/2021
10 Cord Wilkerson 56 7 Cardinals Elite Prospects 9/18/2021
Zt Elite Ms 12u Simpson
23 Jaxdyn Davis 41 5 Diamondjax 9/18/2021
21 Jahleel Head 36 6 Diamond Elite - Black 9/19/2021
3 Wyatt Hess 13 3 Diamond Elite - Black 9/19/2021
25 Triston Hicks 29 3 Diamond Elite - Black 9/19/2021
12 Lanston Kent 40 6 Diamond Elite - Black 9/19/2021
0 Owen Lachapelle 30 8 Knights Knation Roberson 9/18/2021
44 Quinn Moran 19 4 Knights Knation Roberson 9/18/2021
24 Braiden Morgan 23 2 Diamondjax 9/18/2021
7 Tanner Rudd 30 1 Diamondjax 9/18/2021
1 Kade Whisenhunt 38 6 Knights Knation Roberson 9/18/2021