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3/15 11AM - The lower portion of the Gold bracket has been moved to turf at Morrow HS Softball in anticipation of the weather slated to hit the area.We understand there will be some travel time to East Cobb, and will give you time to get there.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
25/8 Kings
1 Brooks Cheek 54 9 KC Roos GA National 3/15/2025
10 Southern Cohron 66 11 TG Dbacks East Side 3/15/2025
13 Jonathan Crockett 34 2 Trojan Baseball Academy 3/16/2025
9 Antonio Del Valle 48 10 Trojan Baseball Academy 3/16/2025
27 Alexander Wiehe 16 3 TG Dbacks East Side 3/15/2025
8 2 KC Roos GA National 3/15/2025
Total 24 5
4 3 Trojan Baseball Academy 3/16/2025
Total 28 8
5 Star West GA 10U Black
0 Emmanuel Baldwin 22 4 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike Black 3/16/2025
3 Blaze Faulk 54 9 Trojan Baseball Academy 3/15/2025
52 4 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/16/2025
Total 106 13
27 Logan Morgan 10 3 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/16/2025
24 5 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike Black 3/16/2025
Total 34 8
13 Seth Posey 55 9 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Davidson 3/15/2025
18 3 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike Black 3/16/2025
Total 73 12
1 Eli Sims 44 9 Trojan Baseball Academy 3/15/2025
2 Mason Watts 24 4 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/16/2025
643 DP Jaguars 10U
7 Mack Brant 39 9 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Lowery 3/16/2025
23 Wesley Crepeau 7 0 BE Baseball Snider 3/15/2025
22 Abram Gonzalez 11 1 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/15/2025
17 Glen Pak 8 2 BE Baseball Snider 3/15/2025
54 8 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/15/2025
Total 62 10
6 Samuel Petka 34 2 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Lowery 3/16/2025
2 Turner Platt 50 9 BE Baseball Snider 3/15/2025
10 Renzo Sandate 10 0 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/15/2025
12 Mason Seeba 31 5 BE Baseball Snider 3/15/2025
99 Bennett Sullivan 22 3 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/15/2025
BE Baseball Snider
14 Mason Barnett 19 3 643 DP Jaguars 10U 3/15/2025
13 2 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/15/2025
Total 32 5
38 6 TG Dbacks East Side 3/16/2025
Total 70 11
17 Marc Castro 37 9 643 DP Jaguars 10U 3/15/2025
29 5 TG Dbacks East Side 3/16/2025
Total 66 14
85 Maddox Cure 25 3 TG Dbacks East Side 3/16/2025
23 Josiah Jean 74 13 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/15/2025
46 Brayden Wallace 48 4 643 DP Jaguars 10U 3/15/2025
Complete Game White Sox
1 Anthony Ellington 14 6 Young Guns Baseball 3/15/2025
44 9 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/16/2025
Total 58 15
6 Bryson Kitchens 12 1 Young Guns Baseball 3/15/2025
3 Easton Prescott 49 8 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Lowery 3/15/2025
7 Davis Vincent 36 3 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/16/2025
11 Boone Washington 26 5 Young Guns Baseball 3/15/2025
22 Reid Wiggins 44 6 Young Guns Baseball 3/15/2025
48 6 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/16/2025
Total 92 12
East Cobb Mariners 10U Navy
42 Michael Adcock 39 4 Young Guns Baseball 3/16/2025
44 Clancy Bujeker 48 9 Roswell BSBL Pirates Black 3/16/2025
9 John Wyatt Hurst 59 6 Young Guns Baseball 3/15/2025
2 Lawson Jeter 16 3 Young Guns Baseball 3/15/2025
3 Nicholas Miller 63 12 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Lowery 3/15/2025
17 Jay Robinson 49 10 Young Guns Baseball 3/16/2025
GA Sandlot East Side 10U
16 Davis Brinkley 46 8 BE Baseball Snider 3/15/2025
34 3 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/16/2025
Total 80 11
13 Camp Cooper 14 4 5 Star West GA 10U Black 3/16/2025
40 7 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/16/2025
Total 54 11
7 Robert Dixon 54 9 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/15/2025
35 6 KC Roos GA National 3/16/2025
Total 89 15
24 Bryson Feldberg 20 2 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/16/2025
11 3 Complete Game White Sox 3/16/2025
Total 31 5
10 Jackson Gautreaux 31 2 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/16/2025
14 Preston Levine 56 11 KC Roos GA National 3/16/2025
30 6 Complete Game White Sox 3/16/2025
Total 86 17
4 Nolan Rambo 36 9 BE Baseball Snider 3/15/2025
48 9 Complete Game White Sox 3/16/2025
Total 84 18
6 Parker Shelander 54 5 5 Star West GA 10U Black 3/16/2025
8 0 Complete Game White Sox 3/16/2025
Total 62 5
20 Riley Stimac 28 3 5 Star West GA 10U Black 3/16/2025
28 Wyatt Wunder 10 1 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/15/2025
Georgia Academy Nationals
7 Asa Akins 21 0 KC Roos GA National 3/16/2025
44 Noah Alsobrook 73 12 KC Roos GA National 3/16/2025
12 Nolan Dunavent 22 3 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike Black 3/14/2025
42 6 Roswell BSBL Pirates Black 3/14/2025
Total 64 9
22 Colt Lee 27 3 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike Black 3/14/2025
55 9 Roswell BSBL Pirates Black 3/14/2025
Total 82 12
26 Logan Lewis 34 3 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike Black 3/14/2025
10 Cam Thompson 22 6 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike Black 3/14/2025
20 3 KC Roos GA National 3/16/2025
Total 42 9
Georgia Academy Patriots
13 Palmer Green 27 2 643 DP Jaguars 10U 3/15/2025
14 0 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/16/2025
Total 41 2
17 Evan McGiveron 43 9 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/15/2025
57 9 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/16/2025
Total 100 18
44 Mason Meadows 39 8 643 DP Jaguars 10U 3/15/2025
27 1 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/16/2025
Total 66 9
3 Gus Poole 3 1 643 DP Jaguars 10U 3/15/2025
8 3 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/15/2025
Total 11 4
34 3 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/16/2025
Total 45 7
35 EB Vreeland 7 2 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/16/2025
Georgia Jackets 10U - Horner
28 Cooper Bishop 25 4 Roswell BSBL Pirates Black 3/14/2025
77 Chasetin Cenac 35 3 Roswell BSBL Pirates Black 3/14/2025
11 Jordan Dinerman 39 6 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike Black 3/14/2025
11 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Lowery 3/16/2025
Total 50 9
9 Preston Horner 41 3 Roswell BSBL Pirates Black 3/14/2025
23 Dylan Minks 9 1 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike Black 3/14/2025
8 Camden Nicholson 45 5 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike Black 3/14/2025
17 Keegan Stueck 57 12 Service Baseball 10u 101st Airborne 3/16/2025
Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Davidson
10 James Burfitt 40 3 5 Star West GA 10U Black 3/15/2025
28 Daniel Castro 45 4 5 Star West GA 10U Black 3/15/2025
1 Case Danbury 51 8 TG Dbacks East Side 3/16/2025
17 Cade Gilmore 38 9 Trojan Baseball Academy 3/15/2025
2 Carter Griner 42 5 TG Dbacks East Side 3/16/2025
5 Elis Nabors 39 5 Trojan Baseball Academy 3/15/2025
27 Jason Rainwater 24 1 5 Star West GA 10U Black 3/15/2025
Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Lowery
11 Coen Biden 21 2 East Cobb Mariners 10U Navy 3/15/2025
Isaiah Croom 64 5 Complete Game White Sox 3/15/2025
99 Kaleb Lorow 3 1 Complete Game White Sox 3/15/2025
25 5 Georgia Jackets 10U - Horner 3/16/2025
Total 28 6
14 Hudson Lowery 56 12 643 DP Jaguars 10U 3/16/2025
22 Nozomi Oshima 27 2 Complete Game White Sox 3/15/2025
10 Gunnar Pruitt 19 1 Complete Game White Sox 3/15/2025
Cody Simmons 42 7 East Cobb Mariners 10U Navy 3/15/2025
KC Roos GA National
27 Sidney Arbour 25 9 Valor Baseball Academy Nationals 3/16/2025
24 Owen Bafundo 34 6 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/16/2025
32 Wade Bowen 58 9 Young Guns Baseball 3/16/2025
0 Preston Frisk 7 3 25/8 Kings 3/15/2025
31 6 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/16/2025
Total 38 9
12 Easton Glueckert 42 8 Ninth Inning Braves 10U 3/15/2025
5 Mason Glueckert 54 12 25/8 Kings 3/15/2025
3 Marshall Kray 31 4 Ninth Inning Braves 10U 3/15/2025
13 Davis Lawson 38 4 25/8 Kings 3/15/2025
21 Mason Mabe 48 15 Georgia Academy Nationals 3/16/2025
10 Noah McGee 10 5 Ninth Inning Braves 10U 3/15/2025
27 5 Young Guns Baseball 3/16/2025
Total 37 10
4 Steel Wright 13 2 25/8 Kings 3/15/2025
13 3 GA Sandlot East Side 10U 3/16/2025
Total 26 5
Ninth Inning Braves 10U
7 Julius Arroyo 0 0 KC Roos GA National 3/15/2025
Tj Davis 20 5 KC Roos GA National 3/15/2025
1 Silas Garcia 0 0 KC Roos GA National 3/15/2025
5 Anthony Gonzalez 27 1 TG Dbacks East Side 3/15/2025
Wren Kennedy 21 6 KC Roos GA National 3/15/2025
32 5 Trojan Baseball Academy 3/16/2025
Total 53 11
24 Emmanuel Mercedes 38 7 KC Roos GA National 3/15/2025
27 Mason Meyer 33 2 Trojan Baseball Academy 3/16/2025
15 Jeremias Palomo Jr. 45 8 TG Dbacks East Side 3/15/2025
32 4 Trojan Baseball Academy 3/16/2025
Total 77 12
21 Avery Yeap 24 1 Trojan Baseball Academy 3/16/2025
Roswell BSBL Pirates Black
11 Graham Dowd 57 9 Georgia Jackets 10U - Horner 3/14/2025
5 Rhett Foreste 17 3 Georgia Jackets 10U - Horner 3/14/2025
15 Parker Lash 59 12 Georgia Academy Nationals 3/14/2025
2 Joey Simko 22 1 Georgia Academy Nationals 3/14/2025
54 7 East Cobb Mariners 10U Navy 3/16/2025
Total 76 8
8 Colin Simon 8 0 Georgia Academy Nationals 3/14/2025
28 Creed Tramonte 34 1 East Cobb Mariners 10U Navy 3/16/2025
Service Baseball 10u 101st Airborne
24 Wesley Crinklaw 47 6 Valor Baseball Academy Nationals 3/15/2025
4 Copeland Michaels 19 3 Georgia Jackets 10U - Horner 3/16/2025
13 Sawyer Nix 28 3 Valor Baseball Academy Nationals 3/15/2025
38 6 Talkin Baseball - Crane 10U 3/15/2025
Total 66 9
27 Jake Payne 37 3 Valor Baseball Academy Nationals 3/15/2025
10 Mason Wilson 61 6 Talkin Baseball - Crane 10U 3/15/2025
9 Asher Woody 58 9 Georgia Jackets 10U - Horner 3/16/2025
Talkin Baseball - Crane 10U
99 Tucker Billings 58 12 Service Baseball 10u 101st Airborne 3/15/2025
10 Hunter Crane 33 6 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike Black 3/16/2025
23 Peyton Doughty 49 9 Valor Baseball Academy Nationals 3/15/2025
7 Brennen Kelley 21 3 Service Baseball 10u 101st Airborne 3/15/2025
39 6 USA Scout National 10U Team Nike Black 3/16/2025
Total 60 9
27 Brooks Paulsen 33 2 Valor Baseball Academy Nationals 3/15/2025
1 Rassie Segers 21 1 Valor Baseball Academy Nationals 3/15/2025
TG Dbacks East Side
28 Andrew Bauer 10 3 25/8 Kings 3/15/2025
33 3 Ninth Inning Braves 10U 3/15/2025
Total 43 6
36 6 BE Baseball Snider 3/16/2025
Total 79 12
3 Henry Carter 18 3 25/8 Kings 3/15/2025
38 9 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Davidson 3/16/2025
Total 56 12
13 Keane Clemmons 59 8 Trojan Baseball Academy 3/16/2025
11 Tommy Cozzo 35 3 Ninth Inning Braves 10U 3/15/2025
15 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Davidson 3/16/2025
Total 50 6
17 3 BE Baseball Snider 3/16/2025
Total 67 9
27 Austin Fudge 17 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Davidson 3/16/2025
77 Travis Harmer 36 2 Trojan Baseball Academy 3/16/2025
0 0 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Davidson 3/16/2025
Total 36 2
0 Blake Maderer 35 3 Ninth Inning Braves 10U 3/15/2025
40 9 25/8 Kings 3/15/2025
Total 75 12
10 Luke Phanco 26 2 Trojan Baseball Academy 3/16/2025
23 Sam Pozatek 0 0 Ninth Inning Braves 10U 3/15/2025
44 Everett Shetty 35 6 BE Baseball Snider 3/16/2025
Trojan Baseball Academy
24 Jamison Beckham 40 4 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Davidson 3/15/2025
38 8 TG Dbacks East Side 3/16/2025
Total 78 12
2 Beckett Buford 25 3 5 Star West GA 10U Black 3/15/2025
12 Miles Burnsed 15 3 TG Dbacks East Side 3/16/2025
28 Wyatt Glass 68 12 Ninth Inning Braves 10U 3/16/2025
11 1 TG Dbacks East Side 3/16/2025
Total 79 13
51 Colby Guthrie 37 4 25/8 Kings 3/16/2025
7 Koah Ivester 44 6 5 Star West GA 10U Black 3/15/2025
28 3 25/8 Kings 3/16/2025
Total 72 9
18 Beau Mills 56 6 25/8 Kings 3/16/2025
27 Beckett Moss 8 0 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Davidson 3/15/2025
7 2 25/8 Kings 3/16/2025
Total 15 2
11 Knox Pounds 52 9 5 Star West GA 10U Black 3/15/2025
3 Jase Stone 58 9 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Davidson 3/15/2025
USA Scout National 10U Team Nike Black
23 Azan Bailey 18 0 Georgia Academy Nationals 3/14/2025
Brady Bauer 19 1 5 Star West GA 10U Black 3/16/2025
99 Jaden Brown 31 6 Georgia Academy Nationals 3/14/2025
65 9 5 Star West GA 10U Black 3/16/2025
Total 96 15
10 William Komar 3 2 Georgia Academy Nationals 3/14/2025
20 4 Talkin Baseball - Crane 10U 3/16/2025
Total 23 6
29 Kooper Meadors 3 1 5 Star West GA 10U Black 3/16/2025
25 Drew Molenstra 60 12 Georgia Jackets 10U - Horner 3/14/2025
68 10 Talkin Baseball - Crane 10U 3/16/2025
Total 128 22
15 Nash Weeks 37 6 Georgia Academy Nationals 3/14/2025
Valor Baseball Academy Nationals
2 Colston Caliste 65 10 Talkin Baseball - Crane 10U 3/15/2025
27 Waylon Harris 32 1 KC Roos GA National 3/16/2025
10 Isaac Lutz-Cook 17 5 Talkin Baseball - Crane 10U 3/15/2025
14 Ridge Richards 60 11 Service Baseball 10u 101st Airborne 3/15/2025
25 Austin Rowland 28 3 KC Roos GA National 3/16/2025
68 Isaiah Thomas 30 1 Service Baseball 10u 101st Airborne 3/15/2025
17 Carter Thornton 43 5 KC Roos GA National 3/16/2025
Young Guns Baseball
33 Colton Adams 30 4 East Cobb Mariners 10U Navy 3/15/2025
73 13 East Cobb Mariners 10U Navy 3/16/2025
Total 103 17
13 Carlo Cortina 19 3 Complete Game White Sox 3/15/2025
23 3 KC Roos GA National 3/16/2025
Total 42 6
6 1 East Cobb Mariners 10U Navy 3/16/2025
Total 48 7
18 Aiden Gaddy 59 8 East Cobb Mariners 10U Navy 3/15/2025
7 Conner Johnson 47 10 Complete Game White Sox 3/15/2025
8 Jaxson Malone 27 5 Complete Game White Sox 3/15/2025
75 12 KC Roos GA National 3/16/2025
Total 102 17