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9U 10U (Major) 11U (Major) 12U (Major) 13U 13U 14U (Major)
3/28 - Today's games have been updated on the schedule accordingly. Please double check your game times for accuracy, along with our weather updates to the status of your facility.
3/25: 11:25am: Games will resume at 1pm at East Cobb. The schedule has been updated.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
643 Dp Cougars 11u
19 Max Bowman 21 6 Georgia Jackets 11U Cianciolo 3/27/2021
15 Jett Conner 39 6 Georgia Jackets 11U Cianciolo 3/27/2021
1 Jake Drahushuk 14 3 Sharon Springs Academy 3/27/2021
2 Bryce Floyd 25 5 Sharon Springs Academy 3/27/2021
24 3 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 3/28/2021
Total 49 8
17 Joshua Hwang 34 6 Georgia Academy Patriots 11u 3/26/2021
3 Jay Johnson 24 6 Georgia Jackets 11U Cianciolo 3/27/2021
33 Marcus Labouchere 10 3 Georgia Academy Patriots 11u 3/26/2021
44 Finn McQuade 24 6 Sharon Springs Academy 3/27/2021
44 9 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 3/28/2021
Total 68 15
13 Cal Pearson 23 4 Sharon Springs Academy 3/27/2021
34 6 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 3/28/2021
Total 57 10
8 Tripp Percy 29 3 Georgia Academy Patriots 11u 3/26/2021
643 Dp Jaguars 11u
99 Kyle Coleman 14 2 WCTB Rail Riders 11U 3/26/2021
1 John Cook 44 6 Np Outlaws 3/27/2021
9 Colin Cross 61 9 Np Outlaws 3/27/2021
27 Will Dudley 70 12 WCTB Rail Riders 11U 3/26/2021
7 Luc McClendon 57 10 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/27/2021
32 Blaine Naturman 20 3 WCTB Rail Riders 11U 3/26/2021
12 Gabe Renegar 18 0 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/27/2021
Aviators 11U
7 Westin Barfield 47 8 Canes Pirro 11u 3/27/2021
9 Jake Holman 58 5 Prospect Tools 11U 3/27/2021
19 6 MSD ELITE 3/27/2021
Total 77 11
11 Jack Hooker 47 9 East Cobb Yankees 11u 3/26/2021
13 Gino Luckie 29 1 Canes Pirro 11u 3/27/2021
12 Vaden McCarty 48 10 East Cobb Yankees 11u 3/26/2021
31 2 Prospect Tools 11U 3/27/2021
Total 79 12
23 Dominic Rossy 40 6 MSD ELITE 3/27/2021
22 Wesley Weeks 5 1 Prospect Tools 11U 3/27/2021
Canes Pirro 11u
5 Austin Baxter 23 3 MSD ELITE 3/26/2021
11 Kevin Bell Jr. 35 9 East Cobb Yankees 11u 3/27/2021
52 3 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/28/2021
Total 87 12
30 Nicholas Fiano 19 5 East Cobb Yankees 11u 3/27/2021
6 1 Aviators 11U 3/27/2021
Total 25 6
2 Connor Kullman 27 3 East Cobb Yankees 11u 3/27/2021
17 Zac Phillips 29 6 MSD ELITE 3/26/2021
21 3 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/28/2021
Total 50 9
3 Easton Roschke 34 9 MSD ELITE 3/26/2021
53 6 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/28/2021
Total 87 15
8 Landon Whittington 40 10 Aviators 11U 3/27/2021
Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon)
11 Jaxston Brown 43 4 Velo Baseball 11u 3/27/2021
21 3 TG D-Backs 3/28/2021
Total 64 7
99 Ezra Gandy 36 9 Syndicate 11u 3/26/2021
10 2 Velo Baseball 11u 3/27/2021
Total 46 11
26 3 TG D-Backs 3/28/2021
Total 72 14
13 Brian Grant 56 12 Velo Baseball 11u 3/27/2021
1 Ryan Houston 54 12 Georgia Powerhouse 3/27/2021
15 Matthew Hughes 4 0 Velo Baseball 11u 3/27/2021
10 Kellee Jackson 14 3 Syndicate 11u 3/26/2021
2 Elijah Lyles 15 3 643 Dp Cougars 11u 3/28/2021
7 Jeremiah McGeachy 64 13 643 Dp Cougars 11u 3/28/2021
0 Tobias Stephens 26 6 Syndicate 11u 3/26/2021
28 6 Georgia Powerhouse 3/27/2021
Total 54 12
22 0 TG D-Backs 3/28/2021
Total 76 12
Dingers Athletics 11u Elite
21 Jamal Ambler 40 9 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/28/2021
30 7 Canes Pirro 11u 3/28/2021
Total 70 16
95 Johnny Babineaux 15 3 Np Outlaws 3/26/2021
31 5 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/28/2021
Total 46 8
7 Joshua Jr Booker 16 2 TG D-Backs 3/28/2021
43 3 Georgia Powerhouse 3/28/2021
Total 59 5
5 Landon Cothern 17 3 Np Outlaws 3/26/2021
31 5 WCTB Rail Riders 11U 3/27/2021
Total 48 8
36 8 Georgia Powerhouse 3/28/2021
Total 84 16
10 Brayden Hatcher 51 6 Np Outlaws 3/26/2021
54 10 WCTB Rail Riders 11U 3/27/2021
Total 105 16
25 Ansley Kehren 61 12 643 Dp Jaguars 11u 3/27/2021
22 Jackson Locke 3 1 TG D-Backs 3/28/2021
13 Jaiden Lopez 34 3 Np Outlaws 3/26/2021
2 Joseph Mendez 19 1 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/28/2021
19 Silas Nuckles 34 5 Canes Pirro 11u 3/28/2021
35 4 TG D-Backs 3/28/2021
Total 69 9
3 Kaileb Watts 14 0 WCTB Rail Riders 11U 3/27/2021
22 2 TG D-Backs 3/28/2021
Total 36 2
21 0 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/28/2021
Total 57 2
East Cobb Astros 11u Gold
20 Caleb Barkwell 11 0 Meridian Panthers 11u 3/27/2021
8 Jhacobe Campbell Jr 57 9 Meridian Panthers 11u 3/27/2021
13 Waylon Cantrell 36 4 Hopewell Hawks 11u Elite 3/26/2021
34 Braxton Carnes 5 1 Meridian Panthers 11u 3/27/2021
1 Nate Curcio 43 4 Meridian Panthers 11u 3/27/2021
17 Leo Guollo 33 7 Hopewell Hawks 11u Elite 3/26/2021
44 Joey Martincavage 31 6 Hopewell Hawks 11u Elite 3/26/2021
22 Caden McGhee 37 6 Georgia Bombers 11U Riepe 3/27/2021
33 Ben Theroux 13 3 Georgia Bombers 11U Riepe 3/27/2021
East Cobb Astros 11u Navy
29 Caleb Antonelli 16 4 Naturals Baseball 3/26/2021
34 Brayden Bially 41 7 Naturals Baseball 3/26/2021
13 Bragg Boyd 9 0 Georgia Academy Power 11u Franzen 3/26/2021
25 5 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/27/2021
Total 34 5
7 Braden Burroughs 40 5 Georgia Academy Power 11u Franzen 3/26/2021
1 Madoxx Davis 25 3 Georgia Academy Power 11u Franzen 3/26/2021
42 Kylen Jones 28 3 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/27/2021
24 Austin Lipscomb 36 8 Georgia Academy Power 11u Franzen 3/26/2021
15 Cael Loquasto 45 8 Naturals Baseball 3/26/2021
16 Aiden Thornton 39 1 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/27/2021
East Cobb Yankees 11u
10 Roy Avila 34 7 Aviators 11U 3/26/2021
42 Preston Bottoms 22 3 MSD ELITE 3/27/2021
13 Lleyton Bradley 4 0 Canes Pirro 11u 3/27/2021
48 8 MSD ELITE 3/27/2021
Total 52 8
8 Nathan Crumbley 29 6 Canes Pirro 11u 3/27/2021
99 Dominick Hopkins 47 6 Canes Pirro 11u 3/27/2021
12 Alex Kilgo 13 3 MSD ELITE 3/27/2021
58 Jaxson Macdonald 55 4 Aviators 11U 3/26/2021
3 Troy Overby 35 5 Aviators 11U 3/26/2021
1 Carson Still 44 6 Canes Pirro 11u 3/27/2021
Georgia Academy Patriots 11u
25 Jamal Burton 48 2 643 Dp Cougars 11u 3/26/2021
5 Noah Crowdis 29 6 Georgia Academy Power 11u Franzen 3/27/2021
11 Nick Johns 4 1 643 Dp Cougars 11u 3/26/2021
77 15 Georgia Jackets 11U Cianciolo 3/27/2021
Total 81 16
7 Graham Reker 43 10 Georgia Academy Power 11u Franzen 3/27/2021
14 3 Georgia Jackets 11U Cianciolo 3/27/2021
Total 57 13
9 Lance Rosser 31 3 643 Dp Cougars 11u 3/26/2021
14 3 Georgia Academy Power 11u Franzen 3/27/2021
Total 45 6
3 Patrick Siemon 37 5 643 Dp Cougars 11u 3/26/2021
47 12 Sharon Springs Academy 3/27/2021
Total 84 17
1 Noah Turner 62 6 Sharon Springs Academy 3/27/2021
Georgia Academy Power 11u Franzen
9 Gavin Armstrong 25 3 East Cobb Astros 11u Navy 3/26/2021
20 4 Naturals Baseball 3/27/2021
Total 45 7
42 Jayden Bibby 26 3 Naturals Baseball 3/27/2021
8 Brody Bohannon 35 6 Georgia Academy Patriots 11u 3/27/2021
57 8 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/27/2021
Total 92 14
3 Dom Consolino 3 1 East Cobb Astros 11u Navy 3/26/2021
33 5 Georgia Academy Patriots 11u 3/27/2021
Total 36 6
24 3 Naturals Baseball 3/27/2021
Total 60 9
7 Josiah Davis 39 7 East Cobb Astros 11u Navy 3/26/2021
34 7 Naturals Baseball 3/27/2021
Total 73 14
6 Caleb Milner 18 3 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/27/2021
21 Boston Pierce 9 3 Georgia Academy Patriots 11u 3/27/2021
54 7 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/27/2021
Total 63 10
0 Patrick (Duke) Sanders 33 6 East Cobb Astros 11u Navy 3/26/2021
11 3 Georgia Academy Patriots 11u 3/27/2021
Total 44 9
Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer
29 George Bixby 28 3 East Cobb Astros 11u Navy 3/27/2021
34 James Callaway 19 3 Naturals Baseball 3/27/2021
35 4 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/28/2021
Total 54 7
8 Gavin Gebhardt 11 3 Naturals Baseball 3/27/2021
52 Ian Haase 28 3 Georgia Academy Power 11u Franzen 3/27/2021
65 7 Meridian Panthers 11u 3/28/2021
Total 93 10
23 Dane Heil 47 6 East Cobb Astros 11u Navy 3/27/2021
2 Cole Johnson 66 9 Georgia Academy Power 11u Franzen 3/27/2021
15 Drew King 12 2 Georgia Academy Power 11u Franzen 3/27/2021
59 8 Meridian Panthers 11u 3/28/2021
Total 71 10
4 Solomon Lee 23 3 East Cobb Astros 11u Navy 3/27/2021
69 10 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/28/2021
Total 92 13
3 Jackson Mentzer 56 8 Naturals Baseball 3/27/2021
Georgia Bombers 11U Riepe
1 Brandon Collins 25 3 Meridian Panthers 11u 3/27/2021
34 Cross Dennard 42 5 Meridian Panthers 11u 3/27/2021
11 Markus Galins 60 6 East Cobb Astros 11u Gold 3/27/2021
30 Von Nielsen 33 2 East Cobb Astros 11u Gold 3/27/2021
7 Charlie Reid 7 1 East Cobb Astros 11u Gold 3/27/2021
42 4 Meridian Panthers 11u 3/27/2021
Total 49 5
8 Charles Survilas 68 15 Hopewell Hawks 11u Elite 3/27/2021
Georgia Jackets 11U Cianciolo
17 Liam Bell 15 3 Sharon Springs Academy 3/26/2021
21 Carter Black 39 6 643 Dp Cougars 11u 3/27/2021
10 Will Bracken 31 7 Sharon Springs Academy 3/26/2021
0 0 MSD ELITE 3/28/2021
Total 31 7
14 Tyler Cianciolo 12 6 643 Dp Cougars 11u 3/27/2021
22 6 MSD ELITE 3/28/2021
Total 34 12
7 Evan Penrose 49 8 Sharon Springs Academy 3/26/2021
26 6 MSD ELITE 3/28/2021
Total 75 14
3 Braden Prince 11 5 Georgia Academy Patriots 11u 3/27/2021
2 Austin Rhodes 34 6 Georgia Academy Patriots 11u 3/27/2021
20 Tristan Schelter 29 6 MSD ELITE 3/28/2021
98 Luke Stefl 31 4 Georgia Academy Patriots 11u 3/27/2021
0 Gus Town 27 6 643 Dp Cougars 11u 3/27/2021
Georgia Powerhouse
0 Zaylon Chaffin 38 6 Syndicate 11u 3/27/2021
17 1 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/28/2021
Total 55 7
1 Levi Malin 31 4 Velo Baseball 11u 3/26/2021
36 3 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/28/2021
Total 67 7
2 Aiden Maurice 35 5 Velo Baseball 11u 3/26/2021
0 Foxx Poole 56 9 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 3/27/2021
3 Kooper Pounds 31 7 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 3/27/2021
15 0 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/28/2021
Total 46 7
4 Khyler Rogers 39 9 Velo Baseball 11u 3/26/2021
9 3 Syndicate 11u 3/27/2021
Total 48 12
5 Carter Turner 41 9 Syndicate 11u 3/27/2021
38 6 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/28/2021
Total 79 15
Hopewell Hawks 11u Elite
99 Nick Bignon 27 2 Georgia Bombers 11U Riepe 3/27/2021
52 Grant Gehler 74 12 Georgia Bombers 11U Riepe 3/27/2021
11 CG Gordon 52 5 East Cobb Astros 11u Gold 3/26/2021
34 Noah Hughes 11 3 Meridian Panthers 11u 3/26/2021
18 1 Georgia Bombers 11U Riepe 3/27/2021
Total 29 4
42 Khari Mayfield Jr. 51 6 Meridian Panthers 11u 3/26/2021
14 Joaquin Salas 20 3 Meridian Panthers 11u 3/26/2021
33 Tyler Segars 44 9 East Cobb Astros 11u Gold 3/26/2021
6 1 Meridian Panthers 11u 3/26/2021
Total 50 10
44 Sean Seltzer 22 2 East Cobb Astros 11u Gold 3/26/2021
22 2 Meridian Panthers 11u 3/26/2021
Total 44 4
Knoxville Stars
3 Chase Gregory 23 3 Team Halo 11u 3/27/2021
5 Easton Housewright 26 9 Team Halo 11u 3/27/2021
34 David Knight 61 6 TG D-Backs 3/27/2021
12 Mason Knowles 12 0 Prospect Tools 11U 3/26/2021
23 Cooper Lockhart 35 3 Team Halo 11u 3/27/2021
1 Bryce McCarty 10 3 Prospect Tools 11U 3/26/2021
8 Mason McWhirter 37 9 Prospect Tools 11U 3/26/2021
13 Max Misenhimer 33 6 Prospect Tools 11U 3/26/2021
7 Brighton Presley 48 6 TG D-Backs 3/27/2021
Meridian Panthers 11u
77 Hudson Barnett 36 9 Georgia Bombers 11U Riepe 3/27/2021
11 Will Bower 17 3 Georgia Bombers 11U Riepe 3/27/2021
12 Christian Brinson 28 3 East Cobb Astros 11u Gold 3/27/2021
18 Colton Davis 44 11 East Cobb Astros 11u Gold 3/27/2021
28 5 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/28/2021
Total 72 16
27 Ashton Difatta 21 2 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/28/2021
21 Daelan Jones-Teasley 40 9 Hopewell Hawks 11u Elite 3/26/2021
17 0 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/28/2021
Total 57 9
17 Sebastian Peralta 16 0 East Cobb Astros 11u Gold 3/27/2021
16 Jack Taylor 25 9 Hopewell Hawks 11u Elite 3/26/2021
28 4 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/28/2021
Total 53 13
5 Pierce Wilson 24 1 East Cobb Astros 11u Gold 3/27/2021
17 Osvaldo Calderon 36 6 Canes Pirro 11u 3/26/2021
17 2 East Cobb Yankees 11u 3/27/2021
Total 53 8
22 Sebastian Colon 42 9 Canes Pirro 11u 3/26/2021
37 9 Georgia Jackets 11U Cianciolo 3/28/2021
Total 79 18
28 Allen Cruz 38 3 Aviators 11U 3/27/2021
19 Bryan Estevez 13 3 Aviators 11U 3/27/2021
30 4 East Cobb Yankees 11u 3/27/2021
Total 43 7
99 Alex Rios 46 5 Georgia Jackets 11U Cianciolo 3/28/2021
11 Bradley Rodriguez 50 6 Aviators 11U 3/27/2021
6 1 East Cobb Yankees 11u 3/27/2021
Total 56 7
1 Evan Roman 20 3 Georgia Jackets 11U Cianciolo 3/28/2021
12 Diego San Miguel 44 9 East Cobb Yankees 11u 3/27/2021
Naturals Baseball
17 Liam Collier 47 11 Georgia Academy Power 11u Franzen 3/27/2021
8 Caleb Cox 25 5 Georgia Academy Power 11u Franzen 3/27/2021
14 Jake Frachiseur 29 3 East Cobb Astros 11u Navy 3/26/2021
18 1 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/27/2021
Total 47 4
7 Tate Gresham 23 4 East Cobb Astros 11u Navy 3/26/2021
10 0 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/27/2021
Total 33 4
10 Bryson Horn 19 2 Georgia Academy Power 11u Franzen 3/27/2021
99 Tripp Swords 41 8 East Cobb Astros 11u Navy 3/26/2021
11 Terrance Tonic Jr. 0 0 Georgia Academy Power 11u Franzen 3/27/2021
66 12 Georgia Bombers 11u Mentzer 3/27/2021
Total 66 12
Np Outlaws
25 Kendall Armstrong 20 2 643 Dp Jaguars 11u 3/27/2021
32 Christopher Cordivari 30 8 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/26/2021
15 Grant Dorrell 23 5 WCTB Rail Riders 11U 3/27/2021
3 Jaxon Foust 17 3 643 Dp Jaguars 11u 3/27/2021
99 Jarett Hulsey 30 6 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/26/2021
29 6 643 Dp Jaguars 11u 3/27/2021
Total 59 12
6 Wyatt Morgan 30 7 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/26/2021
27 Aldon Sanders 39 7 643 Dp Jaguars 11u 3/27/2021
0 Coleman Stubblefield 32 3 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/26/2021
0 0 643 Dp Jaguars 11u 3/27/2021
Total 32 3
11 Bryant Sudberry 24 2 WCTB Rail Riders 11U 3/27/2021
Prospect Tools 11U
4 Benjamin Boyd 30 3 TG D-Backs 3/26/2021
21 Isaiah Cador 51 8 Team Halo 11u 3/27/2021
5 Ethan Jones 35 6 TG D-Backs 3/26/2021
7 3 Knoxville Stars 3/26/2021
Total 42 9
23 3 Team Halo 11u 3/27/2021
Total 65 12
6 Connor Maxwell-Campbell 13 1 TG D-Backs 3/26/2021
22 1 Aviators 11U 3/27/2021
Total 35 2
24 Bryson McRunnels 17 3 Knoxville Stars 3/26/2021
4 1 Team Halo 11u 3/27/2021
Total 21 4
24 4 Aviators 11U 3/27/2021
Total 45 8
22 Charles Chuck Mellion Jr 13 1 Aviators 11U 3/27/2021
1 Blake Washington 19 3 TG D-Backs 3/26/2021
53 11 Knoxville Stars 3/26/2021
Total 72 14
3 Ryan Wilson 20 2 Knoxville Stars 3/26/2021
26 1 Aviators 11U 3/27/2021
Total 46 3
Sharon Springs Academy
12 Evan Bansavage 13 3 643 Dp Cougars 11u 3/27/2021
39 5 WCTB Rail Riders 11U 3/28/2021
Total 52 8
8 Daniel Biondo 47 9 643 Dp Cougars 11u 3/27/2021
17 3 WCTB Rail Riders 11U 3/28/2021
Total 64 12
2 Owen Johns 32 5 643 Dp Cougars 11u 3/27/2021
24 Elliot Lee 47 10 Georgia Academy Patriots 11u 3/27/2021
11 Jake Pennix 16 4 Georgia Jackets 11U Cianciolo 3/26/2021
18 2 Georgia Academy Patriots 11u 3/27/2021
Total 34 6
5 1 WCTB Rail Riders 11U 3/28/2021
Total 39 7
28 Michael Weyer 41 9 Georgia Jackets 11U Cianciolo 3/26/2021
54 9 WCTB Rail Riders 11U 3/28/2021
Total 95 18
10 Grady Zydowsky 46 6 Georgia Jackets 11U Cianciolo 3/26/2021
13 6 643 Dp Cougars 11u 3/27/2021
Total 59 12
24 6 Georgia Academy Patriots 11u 3/27/2021
Total 83 18
Syndicate 11u
10 Brayden Beach 56 10 Georgia Powerhouse 3/27/2021
8 Branden Brown 42 6 Georgia Powerhouse 3/27/2021
21 Levi Cook 27 6 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 3/26/2021
99 Cayden Edwards 5 1 Velo Baseball 11u 3/27/2021
12 Carter Gilley 84 17 Velo Baseball 11u 3/27/2021
9 Nicholas Hatchell 23 9 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 3/26/2021
24 Jaycob Veloz 38 4 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 3/26/2021
Team Halo 11u
0 Tobias Bell 37 4 Prospect Tools 11U 3/27/2021
21 Royal Davis 32 8 Knoxville Stars 3/27/2021
10 Bryson Dutch 60 5 TG D-Backs 3/26/2021
31 Messiah Gamble 42 6 Prospect Tools 11U 3/27/2021
9 Joshua Grimmett 50 7 Knoxville Stars 3/27/2021
41 Kenneth Phillips Jr. 44 0 TG D-Backs 3/26/2021
11 Myles Thomas 15 3 TG D-Backs 3/26/2021
TG D-Backs
11 Andrew Cochran 52 9 WCTB Rail Riders 11U 3/28/2021
32 Thomas Davis 16 3 Prospect Tools 11U 3/26/2021
7 Beau Day 51 12 Knoxville Stars 3/27/2021
27 Ander Elorriaga 5 1 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 3/28/2021
8 Gavin Greene 49 9 Prospect Tools 11U 3/26/2021
16 3 WCTB Rail Riders 11U 3/28/2021
Total 65 12
1 Dexter McCleon Jr 58 8 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 3/28/2021
42 Lawson Moore 30 6 Team Halo 11u 3/26/2021
48 6 WCTB Rail Riders 11U 3/28/2021
Total 78 12
2 Dylan Schmidt 17 3 Prospect Tools 11U 3/26/2021
59 12 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/28/2021
Total 76 15
Velo Baseball 11u
4 Derrick Aull 34 8 Georgia Powerhouse 3/26/2021
31 Nathan Comer 42 6 Georgia Powerhouse 3/26/2021
54 Lance Fields 19 3 Georgia Powerhouse 3/26/2021
Avery Hicks 31 6 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 3/27/2021
37 Kendrick Howard 56 7 Syndicate 11u 3/27/2021
6 Johnny Howard IV 46 7 Syndicate 11u 3/27/2021
12 Adien Leslie 61 12 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 3/27/2021
5 Liam Stephens 2 1 Syndicate 11u 3/27/2021
WCTB Rail Riders 11U
0 Bryson Argo 26 8 Np Outlaws 3/27/2021
59 12 TG D-Backs 3/28/2021
Total 85 20
Kamran Choudhary 31 0 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/27/2021
Charlie Edwards 51 11 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/27/2021
Kyeth Howard 18 3 643 Dp Jaguars 11u 3/26/2021
12 2 Np Outlaws 3/27/2021
Total 30 5
Maddox Sy 31 6 643 Dp Jaguars 11u 3/26/2021
38 9 Sharon Springs Academy 3/28/2021
Total 69 15
4 3 TG D-Backs 3/28/2021
Total 73 18
Myles Tate 50 9 Sharon Springs Academy 3/28/2021
Jordan Thomas 11 0 643 Dp Jaguars 11u 3/26/2021
21 Andrew Vincent 31 6 643 Dp Jaguars 11u 3/26/2021
13 1 Dingers Athletics 11u Elite 3/27/2021
Total 44 7
0 Jakobe Weems 19 3 643 Dp Jaguars 11u 3/26/2021